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"I'm starting to regret telling you we could take the stairs" Billie Joe panted jokingly, wiping his forehead for dramatic effect.

"Yeah well, too late for that dear" I replied smartly, making him scowl playfully.

Billie Joe and I walked into my apartment and I watched him take in his surroundings. He seemed to be sort of impressed. It reminded me of the time I left Aunt Evelyn's and Billie Joe found me at my new apartment.

"Mel... what's going on? I got a call from your aunt. She was in hysterics. Wondering if I had heard from you. Why the hell did you run away? What happened?" he asked, his facial features now more concerned than angry.

I took a deep breath. "N-nothing happened. I just figured she'd find out about all the bad shit I've done this year so I decided to leave her before she decided to kick me out. I'm eighteen Billie Joe, I can legally take care of myself."

"Why wouldn't you come to me?" he asked, sounding kind of hurt. And that was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Because I don't want to rely on you for everything Billie. I can take care of myself." I sighed.

"I know you can baby but when your aunt called me, I was scared shitless. I thought something bad happened to you. And how are you affording all of this? Dammit you should have just moved in with me"

"HELL NO. I love you Billie Joe but come on. We would MURDER each other. Plus Jakob still lives with you. That would mess him up. Let's not kid ourselves here, our relationship is far from normal."

I was expecting him to get upset with me or continue arguing with me but he surprised me by laughing.

"You're so far beyond your years baby. I gotta admit, I'm impressed with the amount of planning and thought you put into all of this in such a short span of time." he smiled softly.

"So... you're not mad?" I asked carefully.

"Oh I'm still mad," his voice suddenly got rather dark. "but I'm sure you can fix that for me baby girl" and with that he picked me up and out me over his shoulder, making me shriek.

"Which way is your room?" he asked.

I shook that memory from my head and tried to fight off the blush on my cheeks. I really really REALLY had to stop with all the flashbacks. This wasn't healthy for me. I couldn't be thinking about him like that.

Pfft. Not healthy. You have his lyrics tattooed on your body, dumbass.

The damn voice. I have officially gone crazy.

"This is a nice place, Mel" Billie Joe spoke up, taking a seat on my couch.

"Yeah sure, make yourself at home." I smirked at him making him roll his eyes.

"Well in that case, get me a beer would ya?" he beamed, but when I gave him a look of feigned disgust, he laughed.

"I only have Stella" I called as I walked towards the fridge for two beers.

"I'm not even surprised!" Billie Joe called back.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I guess a lot of things about me haven't changed at all.

I grabbed the beers, opened them with a bottle opener, and headed back to the living room to find Billie Joe lost in thought or something. He was observing my living room as if it was the most interesting place in the world. 

"You alive over there?" I asked, startling him. I couldn't help but laugh. He did too.

"Yeah, I'm good." he gratefully took the beer from my hand with a smile. 

We talked about random things. How school was for me. The things we liked about New York City. The things we missed about California. Mainly In-N-Out fries and milkshakes, but other things as well. 

"I don't think I ever told you that I like your hair" he added making me laugh.

"Well thank you Billie. I like yours too." I smiled.

"Thanks. I figured judging by the way you'd always pull on it whenever we fu-"

"OKAY! You could have just stopped at thanks." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the blush I knew was coming.

"But you like it when I don't stop." he continued egging me on. 

"Billie Joe!" I gasped. 

"Oh yeah, just like that baby" he said sexually, with a smirk. He was loving this way too much.

And before we both knew it, I was blushing and he was laughing. Go figure.

"Ahh there it is!" Billie Joe smiled in victory making me cover my face with my hands.

Once his laughter died down, he pulled my hands away. 

"Why are you like this?" I asked. 

"I just missed seeing you blush. I like knowing I still have the same effect on you." he had a small smile on his face.

I let out a sigh and grabbed our now empty beer bottles and headed towards the kitchen. 

"Look Mel, I'm sorry. I'm coming on way too strong but come on. I just miss you, okay?" Billie Joe followed me. 

"Well tone it down would ya? I missed you too but we can't ignore the fact that we have a lot of shit to talk about and work out before we ever tried this out again" I motioned between him and I. 

"You missed me?" he asked quietly.

"Is that all you got from what I just said?" I asked back.

"No but please just say it again. I like being reassured." 

I let out a sigh and placed down the beer bottles. I walked a little closer to him. We were both leaning against the island table. "I missed you. I'm glad we ran into each other again, okay? I'm glad you're back in my life. But I still have a lot of unresolved shit with you and that all needs to go away first. That's fair, right?" 

He looked lost in thought for a moment, staring at my island table for a while before he nodded. "Yeah, that's fair." 

I smiled softly at this. "Well good. So I guess the question would be where do we start?" 

He chuckled dryly. "I say we start with this." 

He held up his hand and that's when I noticed that he was holding Luke and I's booking confirmations for England.


. . .

A/N: Hey beautiful people <3

I'm sorry this sucks and took a while but I have been working non stop and touring apartments and trying to be an adult and I HATE EVERY SECOND OF IT PLEASE KILL ME.

I don't really have much else to say, mainly cause I would like to nap before I go into work tonight but let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Hopefully the next one will be up quicker than this one was!

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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