-thirty six-

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It was the final night of rehearsals before the first performance of American Idiot. I was equally nervous and excited. 

Billie was stressed beyond belief and it showed. He was acting like a real hard ass and getting mad over little things. Anytime anyone messed up even by a little, he looked like he was ready to kill them. At first it was kinda hot to see him get angry and passionate but at this point in the night, I wanted to strangle him.

I had to remind myself that this was really important to him. American Idiot was like his baby. But at the same time, he was acting rather immature.

It was when we were down to the last half hour of rehearsals that I decided to put a little plan into motion. We had already covered everything to Billie's liking, well to as much of his liking as humanly possible. Now, it was time to have a little fun and de-stress. 

This could either go really good or really really bad.

Here goes nothing.

I grabbed a guitar and began strumming, earning the attention of Billie, Mike, Tre, Jason, Jason, and Jeff. They shot me some looks of curiosity. 

So I began to sing. 

"My heart is beating from me,

I am standing all alone

Please call me only if you are coming home "

Tracey and Jordan just rolled their eyes and murmured while looking at me. Van however, joined in.

"Waste another year flies by,

Waste a night or two"  

And then we sang together. 

"You taught me how to live"

Why did that particular line sound so familiar?

Jason White had picked up his guitar and began playing with me, making me smile. The guys were all joining us on the stage to play. Everyone except for Billie Joe. He stood still, watching us. Observing us. I was gonna get him to loosen up by the end of this song if it absolutely killed me.

Everyone was jamming and singing together. It was so cool to see everyone having a good time and still somewhat rehearsing. The energy in the room changed completely and I loved it. 

Billie had taken a seat in the front row, watching all of us joke around and yet still manage to perform. 

It was getting to Mike's part and I grabbed a microphone for him as a few of the guys in the play brought him forward, making us all laugh and cheer. 

Mike almost looked nervous as I handed him his microphone. I nodded at him in encouragement and that was all he needed.

"I fell asleep while watching Spike TV,

After ten cups of coffee and you're still not here

Dreaming of a song but something went wrong, 

But I can't tell anyone, 'cause you're not here

Left me here alone when I should have stayed home

After ten cups of coffee, I'm thinking"

On instinct, I shouted out "Where'd ya go?" making Mike and Tre laugh.

Everyone joined in with Mike's vocals:

"Nobody likes you, everyone left you (Where'd you go?)

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