-twenty three-

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I couldn't believe this. I felt like this couldn't be real.

I have a brother? 

I've been an only child my whole life. I've never grown up with any other siblings before. Not even in foster care. I had no idea how to act. What to do. 

I have a brother?!

"Mel?" Billie Joe spoke up, shaking me from my thoughts. I blinked a few times and stood up, Cody still staring at me. 

"Right. Uh, well," I picked up Cody's duffel bag for him. "come on in... bro" I stepped aside and mentally cringed at my words. 

Regardless, Cody smiled and walked into my apartment. Billie Joe closed the door behind us. 

I set Cody's things by the couch and sat down on the couch, Cody sitting down next to me watching tv. I stared aimlessly at the tv not paying attention to whatever Kardashian that Ellen was interviewing. 

I was so confused. This boy- my brother is now my responsibility because my deadbeat father didn't want to take care of him anymore. My one bedroom apartment would not be able to suffice that forever. Not to mention my low income. Oh god, would I have to apply for welfare? 

Billie Joe walked over and crouched down in front of me, making me lose my train of thought and look at him. "I gotta get some things and then I'll be back in about an hour or so, okay?" 

"You're leaving?" I nearly whimpered. I was so anxious right now, my emotions were all out of whack. 

"Only for a little bit, I promise I'll be right back. Get to know your brother." he encouraged me with a smile. I nodded with a small smile on my face. He kissed me on the cheek and then left my apartment. 

I let out a breath and turned to Cody to find him sitting there playing with a Spider-Man action figure. Did he have that this whole time?

"So Cody," I spoke up gaining his attention. "what's your favorite tv show?" 

"I never really got to watch tv" he mumbled. 

What the hell?

"Oh. Uhm, any sports you like to play?" He just shrugged. 

"Hmm. Well, you seem to really like Spider-Man," I pointed out lamely, gesturing his action figure. His eyes lit up at that and nodded. "do you wanna watch a Spider-Man movie with me?" 

His jaw dropped at my words. "There's a Spider-Man movie?!" 

Oh my god this poor boy. 

"There's a bunch of them actually," I smiled, getting up from the couch and walking over to my dvd rack. I picked up one of them and put the disc into the dvd player. "we'll start off with this one. It has Tobey Maguire in it, he's my favorite Spider-Man" I smiled at him. He just nodded at my words, too excited about watching a movie that involved Spider-Man to care about what I was saying. 

It was almost two hours later and the movie was finishing up, Cody not taking his eyes off of the tv for a second. He had a smile on his face and clutched his action figure to his chest. He was happy and I had made him that happy. Maybe this whole taking care of my little brother thing won't be so bad after all. 

I heard a knock at my door and I got up to answer it. When I opened the door, I saw Billie Joe struggling to carry a bunch of different bags.

"What the hell? Here let me help." I offered.

"Nah, nah I got this." he persisted. 

"Okay, well at least set it all down on the counter" I suggested. He nodded and set everything down on my kitchen island counter. 

Billie Joe walked back outside for a moment and then walked in with a couple boxes and a bag and set them down on the table. 

"What's all this?" I asked, Cody had walked over to see everything as well making me only assume that the movie had ended. 

"Well I promised you a date night," Billie Joe looked at me. "but I thought we could all spend the night together and tomorrow if that's okay so I got us some movies, toys, and dinner" he smiled making Cody smile big. 

He opened up the boxes to reveal pizza, garlic bread, and deep fried pickles. He reached into the bag and pulled out a bottle of wine for us and a few cans of root beer for Cody. 

"You like pizza, right Cody?" Billie Joe asked, smile still on his face.

"Of course! Thank you!" Cody ran up to Billie Joe and hugged him by one of his legs. 

I walked into the kitchen to grab plates, cups, and napkins for everyone and came back out to find Billie Joe sitting next to Cody on the couch, Cody showing Billie Joe his Spider-Man action figure.

I fixed everyone's plates for them, Billie Joe eventually coming up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist. "is it too much?" he asked making me giggle. 

"No, you're amazing. I kinda thought you were gonna ditch us to be honest." 

"Well, I was thinking about it," he spoke up making me gasp and him laugh. "I'm kidding! You have a little brother, Mel. That's awesome! And I really wanna get to know him" 

I turned around slightly and kissed him. "Like I said, you're amazing." 

"Yeah well, y'know" he smirked making me roll my eyes playfully. 

"Could you do me a favor and set up the tv dinner trays?" I batted my eyelashes at him making him chuckle.

"Sure babe" he kissed me one more time and went off to do what I asked. 

"Hey Cody, have you ever seen School of Rock?" I heard Billie Joe ask.

"No" Cody replied sheepishly. 

"WHAT?! Oh my god you poor soul. Well that's all about to change." 

I bit my tongue to keep from laughing. I was in for quite the night. 

. . .

A/N: Look at all that fluffy fluff fluff. 

I hate myself.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter lovelies, next chapter should be sorta similar, I hope that's alright. 

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter?? :) Thanks for reading, have a good day/night/week/life! 

Rage & Love ~

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