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Luke and I were walking hand in hand down the streets, nearly at the restaurant, according to Luke. But in all honesty, it felt as if we were just walking in circles and wasting time.

"You look amazing, by the way" Luke smiled down at me making me smile.

"Thank you Luke, so do you" brushing my thumb over his. He smiled at my gesture, tugging me gently towards the entrance of the restaurant. And by restaurant, it kinda looked like a dive bar. 

I shook my head with a smile. Typical Luke. 

"Did you just stumble upon this place today or is this where you go when you don't feel like stalking me at work?" I teased. 

"Oh ha ha Mel, you're too much darling" he emphasized his accent making me laugh. 

When we walked into the bar, I took in my surroundings. This place seemed pretty sweet and it definitely looked like the place Luke would love to waste his time at, if I'm being blunt.

"Okay, so I know I said this was gonna be like a date but I actually wanted you to hang with the band a bit more. They kinda insisted on hanging out with you and I figured you'd be okay with it." Luke said as he flashed me the pup[y dog eyes.

And honestly, I would have been fine with it under normal circumstances. But I wanted it to just be the two of us so I could tell Luke that I didn't want to go to England with him. 

But was I about to make a scene about that? No. Even though I should have.

I flashed Luke a fake smile, "yeah that's fine" 

Luke smiled and kissed me on the cheek, leading me towards where the band was sitting. 

Once we made it to the table, I heard a voice speak up.

"Hey Luke you made it!" one of the guys said. I honestly, didn't really remember any of their names. I had met them a few times but I was either working at the bar or wasted at the bar.

Quite the life, I know. 

"You know it boys, and I brought someone with me. Boys, this is my lovely lady Melina" Luke beamed. 

"Hi Melina" they all said at the same time making me chuckle. It made me feeling like I was at an AA meeting.

Luke and I sat with the boys of The Struts who I discovered names are Adam, Jed, and Gethin. 

"Oi Cole just texted me, they said they should be here in like five minutes." Jed spoke up, as Luke had gone off to get us some beers. 

"Right on, I love those guys" Adam chuckled, taking a swig of his beer. Gethin nodded at his words. 

I on the other hand gulped. Hanging out with these guys wasn't bad at all. But I only knew one guy with the name Cole and I could put two and two together. 

"Date night" had turned into hanging out and drinking with a bunch of guys.  And one of those guys was my ex.


"Awe shit, SWMRS is in the building" Luke cheered, leading the boys back to our table. He set down a beer in front of me and all I was wishing for was a stronger drink.

Luke sat down next to me as all the guys hugged each other and greeted each other. I was sort of hidden behind Luke as I observed them. They all looked like they had grown up and yet still looked the same as the last time I had seen them.

But I made the mistake of locking eyes with Joey. It felt like I had gotten the wind knocked completely out of me when we made eye contact. As if the world had stopped moving.

Luke wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "Lads, this is Melina." 

Let me tell you, I have never been apart of a more awkward silence in my life. And all I can say is thank god for Seb for breaking the tension.

"MELINA!!" he cheered, pulling me out of Luke's embrace for a hug. I let out a sigh of relief when he did this. I didn't know if they would acknowledge me or act as if they didn't know me at all. Thank god Seb chose the first option.

At this point, Max and Cole wrapped their arms around us haphazardly, turning it into a group hug. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"You all know each other?" Luke asked, seeming amused at our little 'reunion'.

"Oh hell yeah we do" Cole smiled, making me smile back. I was so relieved that the boys were still being nice to me. It only made me think that Joey never talked badly about me or told them what happened, even though he had every right to.

"Yeah, we go way back." Joey smirked. 

I let out a cough at that, feeling uncomfortable. Max seemed to catch on to it instantly. "So," Max made his 'I'm thinking of a distraction' face. "who wants to do shots?" 

Oh dear god.

This was officially the worst day of my entire life.

. . .

A/N: Well hello there. 

I know, this sucked. It's short. There's no Billie Joe. Trust me, I hate me too. But hopefully you all are gonna dig the next chapter. Fingers crossed!

Sorry for the slow updates guys but I have my driving test in like two days and I'm touring apartments like almost every day plus working like god damn I am exhausted. 

But I think I've finally found an apartment to call home and I am so freaking excited!! 

Anyway, enough of that shit. Let me know your thoughts on this chapter! Thanks for reading babes <3

Rage & Love ~

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