Chapter 56 - Goodbye My Friend

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Erens POV

I continue sitting in the trance until we pull into an allyway, Reiners following right behind us. Armin has been patched up to the best of Petra's abilities but that's not good enough. We need to get him into a hospital, I open the back doors and question why we've stopped at an ally.
"Levi! Why are we here we need to get Armin out of here."
"Eren....we can't go to a hospital."
I look back at him, he's got about 3 bullet wounds and is limping over to me. My eyes widen and I go up to his face.
"Why the fuck not!?"
"If we go there's a high chance the Eldians are behind us, we'll all die."
" I'm not just gonna stand here and let my best friend die."
I look around and everyone's in bad shape, especially Sasha. She's laying in the back of the other van with gunshot wounds in her leg and side, Petra's taking care of her now. Everyone is looking at me with...pity....
"Eren....Levi's right, we all can't go out there as it is'd be a lost cause."
Annie says while looking at the floor, then Jean chimes in.
"We've all lost friends today...let him rest."
My eyes widen even more but with anger, I can't believe this.
"Do you even hear what you're saying? He's not dead yet....WE CAN SAVE HIM! and you aren't willing to do that?"
They all look to the floor and don't say anything.
"Fine, I will."
I turn around to go carry Armin but Levi's not happy with it.
"I can't let you leave."
I turn around and look at him he's got his pistol in his hand, I pull my revolver out of my holster and aim it at him.
"Don't make me Levi."
Then Mikasa pulls the revolver down, she's been crying for a while.
"Eren I'll go with you, but we need to leave now or else he won't make it."
Before I grab Armin in my arms I throw my revolver to the floor and run past Levi and the rest with Mikasa to the nearest hospital.

We sprint for an hour straight, Mikasa directed me around the areas as I freak out while holding my friend in my arms bleeding to death. I continue crying and running until we finally run through the hospital door.
A bunch of nurses run to me and they get Armin in a stretcher and away into the double doors. I fall to the floor against the wall and sit there with Mikasa waiting for Armins condition. A nurse asked about my wound but a tell her I don't want to get any treatment until my friend comes back fine. Mikasa and I are silent for a while until she holds my hand, that's when I break down completely.
"They all died because of me, I led them to their deaths. Oluo...Gunther...Bertolt...Eld. Now Armin may be on death row and it was because of me."
"You can't beat yourself up about this, in actuality it was me who got kid napped and then you guys came to rescue me. It's my fault not yours."
I just cry into her shoulder as she comforts me, I'm glad she came with me. I would have been with the dark me and that one is scary.

After an hour of sitting here the nurse comes out of the double doors and walks over to me and Mikasa, She has tears in her eyes.
"Mr.Jaeger your friend is Armin Arlert right?"
"Yes Ma'am, please tell me he's okay."
"I'm sorry but he has......."
Then it all went blank, I didn't want to hear it or believe it. Tears streamed down my face as I paced around punching the brick wall until my knuckles bled. Mikasa stopped me and held me as we both cried for what seemed like an eternity. We were just the nerds at high school that didn't know anyone stayed to ourselves, now he laid on a hospital bed dead from a bullet wound. It's all my's all my fault...ITS ALL MY FAULT!

Mikasa told me she needed to get to Levi to see if he's okay, I told her I'd be fine lying so she could leave me be with my thoughts. When she left I continued to hurt myself, punching the concrete floor until the blood dripped uncontrollably from my right hand. I moved to my next hand and did the same thing but the same nurse saw me outside doing so and stopped me.
"Honey please stop, you'll seriously hurt yourself if you keep that up."
"I want to die.....I don't want to fight life anymore. My friend died because of's all my fault damnit!"
I yell punching my left hand one more time into the ground, it's true though. I want to die... I should have died instead of him. Armin had so much more in life then me, I shouldn't be here right now....he should. I look up at the nurse and she's bleeding across her chest.
"Umm ma'am your chest is bleeding."
"Oh I uh got that from a while ago, don't worry about it. You should go get your hand checked out though dear."
I get up and walk with the nurse and she fixed my hand with bandages. I go outside and walk to a non existent destination crying as to the death of my friend.

Authors Note:
If you noticed it you've got good observation skills 😊. It may seem like I've been butchering characters and killing them off but it's all for the good of the book my friends. By the way 7k my peeps we've hit it! And it's almost 10K that's awesome. Thank you so much for this guys.

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