Chapter 46 - Drifting In Thoughts

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Ima leave y'all with the cliffhanger for now because it's funny and mean :)

(An hour before home coming)

Mikasas POV

After everything that's happened I excepted jeans invitation to homecoming, I need to get away from the thoughts of Eren but I can't just get away from them when it's all I ever think about anymore. Jean heads over to my house about 10 minutes before it starts and I'm about ready but I still need a few tweaks on my make up. When I get done I walk into the living room and I see Jean at edge from Levi's stare.
"Okay what's with the face Levi?"
"Hmm..I prefer Eren."
That comment right there just destroyed Jean but I guess he bumps back and responds to Levi.
"I'm better then him so I think you should be a bit more open minded."
"That right there is why I prefer Eren, he would have never said anything like that."
I get in the middle of them to stop the argument.
"Enough let's just go to the dance already."
Levi nods his head then leads me and Jean to the dance, Jean try's to start a conversation but Levi's not having it.
"Mikasa you look amazing, stunning at tha-"
"Enough with checking out my sister and keep your eyes forward."
I'm kinda pissed that he won't even let Jean talk, granted it was a bit weird having him compliment me 24/7 but I still liked Jean. Maybe a little more then friends after all he's helped me out with. When we finally reach the school and make it into the gymnasium, Jean sees Marco so he races over to him kinda forgetting my presence, that pisses Levi off.
"Quite the gentleman isn't he."
"Levi enough already, not everyone is gonna be like Eren okay?"
He ignores my comment and opens the door for me to enter, when I walk straight through I see all my friends and especially the emerald eyed boy that I can't stop thinking about. Granted I might date Jean but Erens the only guy I really think about. Even if all we ever did was not get along anymore I still thought about him, you can't just go from loving someone with all your heart to not caring anymore. It just doesn't work that way, when I make it over to them Jean kinda notices that he left me and tries to apologize but I bluntly wave it off.

I notice Levi talking to Erens mom, he literally won't stop butchering me about him I swear it feels like he loves Eren more then me. I decide to go over to him and Erens mom while Erens not around to see me do so.
"Hello Mrs.Jaeger, how are you?"
"Hey Mikasa I'm good, you look stunning if I don't say so myself. If you don't mind my asking, what happened to you and Eren? He was literally head over heels for you but all of the sudden you guys just stop dating."
"Things got complicated with him and he made me feel like a last priority. I still care about him though."
"Well honey have you told him that?"
"Umm no not really."
"You should, I'm sure it'd probably help both of you out in the long run."
"Yeah your right I should, thank you Mrs.Jaeger."
"No problem honey but seriously call me Carla Mrs.Jaeger makes me feel so old."
I wave her goodbye and head back over to my friends, I see Reiner and Krista together which makes me feel a bit better about the whole thing that happened with Eren. But it seems like she doesn't even want to be around him, she looks literally miserable. I decide to pull her aside and talk to her since it's been awhile.
"Hey Krista, you okay? You look down."
"Oh well.. I guess. I just didn't really feel like going to this thing with Reiner. He's nice and all but there's someone else I'd prefer to be with."
She says while looking over to the left of me where I see Eren talking to Armin.
"You wanted to go with Eren huh?"
"Well...yeah since you are with Jean I wanted to go with him since he wasn't going with anyone but he told me that Reiner was a better choice and he didn't want to do his friend dirty."
"Oh, so you really like him...don't you?"
There's a little bit of silence but she replies with a very sweet tone.
"I mean...of course, you were with him for a good bit wouldn't you say he's amazing?"
I look over at the boy who still holds my heart in his hands and I can't help but feel stupid to take him for granted. He was amazing and all he ever did was care for me but I guess I felt like he wasn't doing it enough.
"Yeah, he's pretty amazing."
I'm pulled into another conversation when Jean and Marco come my way, they just talk about sports and stuff that's until I see Eren make his way over to Marco. I hear him say something about a pianist and that Marco would be a wonderful choice, I guess he forgot about me. I bet I'd be pretty awkward if I went on stage and helped him though. When Marco finishes talking to Eren he turns our way and tells us that Eren needs help performing a song. Jean just insults Eren and says that he would need help with something as simple as a little performance but this is pretty big even for a homecoming dance. When Marco leaves to go play with Eren, me and Jean stand by the rest of our friends and watch as Mr.Pixis tells us that Eren would be performing. When he comes on stage Armin and Marco wave to the crowd as Eren introduces himself and the rest for what they'd be performing. He says the song is follow you by BMTH and I've heard it once before and it's kinda like a love song. When they start playing I notice Eren looking in my direction a lot, he's no longer ignoring everyone. He looks confident and that just kinda makes me want him a bit more. The song is honestly beautiful and the lyrics make sense with what we've been going through, I hope it's about me...I really do. When he finishes I can't help but clap and applaud him for the amazing performance. Jean seems a bit mad about it but it doesn't matter they all did really good.

They all make their way to us and we give them side hugs and high fives, I do it to Armin and Marco but me and Eren are still a bit odd. We just waved at each other....that was it. I see him go over to Levi and Carla and they both look so proud of him, especially Levi. He barely smiles but he was for Eren again he treats him like his own son I swear. But again I can't wait for him to perform again, when I get the chance I'll tell him how I feel and that I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I just want things to go back to normal again.

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