✗ little changes [please read!]

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so i just realized something that idek why i did this but i made [y/n] a 14 year old and changkyun 15 or 16 which is like

the dumbest age choice i've ever done

and the story actually changed a lot from what i was first intending to make it

so instead just imagine them in the age range of 18 through idk early 20's

just do 18 or 19 because i already fucked this up and i like to consider 18 and 19 still being teenagers because it got the word 'teen' in it but it's sort of being an adult

i'm gonna change the chapter when it's changkyun's b-day and other parts that mention their ages [but if i miss any just ignore it]

so i'm just informing you all so you don't get confused

man wtf was i thinking

and i'm making this the first part of the book so people are alert of it [even though it's been changed now]

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and i'm making this the first part of the book so people are alert of it [even though it's been changed now]

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