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A/N: Well hello there. Happy 2019. 

I know that 2019 happened eleven days ago but y'know what? Keith Richards wished everyone a happy new year today and dammit so will I. Cause rock n' roll and shit. Okay wow.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for sticking with this book till the very end. I know that it's been difficult cause it's different to Yes, Sir and according to most people- this book sucks. But if you got to this chapter (better known as the final chapter) well, thank you SO much. It means so much to me that people enjoy reading my crazy ideas. 

There WILL be a third book in this series but I have no clue when I will release it. But when I do, there will be multiple chapters and that is a promise! 

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me. I hope you had the time of your life. Pun intended. 

Rage & Love ~

. . .

It was the final performance of American Idiot. For now, anyway. It was decided that the show must go on a short and brief hiatus. This decision made me a little sad but also a little relieved; everyone had definitely earned the break. 

"Hey girl" I heard Tracey say. I saw her and Jordan through my mirror walking towards me. 

"Hey ladies" I smiled warmly, fixing up my lipstick. 

"You excited for the final show?" Jordan asked, I had turned around to look at them. We had grown closer ever since we made amends and that made me quite happy. I even introduced them to Ashley and we all just clicked. I finally had a "squad" to do "girls nights" with and honestly? I was pretty stoked about it. 

"Definitely! I know it's not the final show ever but I'm still a little emotional. This show feels like my baby, even though I'm just apart of it." 

"I get what you mean," Tracey nodded. "although we heard Billie talking with Mike and Tre and you didn't hear it from me but they were talking about how you were a huge part of the inspiration for this so you have every right to be so attached to it." 

"What?" I asked a little stunned. I knew that Billie wrote the song Whatsername for me; he ended up admitting to that. But the whole show? 

"It's true. Billie was going on about how you brought a spark back into his life and pushed him to write again. Music, stories, you name it." Jordan smiled once she noticed me blushing at their words. It had me thinking of that night Billie took me to his shop Broken Guitars

"You brought that spark back into my life. I started playing guitar again. Relentlessly, even. I started writing songs again. Lots of them. Almost every day. Melina, I think you saved me in a way." 

"Melina?" Tracey snapped her fingers in front of my face, startling me. 

"Huh?" I asked sheepishly, making the girls laugh.

"The show's starting girl, let's get a move on" Jordan smiled, linking her arm in mine, making me grin. We made our way over to the stage. 

We walked past Billie, Mike, and Tre catching their attention. Once Billie and I made eye contact he smiled at me making me wink playfully at him. 

"Looking good Mrs Armstrong" Billie called as we made our way past them. 

"Thank you, Mr Armstrong" I grinned cheekily at him, earning some laughs. Ever since we got engaged, Billie had been calling me Mrs Armstrong any and every chance he got. This grown man is like an adorable little kid. 

Speaking of adorable little kids, Cody was in the audience tonight with Ashley and I was so excited to see him. He had wanted to see American Idiot for a while and Billie and I finally caved. Maybe it's not the most practical thing for a kid his age to be into, but then again- we're not exactly practical people. 

. . .

The show was just wrapping up. We were finishing off with Good Riddance. Acoustic guitars and all. 

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right

I hope you had the time of your life"  Billie sang, ending the song which made the crowd give him and the rest of us a standing ovation.

I thought the curtain was going to close so we could all make our way off the stage but instead. Billie put down his guitar and looked over at me, causing me to flash him a confused look. He just grinned. 

"Ladies and gentleman, as you probably know- this show is going on a quick hiatus," Billie stated earning some 'awwwwwww's of sadness from the crowd, making him chuckle. 

"I know, it makes me sad too. This show is everything to me. I spent years working on it. Working with wonderful people to help bring it all to life. But if I'm being honest with you, I don't think I would have actually pushed myself to make this project a reality if it wasn't for my fiance, Miss Melina - soon to be- Armstrong." Billie gestured to me, a spotlight shone down on me and I heard the audience clap for me. 

I walked over to join Billie. I took his outstretched hand and he pulled me to him, locking our lips in the process. This earned more cheers from the cast, crew, and audience. We pulled away; him grinning and me blushing. 

"So thank you everyone for coming to our shows and being apart of this kickass journey with us. I hope you had the time of your lifeeeee" Billie sang lightly making me laugh and kiss him on the cheek. And then, the curtain closed. 

. . .

Once everyone in the cast and crew had finished cleaning up the stage, backstage area, and even themselves- I met up with Billie. 

He saw me instantly and I hugged him immediately, him hugging me back with just as much enthusiasm. 

"I love you" I admitted once we broke away from our hug.

"And I love you... wife" he smirked making me stick my tongue out him. "later?" he asked, making me smack him playfully- him laughing hard at my reaction. 

Ashley and Cody made their way over to us. "That was so awesome!" Cody cheered, letting me pick him up and hugged me instantly. 

"I'm glad you liked it, champ" I smiled, Billie ruffled his hair. 

Mike, Tre, Jeff, and the Jason's joined Ashley, Billie, Cody, and I. We were all determining what our plans would be for tonight. 

"Billie Joe?" we heard a voice say. We all turned around and my jaw nearly dropped. 

There stood a woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was holding a boy on her hip who looked younger than Cody. He had dirty blonde hair and the most vibrant green eyes. That looked oddly familiar.

"Evelyn?" Billie choked out. I looked over at Billie and he looked like he had seen a ghost. 

"Evelyn? Aunt Evelyn?" I asked to clarify. She nodded at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I figured it was about time that Liam knows who his father is" she stated. 

I felt the breath get knocked out of me. I studied Liam's looks a little more- more importantly his eyes. The similarities were evident the longer I looked at this boy's face. 

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.

THE END.... for now.

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