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**SMUT WARNING! Have fun pervs ;)**

I never believed there was such a thing as heaven. That was until I found myself in Billie Joe's arms, kissing him again. Even in my semi drunken state, all my senses felt alive again.

With that in mind, I never really believed in a hell either. That was until I realized that I was in it. 

This was probably the last time I could have Billie Joe like this. That thought broke me inside and it really shouldn't have. Guess I have to make the most of this. 

Billie Joe pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against mine, staring at me intently. 

"You're going to regret this" Billie Joe muttered. 

"No I won't" I argued, again sounding like a child. Billie Joe laughed. 

"Trust me. I may not have seen you in years but I still know you. I know you like this," he moved my hair to the side and placed a kiss right below my ear, making me sigh. "and if I kiss you here," he planted a few kisses lower down my neck, making me grip his hair gently. "you tend to do something like that" he chuckled. 

"Billie Joe" 

He pulled away and met my eyes again. "But I also know you'll regret this. Big time. And you'll avoid me forever. And yeah you make me mad, and frustrated, and make me feel so many different things at once that it's overwhelming. But the last thing I want is for you to walk out of my life again. I can't deal with that." 

"I promise I won't Billie Joe. A lot of things in my life don't make sense right now but you do. I can't give that up. I'm too selfish." I sighed.

"Fuck, why do I love that about you?" Billie Joe put both hands on the sides of my face and pulled me to him, kissing me hard. I kissed him back just as hard. 

He lowered his hands, running them down my lower back, my butt, and then to the back of my legs. He lifted me up gently and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. He started walking but then pulled away from the kiss and gave me a look. 

"Oh, uhm, that one" I pointed to where my room was sheepishly. He smiled and walked us to my bedroom. 

Billie Joe lightly kicked open my bedroom door and before I knew it I had slightly bounced on my bed from the impact of him tossing me onto it. 

Billie Joe wasted no time in taking off his shirt and hovering over me. I went to unbuckle my belt but Billie Joe slapped my hand away playfully, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh really?"

"Daddy's in charge, remember?" he taunted. Oh hell yes to this.

"Sorry daddy" I mumbled making him smirk slightly. He unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants, pushing them down. 

He raised his finger up to my panties and tugged gently on the side of them. "Well these are nice" he mused, making me blush slightly. 

He pushed my shirt up and I sat up to take it off over my head. He planted kisses from my neck down to the valley of my breasts, his hands going behind me to unhook my bra. 

Once that was off, he leaned forward and took one of my nipples in his mouth, making me basically throw my head back at the contact and let out a sigh. 

He released it and planted kisses back up my neck and started sucking on a familiar spot on my neck, making me gasp and grab the back of his head. I reached down and tried to unbuckle his belt which didn't take too long for Billie Joe to catch onto. 

"Oh really?" he whispered in my ear. 

He pushed my hand away and undid his belt and slid his pants down, making me bite my lip in response. He reached for my hand and pulled me so I was straddling his lap. 

It felt like in no time at all, he had me grinding on his lap and I was a moaning mess. 

I wrapped my arms tightly around him and buried my face in his neck. 

"Just like old times, right?" he asked cheekily. His hands were gripping my ass and helping me move my body on his.

"Mhm" I had bitten down on my lip and for the life of me couldn't think of anything cheeky or sarcastic to say back to Billie Joe like I usually would. My mind had gone completely blank because of him and I didn't mind. 

That was until my phone started going off. 

I stilled my movements. No one ever called my phone unless it was seriously important. 

Billie Joe saw my expression. "Don't answer that" his grip tightened when I tried to move. 

"What if it's important?" 

"It's not" he muttered.

"But what if it is?" I wrestled my way out of his hold and answered my phone.


"Hey it's Joey," oh god. "uhm look. Luke. He uh. He got alcohol poisoning and it's pretty bad. We're on our way to the hospital." 

"WHAT?!" I shouted, jumping out of bed and startling the hell out of Billie Joe. I scrambled to grab my clothes and attempted to put them on. Joey told me to breathe and which hospital they would be at. 

"I'll be there as soon as I can!" I said before hanging up. 

"What's going on?" Billie Joe asked, boxers and jeans already back on.

"Luke's in the hospital." I said, putting my bra and underwear on. 

"Why? What happened?" he didn't look like he cared at all but still asked anyway.

"Alcohol poisoning." I sighed, my shirt was now over my head. 

"Are you kidding me?!" he asked, looking rather angry. 

"No, and I'm freaking out about this" I sighed, pulling my jeans up and running my finger through my hair.

"Well he deserves it for being a fucking dumbass" he growled. 

"How can you say shit like that?" I shot back. 

"He's careless, a waste, and no good for you. And yet, you're gonna go see him anyway!" 

"Yeah and I'd do the same for you" I replied, brushing past him to grab my bag and my keys. 

"Oh don't even compare me to him, that's offensive" Billie Joe sassed, following me around my apartment. 

"Grow up, Billie Joe." I sighed, slipping my shoes on. 

"Don't expect me to be here when you get back." he said as I opened my apartment door. 

"I'm not, that'd be a little weird anyway" 

I was halfway down the hall when I heard his parting words. 

"Nice tattoo by the way"


. . .

A/N: Sorry about the late update, shitty chapter, and drama. Life sucks right now. 

I don't really have much to say besides that except thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day/night/week/life! 

Rage & Love ~

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