Chapter 32 - Sasha's First Mission

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The following day

Sasha's POV

I walk into school with Connie by my side, he's such a geek but i find it cute. We continue walking around school until the bell rings, I kiss him goodbye and enter class. I see Eren enter class with Armin and trying to avoid eye contact with Levi. They sit beside me and I've got to knows up with that.
"Yo why are you acting weird?"
"H-huh? I.I.Im not acting weird at all....nope not acting any different then usual."
"Mhm, hey Armin wanna spill what happened?"
Armin just kinda has a smile on his face and Erens trying his hardest to make sure Armin doesn't say anything.
"Well...Eren here.."
"Him and Mikasa..."
"Eren and Mikasa did what?"
Now I see Levi standing in front of all of us with his death stare, haven't seen that in a good minute. He waits on a response from Armin and Eren.
"No continue Armin I wanna hear this." Now he's pulling a chair and is looking pissed. Erens as red as a tomato and I think I kinda have an idea of what they did. So Ima try and save my boy from total annihilation.
"Is it the singing rehearsals you guys do frequently? Because you two are super shy about that stuff."
Eren goes with it and nods his head still not making eye contact.
"Hmm alright, let me find out you did something Jaeger. It'll be your head, by the way you three stay after class for a scouts meeting."
We all nod our heads and Levi goes back to his desk, Eren basically goes on his knees thanking me for saving his ass. We just get a good laugh out of it and continue class. It's the end of class and Levi sits on his table watching the rest of the students leave, while we stand around him. Once the room is cleared he gets to business.
"Alright, there's gonna be another fight between the scouts and Eldians tonight."
"Alright I'm in."
Eren says but Levi is quick to shoot him down.
"No you're out of the picture, you're still recovering and if you're gonna fight we need you in tip top shape. Which means Sasha and Armin, I need you two to help."
My first battle huh? Well I'm excited but still nervous from what Erens told us about what happens during some of them.
"Okay, whatever you need."
"Yeah same, but I'm not the greatest shot you know that right Levi?" Armin tells him, I can see that he's a bit nervous too.
"Armin you're not necessarily gonna fight, Erwin wants to talk to you about a plan to infiltrate them. The group will probably consist of 4 people, nothing to big. It's gonna be me and Sasha now I just need to think of 2 more people."
We all brain storm a few people. Annie's one of them, Hanges another. Levi said that there are a few other scouts that we haven't met but he doesn't know if they are technically still doing this type of things. I ask if Connie can come but Levi shoots that option down saying that I won't be thinking straight if he was there. I'm kinda bummed about it but I agree, we leave to go to our next class.

When lunch comes around I go to Levi's classroom, when I enter I see all of my friends, Hange and Erwin. We go over the plan a few more times, some people are upset they aren't going like Connie and Jean. But Levi tells them to just get over it, supposedly they interrogated a man and got this information from him. Hopefully it checks out okay, so it was set in stone that Levi Annie Hange and me would take them out tonight. Armin and Erwin made a excellent plan, they had a few gasoline barrels laying around the facility so we'd start the fight with me blowing them up and us charging in taking them out. I'm still nervous about everything, I'd be killing someone. You ever got that feeling in your stomach that makes you not want to eat for a while... I don't get that much but when it does happen it sucks. Killing someone has got to make you have a feeling worse then that. We all call it a day a go to our classes once the lunch bell rang, Levi hands me a uniform to put on when I get home, I stuff it in my book bag and get to class. When it's the end of the day Connie kisses me goodbye and I head home with my dad. Connie texts me through out the day that he knows I'll be fine but to just be safe and don't do anything rash. I love him so much but haven't said so yet, I feel like he'd kinda react weird. I text him I'll be good, everyone will have each others back so we'll be fine. I wait patiently till it reaches 10 o'clock, when it hits 9:30 I throw on my uniform. I'm pretty sure everyone has different uniforms because I have a long sleeved black shirt with the winged crest on my arms and left side of my chest. There's also some grey cargo pants and some boots that go up to my calf. Throw on two belts ones a holster and the others just for show, they kinda form a X but it's whatever. I also put on my personal gloves for shooting my bow. Levi shoots me a text saying they're here, I sneak into my garage and take my bow and a lot of arrows with the arrow holder. I exit my home and into his car, I see Annie wearing a just a black t-shirt and the crest with some gloves and some tight pants. Everyone else wore a jacket and the rest was the same as Annie. We talk a bit more about the plan and the weapons we'd be using, Hange is sticking with her assault rifle and pistol. Levi is using his two barrettes and a lot of pistol ammo. Annie is having her sniper holstered on her back while using a pump action shotgun. I'm just gonna use my bow but Levi makes it apparent that I need a side arm. He hands me I tiny snub nosed revolver and says that should suit me well. We arrive at a area near the forest, Levi says the building shouldn't be to far into it. We grab all our gear then head out. When we reach eye distance of the building we see the big gas barrels that the man was talking about. Annie removes her sniper and looks around the area and sees a good bit of people. Levi said that the guy told them that there was a max of 20 people but it doesn't seem that way. Annie then shoots each one of the barrels once and I light up two of my arrows and then let it rain. The explosions from one of the barrels was big enough that it cause half of the buildings to ignite in flames, shoot the other one and the same effect happens. I hear Annie shooting her sniper picking off some people that were caught from the flames of the fire. This doesn't feel right at all but I can't stop or I'll die, i join Annie in the shooting I aim my arrow at a mans head and let it rip. It shoots right through his head and into another mans head, they both collapse laying on the floor dead. My first kill and it was by the hands of my favorite hunting bow, I feel sick at the sight of the dead corpses but I continue firing. I see Levi and Hange up in the front behind some cement blocks firing and killing other people as well. I see a man behind Hange and I take him out quickly, she waves over to me mouthing thank you and continuing her firing spree. A lady and a man come behind me and Annie and we react quickly to counter them I smack the girl in the head with my bow and nail her in the face with my arrow, she dies instantly. Annie throws the man on his ass and shotguns him in the chest twice. We pant for a bit then go back to covering Levi and Hange from flanks. It took about 2 hours to pick off the people coming out of the burning building, that was a terrible way to die but to think that they wouldn't think twice before killing us, it's only fair that we do the same to them. The cops show up but we get out in time with a lot of guns, ammunition, they even had what seems like explosive arrows....those'll be fun to use later. They had about 40 of them so I stored them in a bag and ran off with them. When we got far away from the area we parked and made sure everyone was okay.
"Hey potato girl, you alright?"
"...yeah, just.. a bit shook is all."
"Don't worry you did amazing, you saved Hange and fought well. Glad I chose you to help us." His words help my guilt a bit but in the end I guess you can say I just can't get over it that quickly. They drop me off home and it's only 2:34 AM, i feel like a wreck. The killing isn't what I guess you can say bothered me, it's seeing their faces as I did what I did. I don't think I'll be able to live that down.

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