-twenty five-

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing obnoxiously. I shot up out of bed at the sound, suddenly wide awake. I reached over to the side table and picked it up, answering it to stop the ringing. I ignored Billie Joe groaning about the noise.

"Hello?" I asked, groggy as ever.

"Hey Mel, sorry to call you so early but Jess called in sick and we're already short staffed. Any way you could come in today and work for a few hours?" Ashley asked. If it were anyone else calling, I would have hung up. But Ashley's my friend, one of very few, so of course I had to help her out. 

"Yeah Ash, sounds good. What time?" 

"Noon to five? We got tonight covered, I just need help with the lunch rush and stuff" I glanced over at my clock, 9:17 a.m. 

"Alright, I'll be there" 

I heard Ashley let out a sigh of relief. "You're the best Mel, I love you!" 

I laughed slightly. "I love you too, see ya at noon" and with that, I hung up the phone. 

I felt arms wrap around behind me. "Who do you love and why are you seeing them at noon?" Okay, I had forgotten how much I loved his morning voice like, damn.

Damn, Melina. Down girl!

I turned slightly so I could look at Billie Joe. "Ashley. They're short staffed at work so I'm gonna go in for a few hours." 

"Awe shitty" he pouted making me giggle. 

"I know, I'm sorry. Any chance you could take Cody somewhere for the day? Maybe check out Central Park or something?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile. "Or maybe I could take him to that library from the Spider-Man movie we watched last night" 

"Oh my god he would love that! That's perfect. You're perfect." 

"Duh" he smirked making me roll my eyes with a smile.

After a while, we both got up. Billie Joe tossed me his Misfits shirt and I put it on over my bralette. We both walked out to the main room to find Cody sitting on the couch/make shift bed, playing with his action figure.

"Morning Cody" I called out making him look up at us with a smile. 

"Good morning" he beamed. 

Billie Joe walked over to go sit down on the couch with Cody and turn on the tv while I walked into the kitchen to make us all breakfast. 

I made scrambled eggs and french toast and set it all down on the table. I made myself and Billie Joe coffee and grabbed orange juice for Cody, hoping he liked orange juice. 

We all sat down at the table and dug into our breakfasts. 

"So Cody," I spoke up after finishing my coffee. "I have to go to work today for a few hours so you and Billie Joe can hang out. Then after we come back here and I'll make dinner?" 

Cody nodded, mouth full of food. 

"Can you bring back some of those deep fried pickles from work?" Billie Joe asked with a small smile. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Sure babe" 

Cody kept firing questions and ideas at Billie Joe on what they could do today. Billie Joe kept up with him and I found myself smiling like an idiot. I loved my boys.

. . .

Work was going by surprisingly quick and fairly easy. Ashley and I had kept on top of everything and I even helped her organize the upcoming work schedule. 

"So, how was your night with the three babes?" she asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "It was alright. Not too eventful. Just making sure three drunk guys got home in one piece." 

"I call bullshit!" she laughed. 

"Fine. Believe what you want to believe" I put my hands up in surrender.

"Oh believe me, I will," she smirked at me. "and from what I believe, you miss Melina, are a whore." she joked. 

And even though I laughed along with her joke, it did kind of sting. But that was the past. All I needed was Billie Joe. No more fucking around and hurting any guys. 

"Yeah, yeah. Everybody's got their flaws" I joked back making her laugh. Her laughter was cut somewhat short though as she nudged me to turn around.

And there was standing the last person I cared to see at the moment.

"Hey Mel."

I gulped. "Hi Luke."

. . .

A/N: It's a short chapter I know and I'm sorry. Next one should be up fairly soon and yeah there shall be some tension and a lil drama cause I am a drama llama.

^ I'm also slightly wine drunk. Ayeeeeeeee.

I also wanted to say that I'm doing a bit better and thank you to everyone and their kind words. You guys always cheer me up and I can't express that enough. With your funny comments, sweet words, and for all of you who have still given this book a chance. I kinda had a hard time continuing this book cause so many people told me they hated it but fuck it, Imma finish it for me. 

Once again, thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day/night/week/life! 

Rage & Love ~

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