-twenty eight-

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The rest of rehearsals went on without any issues at all. Well, except for Billie Joe forgetting the lyrics to his own song at one point. But other than that, everything went on without a hitch.

Cody and I said goodbye to everyone and headed home. Cody was very quiet and would hardly talk or look at me. It broke my heart. I was so angry with Tracey and Jordan that I didn't even take in my surroundings. Cody was probably terrified of me.

We were on the Subway, nearly home when I finally spoke up.

"Hey Cody?" I asked, earning a flinch from him. I felt my eyes water at that.

"Y-yeah?" he asked.

"I'm really sorry for scaring you today. I didn't mean to do that. I shouldn't have done that. I got too angry at those girls and I could have handled it better. But I didn't. And I'm really sorry. I promise it won't happen again"

He looked up at me with a sad smile. "What did they say?"

I shook my head, the anger slowly rising back up. But I had to be calm. "It doesn't matter, Cody. They don't matter. They just wanted to make me upset."

"I guess it worked" he mumbled with a smile.

I laughed. "Yeah, no kidding" I rolled my eyes playfully making him laugh.

He snuggled into my side making me wrap my arms around him. "So do you forgive me, kiddo?"

"Of course" he giggled making me let out a sigh of relief.

. . .

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Billie Joe growled out, having me pressed up against one of the walls in my bedroom, his grip on my throat just tight enough to irritate.

"Okay... so you're mad" I stated the obvious.

"Wow you don't miss a thing," he rolled his eyes. "I bet you thought that was cute, huh? Thought you'd try and piss me off?"

"I... uh, well yeah." I didn't even try to put up a fight. We both knew that I did what I did out of spite.

"Well it fucking worked." he growled, ripping my flannel shirt open, destroying it in the process.

I let out a gasp. He locked eyes with me and the look he gave me was practically daring me to protest. I bit down on my lip to suppress any sounds. Billie just smirked at this.

He leaned down and latched his lips onto my neck, sucking very hard. Oh great, he was marking his territory. I let out a surprised moan when he bit down slightly hard, definitely breaking the skin.

He licked over the mark and pressed a kiss on it. He lifted his head to whisper in my ear. "That boy doesn't have shit on me and you know it."

I went to speak up. "I don't know, I mean he is pretty h-"

Billie Joe cut me off by grabbing my hair rather forcefully, making me look up at him. "Did I fucking say you could talk?" he growled.

I let out a groan in response, making him grip even harder. "Well?" he pressed.

"N-no" I muttered.

"No, what?"

He was in that mood. Oh boy.

"No, daddy." I licked my lips slightly.

He loosened his grip on my hair. "Good girl" he leaned down and kissed me. That kiss turned heated quick and before I knew it, we were making out like horny teenagers.

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