Chapter 31 - Im Taking The Day Off

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Disclaimer: Things get a little frisky here so readers be weary ;p probably made for a mature group.

Erens POV

After waiting for about 30-40 minutes, Levi Hange and Moblit finally appear from the depths of the basement. They explain to me that Zeke and the Eldians want me out of the picture...completely they also tell me some of their plans. In the end Levi tells me to take a load off tomorrow and to just keep low until we have solid proof of what this guy says. I agree with their motives and then Levi takes me home, when I enter the house I wave to my mom and give her a half assed response on how school was and go to my room. I probably should talk to her more after everything that happened the past week but I'm not in the mood for talking. My hand hasn't completely healed but I don't need a cast which is good, I just use bandage wraps and call it a day. Since I'm gonna be not so busy for the whole day tomorrow I'll just hang out with Mikasa. It's only 6 but I feel exhausted, I curl under my blanket and pass out not waking up until morning. When I awake from my slumber i hear my stomach growling like it's about to attack my liver or something. I walk downstairs a make me some cereal then walk back upstairs still kinda half conscious. I go into my room and throw on what seemed good at the time then grab my bag and throw my bowl in the sink then make my way to the bus stop. I get on and like usual it takes me to school like normal.

When I make it to school I go to my locker where Mikasa was waiting on time as usual.
"Hey you wanna hang out after school?"
"Yeah sure babe."
We continue talking for a bit then the bell rings and I walk her to class, In the mean time I look out for Reiner, I'm still a bit on edge from his earlier statements. I get to Levi's class and enjoy school as usual. Schools not extremely boring like usual so the day ends pretty quickly. Me and Mikasa meet up and tell Levi that we'd be hanging out for most of the day, he's okay with it and waves us goodbye as we leave school. Times like this I really wish I had a car but I gotta just struggle through I guess. Me and Mikasa go to my house and find no one inside, we go up to my room and take a load off.
"Hey you mind if I change into your pajamas?"
Mikasa says taking off her shoes and placing them in my closet, I chuckle a little bit at her question.
"Why ya wanna be in my clothes hmmm?"
"Well I'm just trying to be comfortable and your clothes are nice and soft so....wait why am I explaining myself just give me some pajamas." We both laugh and I go into my dresser and throw her some sweat pants and one of my long sleeve t shirts. She decides to undress in front of me and I honestly don't know how to react so I just cover my eyes with my hands. She see's this I'm guessing because she starts chuckling at me.
"Why are you covering your eyes? You look adorable."
"Uhh I..I..I wasn't sure if I should look or not..S..So I umm just kinda covered my eyes ya know?" I say nervously blushing bright red still having my eyes covered. I feel her hands pull mine down and all I see is her in my long sleeve shirt and just her parties. I feel my face get hot and then before I know it she moves her hands around my head and I grab her and pull her into a embrace kissing her. Tongues we're definitely exchanged and we start laying on my bed just making out uncontrollably, I don't know what came over me because I start licking her ear and leaving hickies on her collar bone and a small one on her neck. I hear her moaning rubbing my hair, one thing leads to another and I'm only in my underwear and she just has a bra and panties on. We continue the make out session and I think she wants to do something else but...I've...never done...that.....uhhhh yeah... so I just continue kissing her until she starts unhooking her bra, I stop her before she does so.
"Are you sure about this? 'Cause I don't want to pressure you into it or..something."
She just smiles and kisses me on the cheek and replies to my question.
"Of course, God you're so adorable sometimes."
Needless to say things happened that I'll never forget. We both laid together both completely naked until I hear something from downstairs....NO.....NOOOOOOOO MY MOMS HOME!!!!!!!!! I jolt up out of bed and slip my boxers and my sweat pants. I mouth to Mikasa my moms home and she turns completely red and throws her close back on so quickly that It surprises me. I hear my name being called from downstairs, I run down the stairs and answer my mother.
"H-Hey what's..what up..yo?" Oh my god I'm so screwed. She looks at me confused but bluntly shakes it off.
"Hi...son? Uhh food will be ready soon and for Christ sake put on a shirt. I know you're a boy but still a shirt would be nice, and it looks like you were clawed by a cat on your back."
At this point I'm shaking and I just nervously nod to her and walk back upstairs. I come inside the room and I see Mikasa pacing around nervously. I throw on one of my nirvana shirts and try calming her down.
"Alright so I think I have a plan."
"Okay let's hear it."
"You jump out of the window."
"...Eren the window is two stories high..."
"I know but think about it, if you don't break your ankles we'll be Scott free."
She just gives me this dumbfounded look and blows my plan out of the window. She decides to text Armin to come over and help distract my mom so that I could sneak Mikasa out. He agrees to help and before I know I hear the door bell ring and Armin has appeared. He pulls my mom aside in the kitchen and makes her face him and tries talking to her about...soap operas...AMAZING THINKING ARMIN. He has my mom hooked and she won't stop talking to Armin about Clair and Francine or something. I sneak Mikasa outside by slowly opening the front door and I tell her to wait outside. Finally I make my way to Armin and wink at him, we both then tell my mom we're gonna be walking around the neighborhood. She nods her head and waves us by. As soon as we walk outside I hug Armin as hard as I could, he just starts laughing.
"Armin you are a life saver, I owe you everything."
"Ya know you made fun of me for those soap operas since the day I confessed I watched them and now look...THEY JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE....BITCH." We all laugh our asses off and walk Mikasa home, when we get Mikasa home we get back home as fast as possible. Armin questions what we did so I tell him everything and his facial reactions are pretty priceless. Armin would be eating dinner with us tonight, as soon as I walk into the door my mom is standing in front of the door with something behind her back.
"Eren, wanna explain this?" Then she pulls a bra from behind her back. Me and Armin look at each other then back at my mom.
"Well....ya see...uhh...that's Armins?"
Then my mom pulls me by the ear into another room away from my friend. Right when I thought I made it out safe.

Authors Note:
Hey guys we've hit 2K this is amazing I can't thank y'all enough. I enjoyed making this chapter a whole lot, it's not so serious like usual so I thought it was a nice change. Thanks for the 2K :D

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