-thirty three-

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Fixing myself up and going over my appearance for probably the millionth time, I let out a sigh of content. 

I looked up in the mirror one last time to fix my necklace and I saw Billie Joe flop back on the bed in the reflection. 

"I know baby, I'm sorry" I chuckled at how irritated Billie was getting. I had probably spent the last twenty minutes fixing all the little imperfections I saw. 

"I should've got the tickets for next week cause we'll probably only be ready to go by then" he rolled his eyes over dramatically. 

I smirked slightly, fluffing my hair and turning around to stare at him. 

"What?" he asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. 

"Nothing" I said in a sing-song voice as I walked over to him slowly. He looked up at me through his hair and I couldn't help but brush it out of the way, making him grin up at me.

I didn't move away from him and rested my hand on his shoulder. Billie pulled me gently closer to him to the point that I was now straddling his lap. 

"I don't know if I've told you yet, but you look beautiful" he smiled at me, making me smile back.

"Thank you baby, you don't look too bad yourself." I leaned in and kissed him softly. 

I went to pull away but Billie Joe had other ideas as he pulled me back and kissed me harder. I fought back the moan in the back of my throat and felt Billie Joe's grip on my waist tighten.

After much difficulty, I pulled away causing Billie Joe to pout. "Don't we have somewhere we need to be?" I asked, fighting back a smirk but definitely failing. 

And if looks could kill.

"Oh NOW you're ready to go, I see how it is" he sighed making me giggle. We stood up and made our way out into the living room to find the guys. 

"Well damn mom and dad, took ya long enough" Tre spoke up, making everyone turn around and smirk at us. Everyone except for Cody and Mike, they were very focused on the video game they were playing. 

"Young man, you better watch that mouth of yours" I scolded playfully.

Tre let out a loud gasp and put his hand on his chest. "Melina, how can you speak to me like that after everything we have been through?" 

Billie Joe let out a snort at this. "Your heart is on the other side, dumbass" 

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as Tre fixed his mistake, putting his hand over his heart. 

"Well let's get a move on baby," Billie Joe walked past me, smacking my ass in the process. "be good kids!" 

I couldn't help but let my jaw drop as I stared at him walking away to grab his wallet and keys. 

"Well damn, did you guys get a hotel room or are we gonna get a warning text before you guys get back here for whatever wild shit is gonna go down?" Jason spoke up making me roll my eyes at him and give him the middle finger. All he and the rest of the guys did was laugh at the fact that I was blushing profusely. 

I walked over to Cody and planted a kiss on his head. "See ya later bub, have fun!" 

He grinned up at me and waved goodbye, before he turned his attention back to the video game, making me shake my head with a laugh. 

Billie was waiting at the door for me, extending his hand out to me. I took his hand in mine and we left. Not without Billie slamming the front door, rather dramatically. 

"Was that necessary?" I asked in a teasing manner.

"Absolutely," he grinned. "now let's go see your old science teacher shake his thang on Broadway" 

I couldn't help the very unattractive sound I let out as I burst out in laughter. "Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked, as my laughter died down. 

"Yep," he laughed as he lead me into the car. "the best I've ever been." 

. . .

A/N: Well shit. Two months. Two damn months. I'm sorry.

I know, I know. I've made so many excuses for myself and why I'm taking so long to update chapters for this book but honestly; this year has been crazy for me. 

I've been making drastic changes to turn my life around and I'm pretty much there. I've gotten everything on track for when I go to school this year. I'm moving three hours away from home which should scare me, but I'm excited as hell. I get a fresh start at life and if anyone deserves that, it's me. Wow that sounded selfish and dramatic lol but honestly if you knew everything that has happened to me in this last year- I think you'd agree. 

And I'm sorry that I lost so much inspiration to write. Writing is my favourite thing to do but with all the trauma and bullshit- it was the last thing I really wanted to do. 


You don't even know how happy I was when I first saw that. And Yes, Sir has over 80k reads??? Oh my god, you guys are way too good to me, I want to hug each and every one of you. Now I'm gonna go read it cause I want to get it to 100k cause I am trash. 

Sorry for all that but if you read it all, I love you. Have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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