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"Wow, this guy sounds like an asshole"

"You don't even know the half of it, Ash" I sighed, cleaning up some pint glasses as we talked. I ended up getting called in for work. Two girls called in sick and I always need money, so here we are.

I couldn't wait for the day that I didn't have to worry about affording to pay rent. Maybe one day I'll get lucky and end up being a famous actress. Until then though, the dive bar scene was my scene.

Ashley asked how my audition had went and that basically just turned into me ranting about how much of an asshole Billie Joe is.

"You know what I think? He's totally got the hots for you." Ashley smirked, making me nearly drop the glass I was holding.

"Funny." I replied with no emotion. I love Ashley and we've grown super close through school and work but there was no way I was going to tell her about my past with Billie Joe. That was another life.

"I'm serious! Like who does petty stuff like that? He's into you. I'm calling it right now." She giggles as she hands a regular customer their beer.

"Hey Melina, some guy over at table 4 is asking for ya" Katie came over and grabbed two pint glasses.

"Is it Luke?" I asked earning a laugh from Ashley. "What?"

"I thought you guys were just fuck buddies. Since when do you get excited to see him, outside of the bed room, I mean?" She smirked.

"Oh shut it Ash." I gave her the finger making her laugh.

"Anyway, it's some guy with black hair, black leather jacket. Think I saw some tattoos. Totally a DILF if ya ask me. If you don't go see him, I will" she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and walked off towards table four. But I was stopped by Ashley.

"Ash what are you-"

"Fixing you up, stay still" she fluffed up my hair, undid the top two buttons of my shirt, and pushed my boobs up, making me slap her hands away.

"Go get 'em babe" she winked, making me sigh.

I walked over to table four, to find Billie Joe sitting there with a beer looking smug. "So, this is work?"

"You came here to make fun of me?" I asked unimpressed.

"I mean, I was just looking for a place to get a beer. Seeing you here is just a coincidence."

"Wow and here I thought you were gonna say fate," I rolled my eyes. "why'd you ask for me? I got stuff to do."

"I came here to tell you I'm sorry," I looked him in the eyes and he looked serious. When I didn't say anything, he continued. "you do have a good singing voice and I do want you in the play. And you're not psycho. I'm so stupid for calling you that. It wasn't right. I'm sorry babe."

"Thank you Billie Joe, that was nice. But don't call me that. You embarassed me in front of the whole crew and lied to me about what guitar to bring. Why would you do that?" I asked, taking a seat across from him.

"I guess when I heard you with another guy while you were talking to me set me off. I was so pissed, how could you do that? You seriously couldn't have waited till you got off the phone?" He asked.

I couldn't help but blush at this, making him scowl.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Luke spent the night and he gets a little... impatient."

Billie Joe rolled his eyes at me. "I poured my heart out to you and in return I get to hear you getting off from another guy."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I'm a bitch, I'm sorry."

He grabbed my hand at this and I didn't pull away. "We're just a couple of dumbasses, aren't we?"

"Unfortunately" I laughed, making him laugh in return.

And for the first time in three years, I saw him smile. Really smile.

And that feeling was back. I knew I was blushing.

Billie Joe let go of my hand and grabbed his wallet. He put some money on the table and wrote something out on a napkin.

"I hope to see you on Monday. Rehearsals start at 3. I'll try to go a little easier on you" he winked making me laugh.

"I'll be there" I smiled, making him smile back.

"See ya then, Mel. Take care." He placed the napkin down on top of the money and left before I could say anything.

I picked up the napkin and read it over.

'I'm hoping one day you'll realize what I already know. I'm yours. Maybe one day you'll wanna be mine again.

We are the devil's kind.'

And that's the moment I realized that what Billie Joe and I had was far from over. He had me right where he wanted me.

And that scared the living hell out of me.

. . .
A/N: well hello there.

Another chapter for ya cause I don't know when I'm gonna be able to update again for a bit.

I hope you guys like this chapter, let me know what ya think?

Rage & Love ~

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