Chapter 20 - The Night I'll Never Forget

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Authors Note: Alright so this chapter may be a bit graphic so be mindful my folks. And by a bit I mean A LOT.

Erens POV

It's 11 o'clock, I take a look at my uniform and see that it consists of a black trench coat with a winged crest on the arms and left side of the chest. There's also black gloves, a holster for my revolver, some combat boots and dark grey shirt and pants. I take a quick look to see if my parents were asleep, they weren't down stairs so I'm assuming they went to bed. I put on the uniform and take a look in the mirror..... I feel like a solider. I look at my phone and as always Levi is here early, I sneak downstairs and out of the house. I come to the car and see Annie, Levi and Hange all decked out in their uniforms. No words are spoken we just drive off, this keeps me on edge a little but surprisingly I'm not scared. I look over at Annie and....I see her shaking, I place my hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, I don't blame you if you want to bail. This is tough for all of us." I whisper to her trying to reassure her that it's okay to leave.
"It's fine, I'm ready for this." I nod my head to her and we continue on. At this point we're in a area kinda away from town, it looks like a cargo area. Levi parks about a mile away from the actual area, we all get out of the car and get our guns ready. We all make sure we have enough ammo for any possible situation. I have my AR with the revolver, Levi has to holsters for both his pistols, Hange has an M-16 with a side arm, and Annie has both her sniper and pistol silenced. We see a car pull up to us, I get my gun ready but I'm signaled to lower it by Levi. Then I notice that it's Petra and 3 other men. Levi introduces me to his old squad mates, their names were Oluo, Eld, and Gunther. I ask where Mr.Smith was because isn't he supposed to be the leader, they tell me he's under the radar due to his family being a big reason why he's not here. We all strap up one last time making sure we all have enough ammunition. I'm curious to know what this whole organization was called.
"Hey Levi what's this gangs name anyways?"
"Not a gang I told you that, but we're the Scouts."
"Pretty bad ass name."
We go over the plan one last time, it consists of Me, Levi, Annie, and Hange going into the front line and keeping their agro. While Petra and Oluo get the left flank and Eld and Gunther get the right flank. They'll close in on the enemies that will be in front of us. We all agree with the plan, we each get a radio just in case we either get separated or in a pinch. We'll be able to rotate our position to back up the person that's in trouble. Mr.Smith was the one that made the plan out since he wouldn't be here, he wanted to help in anyway possible. We all do one last check of everything we need then head out.

Levi takes point and we all follow behind him, we're about 10 meters away from the facility. We continue until we see two guards waiting in front of the building. Levi motions Oluo and Eld to check the left and right side of the building to see if there's anymore guards. It looks like those are the only two, they're holding assault rifles and they look prepared for an ambush. Petra and Annie hold position aiming their snipers at both the guards heads. Then Levi gives the thumbs up and they shoot both of them clean in the head. We then progress into the front of the facility, me and Oluo pick up the body on the left while Eld and Gunther pick up the one on the right we move them to the left of the building and progress inside. We have our weapons ready slowly inching inside, we see three guys sitting on a bench looking at the TV. Their backs are faced towards us, so we have the advantage. Me, Levi and Hange move slowly in with our knives, inching every second. When I reach my target I push the knife deep into the back of his nape, while covering his eyes. Levi and Hange do the same, we move the bodies then continue on. Oluo and Petra go check the left side of the building while Eld and Gunther check the right. My group continues forward, until we see two men looking in our direction. Their eyes are wide then we hear a loud alarm go off and guns firing in our direction. Each of us quickly dive into cover, I see Levi pull out both his pistols then unload on the people in front of us. I aim my assault rifle at the men as well, Levi hits two dead center of the head and I blast the other full of lead from my AR. Now that they know we're here there's no point of being quiet so we march on through and start taking out as many people as we could see. There was nothing but blood on the floor and walls, as we continue on Levi and Hange get ahead of me and Annie to take care of some people up ahead. As we come up behind them I get tackled by a huge guy, he starts beating the holy hell out me landing hit after hit to my face. I hear Annie struggling to handle another guy over on her end, I try to fight back but he keeps nailing me in the face and it hurts so bad. The man gets a bit tired of beating on me and slows his punches, my chance comes up and I pull my revolver from my side and hold it under his head, I clock the gun and pull the trigger. Blood sprays all over my face and I'm left with a huge man laying on me lifelessly, I push his death filled body off of me. I'm still stunned from the loud gun blast near my face, I trip my way over to Annie and see her thrown to the floor. I run over to her and punch the man in the face but he doesn't seem to affected by it, he then bear hugs me tight trying to take all the wind out of me.
"Whatcha gonna do now sport?" He asks smirking while having me in his clutches, my mind goes blank and I do the absolute unthinkable. My mouth moves around his jugulars and I bite right into his throat as hard as I could. I rip out as much of his throat as I could, I spit it all out and he lets go slowly falling to the floor. The blood from his throat is splattering all over my jacket and it's dripping all over the floor. My mouth is covered with nothing but blood and the taste sticks to my tongue, I see that there's another man looking over at me horrified at what he saw.
"Look man, we're sorry for whatever we did. Please don't-"
Before he could finish his sentence I made my way over to him with my knife stabbed right into his stomach. I rip it upward making more and more blood pour out. I continue stabbing and stabbing and stabbing until a disfigured corpse laid in front of me. I didn't notice but I had a audience of my fellow comrades looking at me just as horrified as the man I just ended. I look around confused at what they're staring at.
I ask looking directly at Levi, he doesn't seemed shocked at all. He just has the same serious look as he usually does.
"It's over, we killed them all."
I take one last look at the three dead corpses that layed on the floor, everyone still stunned I decide to break the silence.
"Good, let's get the hell out of here." I help Annie up from off the floor and walk out of the building still having blood drip from my jacket.

Authors Note:
Hello my readers, remember when I said a lot of action? I meant to say a lot of gore as well :D but I'm sorry if this was a bit to much for you. I'll tone it down if it is, but also thank you so much for the 700 reads means alottttt.

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