-twenty one-

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** The following chapter contains long and awaited smut between your favourite otp. Grab a snack, get comfy, and make sure your mom isn't reading this over your shoulder. Enjoy babes! **

Time seemed to have stopped right at that moment. Everything felt right for the first time in a really long time. 

Billie Joe's eyes looked me over, making me self conscious. I tried my hardest not to cover myself up under his stare. His eyes were dark but held a hint of surprise in them. I guess I wasn't the only one surprised by not following my typical habits.

He stood up almost abruptly, taking my hand in his; the movie and wine in my living room immediately forgotten. I lead him to my room slowly, in a last effort of teasing and build up. Because I knew as soon as we entered my room, I wouldn't have much will power to do so.

Apparently, Billie Joe was in the same boat as me.

Once in my room, he closed my door and pressed me up against it quickly, making me let out a gasp at the contact.

"I really want to take my time with you. But I don't know if I can." He muttered out loud, running a finger from the side of my face and down to the valley of my breasts.

"Well it'd be kind of vanilla for us" I mused making him laugh lightly with a nod.

He captured my lips in a searing kiss. It was slow; way too slow. I was used to an eventual build up, but it didn't seem to be happening. I stuck my tongue out lightly, trying to get him to open his mouth but he wouldn't budge. I could feel him smirk against my lips making me groan inwardly.

Thinking quickly, I bit down on his lip making him moan and I took advantage of that and slid my tongue in his mouth. The kiss got more and more heated as it went on. I gave myself a mental high five for getting what I wanted. My arms were wrapped around the back of his neck and I played with the ends of his hair with my finger, remembering that he liked that. Almost on command, he gripped my waist tighter in response.

I was the first one to pull away from the kiss, breathless. I looked up at Billie Joe with a small smile and he just shook his head at me. "I was trying to take things slow and be romantic, babe."

"Romance is nice and all but nobody likes a tease Billie Joe" I replied making him laugh.

"Touche" he said before leading me to my bed.

When his legs hit the back of my bed, I pushed him lightly down onto the bed. He looked a little surprised making me smirk slightly. I took off my shirt, revealing my topless torso. My pajama shorts were next, leaving me in nothing but my panties.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Your turn."

"Yes ma'am" he replied smugly, taking off his shirt and pants as quickly as possible. When he went to take his boxers off, I straddled his waist to prevent him from doing so.

"Uh uh" I scolded him jokingly and pushed him back, getting him to lay down.

He looked at me with somewhat pleading eyes as I palmed him through his boxers making him bite his lip in anticipation. I pulled down his boxers, as slow as humanly possible. I pressed kisses all down his stomach making him let out an irritated sound.

"What happened to 'nobody likes a tease'?" he asked.

I giggled at his words and raised my head back up so it was level with his. "Figured I'd give you a little taste of your own medicine." I smirked, pecking his lips before averting my attention to his member.

I lowered my lips and kissed the tip, making him let out a sigh. I gave it a few kitten licks for a little extra teasing.

"Melina, I swear to God if you don't do something I'm gonna-" I cut off his threats and took all of his member in my mouth. "oh fuck" he cried out.

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