Chapter 2 - My friend

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Erens POV

I pull my schedule from inside my book bag and see all the classes.

"Hmm, so the teachers are Mr.Ackerman, Ms.Zoe, Mr. Smith, and Mr Shadis. Wonder how I'm gonna like them."

I walk to the locker that was assigned to me, as I walk closer I see a very familiar face. The guy was blonde with blue eyes a little short wearing a sweater vest with khaki pants on and blue converses. It was the one and only Armin Arlert.

"Armin!? Dude is that you?" I said with excitement, Armin turns and looks at me with a huge smile on his face."Eren?! In the flesh?" We both laughed talked about our classes.
"So I have Mr.Ackerman first what about you?"
"Same here, what about after that?"
"Then I have Ms.Zoe, Mr.Shadis, then Mr. Smith" I told him hoping we had all the same classes. Sadly enough Mr.Ackerman was the only class we had together.
"Well that sucks" I said looking at the ground with despair.
"Dude don't worry we'll have first block then lunch, by the way how's the guitar been working for you?" Armin asked curious as to how good I've become considering I've been practicing for years on end.
"I finally have been able to play All Apologies by Nirvana perfectly and I've been working on Float On by the Modest Mouse."(insert song) I loved guitar and all the rock, alternative rock and grunge bands they were all I ever listened to.
"How about you Armin, what have you been up to mostly through the summer?" I asked since this summer Armins been traveling a lot and I haven't had much time to catch up with him and talk.
"Well I have been going around the world to France, England, a bunch of other countries. It was fun for the most part but I felt better being home and reading my books." Yeah Armin was definetly the modest type, he hated being in the spotlight he'd rather just be in the side lines. Armin was the smartest guy I know probably the smartest in the school even topping the seniors. He was one of the biggest prizes that this school could have academical wise. He had all AP classes in the beginning of freshman year still keeping them now. He has all A's while I have.....B's and C's I wasn't the brightest when it came to academics but I knew my way around a guitar and I was coordinated very well for sports but I never liked the people playing them, they're a bunch of pricks. To fixated on their own egos to matter.

Armin and I were talking a little bit more when I noticed someone making a b- line straight for Armin. I pushed Armin out of the way and took the hit from the big jock, I fell to the floor having the wind knocked out of me sitting there in pain I looked up to see the second best player on the football team Reiner Braun. The rest of the football players were laughing except for Jean and Marco they were just staring in disbelief. I'm not surprised that Marco wasn't about what happened but Jean? Thought he would have been glad to see me laid out on the floor. Rainer just stood there laughing his ass off saying
"Come on Eren I thought you were tougher then that, I was mistaken can't even handle a little shove." I got up looked him in the eyes with a fiery rage that couldn't be described with words.
"Rainer I'm gonna kick your a-" I was cut off by the powerful blow of Rainers fist to my stomach. If the wind wasn't already out of me, it definetly was now. I fell to the floor in pain and agony.
"What was the Jaeger? I couldn't hear you, mind repeating that for me?" As he went for another blow Armin leaped in front of me, Rainer pulled his punch and looked at Armin.
"He's sorry, he didn't mean what he said. Can you forgive him? Please?" Armin begged Rainer, Rainer looked at Armin then me. I laid there try to pull myself up, he looked back at Armin then around and seeing the laughing faces of all the other kids.
"You were saved this time Jaeger but next time I won't go easy, come on guys let's get out of here." Rainer left with his flock with the satisfaction of kicking my ass. I stood up laying my hand on my stomach, my face red from anger. To think those punks could do whatever they want, one day I'll show them. I thought in my head but to brought back to reality by Armin.
"Hey man, do I need to take you to the nurse?" Armin said worriedly.
"No, I'm alright I just want to get to class and forget that happened." I said looking into my locker to get the things that I needed for Mr.Ackermans class.
"Okay, by the way Eren, thanks for pushing me out of the way." He said with a slight smile I turned and looked at him with a small grin.
"Heh, don't worry they're not that bigga deal"
After that we both walked into class and sat in our assigned seats. Armin was across the room, go figure. So now I was alone and had no one to talk to....WONDERFUL. The bell rang and a couple people were still talking. Mr.Ackerman walked into the room, he was kinda short about Armins height maybe shorter I don't know but he had a serious look that kinda seemed like he hasn't had enough sleep in a while. But he looked pissed with a capital P. He looked around the room and saw everyone was still talking, he grabbed a ruler and slammed it onto the desk it seemed like he used all his strength doing it because it shut everyone up. He looked around the room one last time seeing that no one was talking finally said something.
"About time you brats shut the hell up" everyone looked at him in disbelief.
"Did he really just say that?" One of the kids in the back whispered shocked as everyone else was.
"Alright I'm just gonna get to the chase, if any of you feel like you can't handle this class just leave right now. I'm not gonna deal with incompetent fools who don't know how to do basic algebra." I didn't notice this was algebra 2 AP, how the hell did I even get this class I thought. Then Mr.Ackerman looked at me.
"Do you even know where you are? You looked heavily confused. Whatever I don't care I just-" Mr.Ackerman stopped in mid sentence at the sight of someone sticking their gum under the desk. He just looked at the girl and gave her a stare that would send you into the depths of hell. She was scared crazy out of her mind. He opened his mouth to say one thing and one thing only.
"Get the hell out of my class"
She then walked out without saying a word. Everyone was terrified and didn't know what to do.
"Don't any of you delinquents think about putting gum under the desks, understood?" I got a chill down my back, I looked at Armin to see him just as spooked as me. This was gonna be one hell of a class.

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