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The next morning I woke up wrapped up in a blanket and someone's arms. To say I was confused and overwhelmed, would be an understatement.

I looked over to find Billie Joe sound asleep. He looked so peaceful. I wanted to reach up and brush the hair out of his face but refrained from doing so. Instead, I let out a sigh of content. 

"See something you like?" Billie Joe mumbled, making my eyes widen slightly. 

"Uhm, yeah, your Ramones poster up there is nice" I mumbled, trying to recover. 

He rolled his eyes, smiling at me softly. "Nice save, babe." 

I felt myself blushing. Billie Joe just laughed and pulled me closer to him by my waist. 

I sighed contently, nuzzling his neck, making Billie laugh and tickle my side in retaliation.

"Billie stop!" I squealed, trying to get out of his grip. 

He laughed at me, but didn't let up. I couldn't stop laughing and I thought I was going to piss myself. 

"P-please Billie Joe, s-st-stop it" I tried to speak but couldn't contain my laughter. 

He finally did, pulling me so I was on top of him. I brushed some of his hair out of his face. He took my hand in his, pulling it up to his lips, kissing it before laying it back down on his chest.

"Hi." I mumbled, making him chuckle. 

"Hi." he mumbled back, smiling at me like a goof. 

It's so damn cheesy of me to say, but I could stay like this forever. So blissful. So content. As if nothing bad can happen. This was my haven. Billie Joe Armstrong is my haven.

"Is it bad that I don't want to get up at all today?" Billie Joe asked, staring up at me. His green eyes looked really pretty when the sunlight reflected off of them. 

Well damn, Shakespeare. Settle down there.

I shook my head no with a small smile, making him chuckle. "Can't use your words?" 

"I've come to the realization that when I talk too much, I tend to ruin the moment." I replied. 

He shook his head with a smile. "You're not ruining anything." 

Not even a moment later, a loud crash was heard from outside the room followed by Tre yelling "Fuck!" 

"Unlike Tre, who is ruining my apartment." Billie Joe groaned, making me laugh.

We got up and got dressed. I went to pick up my leggings and Billie Joe handed me one of his shirts. 

"I'm gonna go see what Tre broke. Then we'll go get breakfast?"

"Billie Joe, it's two in the afternoon" I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"Fine, brunch. Whatever." he sassed making me laugh. He kissed me one last time before leaving me alone in his room. 

I got dressed and freshened up in Billie Joe's bathroom. I made my hair look more presentable and borrowed some toothpaste, using my finger as a toothbrush. (A/N: Since there's always that one bitch in the comments that is like "EW, HOW COME SHE DOESN'T CLEAN HERSELF UP EVER LIKE WTF ?!!!11!!1!?! Carry on..)

Once I finished up I walked back into Billie Joe's room to see if I had all of my stuff. I grabbed my bag and heard a phone go off. I checked to see if it was mine and it wasn't. Then it went off two more times. What the hell?

I bit my lip. Don't look Melina. It's none of your business. Just leave it.

But what if it was important? Maybe I should give Billie Joe his phone. 

I picked his phone up, the screen being on from the messages he had just gotten. All from Tracey. 

Dammit, I knew I should have just left it alone because before I knew it, I was reading them.

"Had fun with you yesterday, wish you didn't leave so early :("

"Are you busy today??"

"I was hoping we could talk about me getting the role of Whatsername... among other things ;)"

I was going to be sick. 

I set Billie Joe's phone back down on the end table and made my way out of Billie's bedroom, walking out into the main room of the apartment. 

"Morning sleeping beauty" Mike nodded, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. 

I sat down with him. "Like you're one to talk. You were the first to pass out" I smirked, trying to push the thoughts of Billie Joe and Tracey to the back of my mind. 

Mike rolled his eyes with a smile. "I'm getting old okay? Pretty soon I'll be ready for bed at like seven at night." 

"You? No way! You don't look a day over fifty" I smirked.

"Bitch, I'm forty-five!" he shrieked making me laugh hard. 

"It was a joke Mike! You're young, you're fabulous" 

"Damn right I am" he muttered.

"Oh shut up and drink your coffee." I rolled my eyes playfully.

Moments later, Billie Joe and Tre walked out of the kitchen and came to sit with us. 

"Well it looks like we have to go out for food because Tre fucked up my kitchen" Billie sighed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"How do you 'fuck up a kitchen'?" I asked. 

"With great skill" Tre beamed making Billie Joe groan.

"So where do you want to go?" Billie asked, lifting his head up to look at me. 

I bit my lip. "Actually, I forgot I have some stuff I have to do today." 

"Oh," Billie Joe frowned slightly. "what kind of stuff?" 

"Personal, important stuff." I lied as I got up to grab my shoes and leave. I was gonna go home, eat some junk food, watch some movies, and maybe even cry. 

Mike and Tre looked at each other. Judging by their looks, they knew I was lying but didn't protest. 

Billie Joe followed me to the front door. "But I thought we could maybe.. spend the day together? Now what am I supposed to do?"

I had my shoes on and turned to face him. "I'm sure you can find something." I shot him a fake smile and said goodbye to everyone. 

I didn't let him say anything else as I closed the door behind me. 

"..or someone." I muttered to myself.

This nightmare never ends.

. . .


You probably hate me for this chapter. Which is okay because I hate myself too. :)

Anyway, sorry for another late update. I'll try to be quicker with the next one. Thanks for reading you babes and please let me know what you thought about this chapter. Have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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