-twenty four-

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"Is his name actually Dewey?" Cody asked, after devouring another slice of pizza.

"Well in real life, no. His real name is Jack Black." Billie Joe informed him.

"Really? That's so cool!" Cody beamed making Billie Joe laugh.

"I know right?" he chuckled, getting up to go grab another glass of wine. "want a top up babe?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks babe" I smiled, he leaned down and pecked my lips before walking away.

"So Cody, do you think you're gonna like it here?" I asked, turning to him.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah it's awesome! There's so much to do here and so much space!" That made my heart hurt. I didn't even want to think about the shit this kid has had to go through. If it was anything remotely close to my childhood, I was going to hunt down my father and kill him. 

"Well I'm glad you like it here" I smiled, trying to forget about how much my heart was hurting for him.

"I really do. Does Billie live here? He's so cool" he grinned. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "No he doesn't live here. But I'm sure he'll be around way more now that you're here" 

"Got that right" Billie spoke up as he walked back into the living room, handing me my wine glass. I smiled at him in thanks. 

We all sat close on the couch. Half way through the movie, Cody asked if he could sit on Billie Joe's lap to which Billie Joe smiled so big I had to fight off the squeal of joy I wanted to let out. I couldn't get over how much Cody and Billie Joe genuinely liked each other. Cody already adored Billie. And Billie was being so good with him, it was way too adorable. 

Billie's hand wandered slightly and pulled me by my waist so that I could cuddle into his side making me smile over at him. 

Moments later I heard a loud knock at my door. 

"Were you expecting anyone?" Billie asked, his eyebrows raised up in confusion.

"No..?" I said, just as equally confused. 

I walked over to the front door and was almost ambushed in a hug by none other than Tre. 

"Hi darling, we've missed you" he exclaimed, picking me up and spinning me around. I let out a laugh at this. 

"Tre put her down before she gets dizzy" Mike rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Too late" I sighed, stumbling slightly as Tre set me down. 

When my vision wasn't as fuzzy anymore, I noticed that they had brought another guy with them. 

"Oh! This is Jason" Tre pointed to the man who I now know to be Jason.

"Hey, I'm Melina" I smiled, shaking his hand that he had reached out.

He stifled a laugh. "Hey Melina. I've heard quite a lot about you" 

"No you haven't!" I heard Billie Joe call out.

I rolled my eyes with a smile, trying to fight off the blush. "You guys hungry? We have a lot of pizza left over" 

"Hell yeah" Tre exclaimed, making his way to the kitchen, the rest of us following suit.

Once the guys had plates full of food, we all gathered in the living room. I sat down a bunch of pillows as "chairs" for them and they all sat around the coffee table. I took my seat on the couch next to Billie Joe and Cody.

"So... did we miss something here?" Mike addressed the elephant in the room. 

"Yeah, I mean we haven't seen you in what feels like five days, not five years. You guys had a kid?!" Tre asked.

Cody laughed out loud. "Your hair is so cool!" he pointed at Tre.

"Thank you! I like you" Tre beamed at Cody.

"Actually, he's my long-lost brother. This is Cody" I smiled down at Cody and ruffled his hair lightly. 

All the guys and I got to know Cody better. Anytime Cody mentioned anything about his home life that sounded the least bit alarming, Billie Joe shot a glare at any of the guys that went to say something. He was so protective of Cody in such short time, I couldn't believe it. 

Hours had passed and Cody was starting to doze off. 

"Babe, can you pull out the bed from the couch for Cody? I'm gonna go get him a pillow and some blankets" I asked. 

"Of course Mel" he smiled, making me smile back in appreciation. Mike, Tre, and Jason were cleaning up their dishes and the dinner table even though I had told them numerous times that they didn't have to.

Moments later I was back and Cody had already changed into his pjs and both him and Billie Joe claimed that he had already brushed his teeth. I couldn't help but laugh. 

Billie Joe and I both tucked Cody in, and brought a lamp over for him, just in case. Billie Joe handed him his Spider-Man action figure to which Cody cuddled to his chest. 

"Sweet dreams, Cody" I kissed his forehead.

"Night Melina" he yawned. 

Mike, Tre, and Jason had finished up and they were getting their shoes on and getting ready to leave. We all said our goodbyes and promised to make some plans outside of the play soon.

I lead Billie Joe to my room by the hand. He closed the door behind us.

"Well, I think we did pretty well" he chuckled. 

"We? You did everything! Cody loves you and that makes me so happy" I sighed, stripping out of my shirt and pants, keeping on my bralette and grabbing a pair of shorts to wear to bed. 

I turned around and he was already lying down, all ready for bed. I got into bed with him, when he made grabby hands at me like a child. 

"Well, he's apart of your life and really important to you. So, that makes him really important to me" he replied. 

I smiled up at him gratefully and he pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead. 

He cuddled me and I fell asleep almost instantly.

. . .


I feel like I did this chapter more for me than I did for you. I'm so selfish, I know. 

I'm kinda going through some shit and a bit of a crisis right now. I'm stressed af and just want to cry but rn I'm gonna just go eat Harvey's and cry myself to sleep or something. 

Anyway, enough of that. Let me know what you think of this chapter? I actually liked it. Thanks again for reading babes, I hope you have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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