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Once I had finished the song, I received somewhat of a standing ovation from the crew, making me laugh and blush. And despite his best efforts of hiding it, I think I managed to impress Billie Joe too.

"Well I personally believe you are the best fit for Whatsername," Amy piped up, gaining everyone's attention. "but I could also see you playing the role of the Extraordinary Girl"

The rest of the crew seemed to nod and agree amongst themselves.

Except for Satan himself.

"Billie Joe, you haven't said a word." Amy looked over at him.

"She's not bad, but just, not who I had in mind for either of those roles." He spoke up.

Oh. It was going to be like that, was it?


The crew all turned their heads in unison and my eyes followed where they were looking to see two guys sitting in two seats at the very back of the room. One was standing up and it looked like he had thrown around his bag of popcorn.

"Tré I told you if you were going to come watch than you have to shut up." Billie Joe sighed.

"Yeah and then I realized that Mike and I are directors of this play too so why can't we say anything?" Tré asked back.

"Because I wrote the play" Billie spoke up, trying to sound authoratative. It made me want to laugh, it reminded me of his teaching days.

"We wrote the music" Mike countered.

"Yeah come on, Billie Joe lighten up. We like the girl and we know you do too. So just give her a part okay?" Tré raised his eyebrow at Billie Joe, as if challenging him to say no.

He turned away from Mike and Tré and looked up at me on stage.

"It must be your lucky day," he spoke dryly. "cause you get another shot. We don't know what role to give you right now so you'll just have to come to our rehearsals and see which one suits you the best. But if the understudies turn out to fit the roles better, then you're out. Got it?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response and sets his guitar down, grabbed my things and made my way off the stage.

"Great job today Melina!" Amy spoke, making me smile and thank her. I exited out of the same side door as before. But I made sure to look at Mike and Tré and mouth the words "thank you" to them. They smiled at that.

As I exited the building, it didn't take long to here foot steps following me. Not long after that I felt someone grip my wrist.

"I was talking to you." He growled at me.

"No, you were talking down to me. And I don't take kindly to that shit." I didn't even look at him as I pulled my wrist away.

"This play isn't for you. I'm trying to get you to realize that. I'm trying to help you." Billie spoke making me roll my eyes.

I turned around and gave him the most unimpressed face I possibly could. "Oh really? What happened to your whole 'it's fate that you were singing my song' or whatever? Now you don't want me in the show at all?"

He didn't reply.

"Well?" I pressed.

"You cried when you sang Whatsername. You think that's as sad as it can get? Babe, you don't stand a chance." He smirked.

"Oh fuck you." I spat.

"You really think I want to touch you after knowing you've been with some wannabe rockstar?" He replied back, his tone was sharp.

Then it dawned on me why he was being more of an asshole than usual.

It was because I was with Luke. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's funny to you?" He asked.

"You're pretty cute when you're jealous." I smirked up at him.

He tensed at that. His eyes softened as well. "I'm not jealous. If anything I'm disgusted."

I shook my head at his answer. Of course he wouldn't just come out and tell me the truth.

Feeling bold, I walked closer to him. He didn't move back. I played with the tie he was wearing and he watched me intently.

"Keep it up Billie Joe and you just might hurt my feelings." I muttered, looking up at him through my lashes.

His hair had fallen into his face and his breathing had accelerated.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Trying to break down this wall you built up." I replied.

"You mean the one I built because you left me?" He asked.

I stopped all movements at his words.

"You know why I left and you never denied my claims." I let go of his tie and backed away from him.

"Like you'd believe me anyway. You're too paranoid and psycho for you're own good." He practically yelled. Then it dawned on him what he said.

"Look Melina, I-"

"Go fuck yourself, Billie Joe." And with that I walked away.

I heard him call my name a few times, but I didn't look back and headed towards the subway station.

I was starting to believe Billie Joe was right. When it came to working with him and being in his play, I didn't stand a chance.

. . .


Well, here's another chapter for my favorite people ever. This story's getting close to 2k already and I'm hella happy about that :)

Thanks for reading loves. Updates may be slow cause life sucks right now but I'm trying my best. See ya guys in the next update!

Rage & Love ~

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