-thirty one-

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My eyes were so wide they felt as if they were going to pop out of their sockets. 

A house? 

Billie Joe bought us a house?!

"Now would be the time for you to say something" Billie Joe chuckled nervously. 

"I just... I can't believe it. Why did you do this?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Well I figured your one bedroom apartment can't suffice for you and Cody forever. And well, I'm over all the time- literally all. the. time. And I know we had never talked about living together but fuck, I thought it would be a good idea. You hate it don't you? This is freaking you out isn't it? Oh my god I knew I should've just-" I cut Billie Joe's rambling off by kissing him, hard.

I pulled him closer to me, running my fingers through his hair and resting my hands on his face. When we both pulled away, Billie rested his forehead on mine, a big grin evident on his face. 

"So, you like it then?" he asked shyly making me giggle. 

"Hell yeah I do!" I grinned right back. "You're amazing, you know that?" 

"Yeah some pretty lady keeps telling me that" he smirked down at me, making me blush.

Without thinking, I pulled Billie Joe close to me and pressed my lips against his, making him let out a small moan. I went to pull away but Billie had other ideas. He gripped my waist rather tightly, making me gasp out. Billie Joe bit down on my lip gently and pulled making me smile to myself. I gripped his wrist, making him pull away after a while and rest his forehead against mine with a smile. 

"You're sure this is what you want?" Billie asked quietly.

"Of course baby. I'm a little scared right now but you and Cody are all that make sense in my life. I'm ready for this." I smiled a small smile at him making him grin.

"Yeah?" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "I love you, ya idiot" 

"And I love you, my idiot" he chuckled. 

. . .

"Tre, no man we are NOT mounting the tv to the ceiling" I heard Billie Joe shout making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"But it's such a revolutionary and genius idea! No one has done it before" Tre exclaimed. 

"Yeah well why don't you go take your revolutionary idea and do it at your house?" Billie Joe sassed, making me giggle as I walked into the living room. 

"Boys, play nice" I scolded. 

"We are!" Cody whined, I looked over to see him, Mike, and Jason playing with Cody's growing collection of action figures. 

I couldn't help but smile. "Not you boys, those boys" I pointed at Billie Joe and Tre accusingly, to which they both immediately put their hands up in surrender. 

We had spent the majority of the day moving all of my stuff into the apartment. Tomorrow we planned to move all of Billie Joe's things into our house. This was all so surreal for me. Don't get me wrong, I've never been happier. But honestly, I feel like I'm gonna throw up. In a good way. If that's even possible.

Billie Joe grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. "So, do you love it or what?" 

I couldn't help but scoff. "Billie Joe, it's fucking amazing. I love it here. I still can't believe this!" 

"Well I'm happy. This is exciting, right?" he asked, it was as if Billie Joe needed reassurance like every five minutes.

"Yeah babe, it's so surreal" I smiled.

"Are we gonna stay here forever?" Cody asked, startling all of us.

"Yeah baby, why wouldn't we?" I asked. 

"Well dad told me that house aren't ours. We can never fully have them" he tried to explain. 

I heard myself let out a whimper and Billie Joe pulled me closer to him, hugging me close. 

I didn't have it in me to ask Cody about what had happened in his past. What our dad has put him through. I had a big enough imagination to try and figure it out on my own. But the fact that he still had to go through all of that. It's just not fair.

"Well Cody, that's not necessarily true" Billie Joe spoke up, breaking my train of thought.

"What do you mean?" Cody asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy. 

"What he means Cody, is that some houses are never fully ours, but the one that Billie Joe bought will always be yours" Tre spoke up. 

"Really?" Cody asked, perking up.

"Yeah of course little man" Mike added. 

"Are you sure?" Cody asked, for clarification, making me shake my head with laughter. 

"Of course baby bro, we aren't going anywhere." I pulled Cody in for a tight hug. Cody hugged back immediately, making me smile big. 

"You promise?" Cody asked, with big brown eyes. 

I nodded "Till I die, baby."

. . .

A/N: Filler, filler, filler. 

So sorry about this chapter, it was horrible and short and just horrible. The next one should be better, I'M SORRY.

Thanks for sticking around with this book, honestly. I lost inspiration, but I am just getting it back so we should be good to go for the next chapters. 

Thanks for reading babes and let me know what you think!

Rage & Love ~

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