Chapter 49 - Im Back In This

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Erens POV

I run over to Marco and see him passed out on the floor bleeding out, I look up and scream to Jean who's just motionless.
"Jean! Move it, I need your help now!"
He snaps out of the trance and listens to all of my orders.
"Take off your jacket and apply pressure to the wound, you got to hold it there no matter what got it?"
He doesn't respond as though he's still in a shocked traumatic trance.
"Okay okay."
I get up and run over to Annie who's over with Hange, the bullet hit her right eye, it made a clean shot straight through her skull. I don't have to say anything to Annie because she knows what she's doing. That's when I run inside and scream for help immediately, Levi and a couple others come outside to see what happened. A few people call 911 and the police are on their way, everyone bands together to get supplies to help with what happened. Levi pulls me aside and asks what happened and where's Mikasa.
"Zeke came up and took her, he had a gun. Marco tried to take it but he got shot in the act that's when Hange came outside to see what all the noise was about and she got shot in the face by Zeke as well."
Levi doesn't say a word but goes straight to Hange, I hear him say something under his breath but that's not the main concern. The police arrive and a ambulance is right behind them. Marco and Hange are taken into the ambulance and taken to the nearest hospital. That's when me, Jean, and Annie are taken to the side and are questioned. Before we even got to taken aside for questioning, I told Annie and Jean to keep it as simple as a drive by shooting don't know why it happened but it happened. They complied and wouldn't say anything about Zeke or Mikasas disappearance. The cops are a bit concerned about our response but they feel remorse for our friend being shot.

When everything settles down all of us make it to the hospital to check on Marco and Hange. When we arrive we ask the front desk where Marcos and Hanges rooms are, they tell us Hanges room but Marco passed away during the ride to the hospital. That's when it hit us...we just lost a good friend to these pricks. They killed him in cold blood, he was just trying to save Mikasa but got his life taken away for being the good guy. Levi comes to me while we wait on the situation with Hange and tells me that we need to have a meeting. I agree with it and we get a few people to talk about our next move.

The people who were pulled aside were Levi, Reiner, Annie, Sasha, and Armin. Everyone else was took shooken up to talk, we go outside and make a plan on our next move while Levi takes his smoke.
"We get everyone, and I mean everyone to fight this battle."
"Eren we don't even have a lead of where she could be."
Reiner replies while pacing around, I look to Levi who's so calm about the situation and isn't the least bit angry or upset.
"Levi, did Hange still have the prisoner deep down in her basement?"
"Yeah, she said he's her and I quote, little buddy."
"Then we start there, Levi and Armin go to her house and see his condition. We got to be quick about this, they don't know we're gonna strike back so fast. Let's keep them wondering."
Everyone agrees with the plan then Levi and Armin go off to check Hanges house while the rest of us continue to wait for Hanges condition report. Jean continues his trance until I sit next to him in the waiting room.
"He was your best friend right?"
"Yeah...he was."
"I'm sorry he died like that."
"Don't apologize just make me a promise."
"What's that?"
"Kill that son of a bitch dead."
"I made that promise a long time ago, I'll fulfill it this time.... I promise."
Jean then holds out his hand and I close the gap and firmly grab it, for now our little dispute is over. This is far more important then any little petty bullshit we had before, when the doctor comes out of the ER he tells us Hanges in critical condition. He says that it's a miracle it only hit her eye, we all sigh in relief and that's when all of us head to Hanges house. When I approach the door it's been kicked open, so much for finding a key. I lead everyone down into the basement where we see Levi beating the hell out of the man.
"Where is your HQ? Tell me now or I'll blow your fucking head off."
"Okay okay I'll give you directions just stop hitting me, and I haven't eaten in days can I have any form of food?"
Krista volunteers to get away and make him something to eat, while the rest of us wait for directions and a location. We hand him a map and he gives us the general location of it, it's a pretty big facility basically a fucking compound and it's not something to joke around with. He says there's got to be around 150 people in there at the least. That puts us at a huge disadvantage, I go up stairs and we discuss a plan on what to do.
"That's a hell of a lot of people Eren, you honestly think we can pull this off?"
Bertolt asks while looking around the room to see if anyone agrees.
"I think it's fair to say that each and everyone of us has more combat experience then them. Which means we do have a shot at this."
"I understand that you have to get her back man but I need to look out for my own family too."
Bertolt says while looking at Annie, they've become extremely close and are practically dating now.
"I understand that but Annie wants in and she's my right hand, we need her strength as much as anyone's. I know this is insane....but this is an insane world, we have to come for them before they come for us. We can pull this off we just have to make a clean plan and sort out each team accordingly. We do this tonight and make a move tomorrow, they won't expect it."
Everyone nods their heads and copes with the reality with this being a full fledge battle that we might not walk away from alive. Reiner then looks at me and tries to lighten the mood.
"We got this, good to have our fearless leader back."
Everyone smirks at the comment, Levi goes into his truck and hands me my revolver.
"It's good to be back, now let's get this done."

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