Chapter 7 - One Hell of a Day

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Erens POV

I can't stop thinking about what I just saw, why did he kiss her? It doesn't make sense. Then again he was eyeballing her the entire day, I was stupid to think he wasn't gonna try and go for her. Damnit Eren focus on what's in front of you, you've been alone this long what's another few years, right? But... this is the start of something new and I'm gonna get the girl this time. The day ends with Mr.Smith handing us all a sheet of things that we'll have to look up on for tomorrow's lesson. I walk out of the class and go to my locker and see Armin, Connie, and Sasha.
"Sup guys, how was your last two classes." I say placing the rest of my big text books in my locker.
"Ehh super lame, I have Sasha in my fourth block though. So that was cool but besides that it was lame." Connie states kinda blushing, hmm I think he might be crushing on Sasha. Ehh what do I know. They tell me about their classes for Sasha it was art then culinary arts, which is basically cooking. She was ecstatic about that part because it's nothing but making and eating food. Her and Connie are cooking partners, which is cool because they'll probably become best friends sooner or later. Armin and Connie had to go to their bus or else they'll get left behind with no ride. Sasha was a car rider so she just kinda stuck around for a little while bothering me about if I was gonna bring a rice crispy treat or not tomorrow I told her I'd throw two in my bag one for me and her. I shoeing her away so I could go to Mr.Ackermans class for some tutoring lessons. I text my mom to tell her I'll be staying a little later then expected.

As I walk into his class into his class, I see him talking to her. God damnit, why didn't I assume that she'd be here after school. I try back peddling out of his class but he sees me before I could dip.
"Ahh Eren, about time you decided to show up. You've met my sister Mikasa right?"
"Uh yeah I have, she's in my second block and I walked her to class after lunch." I reply back a little scared to hear what he'd say after I told him I walked her to class.
"Did you now? Yeah I've heard a good bit about you today from some students. The amazing singer who stole the hearts of a lot of girls." He says giving a quick glance to Mikasa then laughing under his breath. Mikasa starts blushing then kicks his desk. What was that about?
"I wasn't that good, I kinda gave it a half assed performance." Lying through my teeth, I gave that song a lot of effort but I didn't want to go out and say I gave it my all when I probably could have done a little better.
"Eren give yourself a little bit more credit, considering one of the sources that told me were-"
Another loud kick from Mikasa hit the desk and made him grin a bit more. She was blushing a lot now and tried to hide it by turning the other way looking at her phone.
"What? I was gonna say Hange told me, ya know? Your teacher."
He laughs a little bit more but this time it was more noticeable. Mr.Ackerman then turns to me, looking back to his normal Mona tone way with no interest to anything.
"Alright Jaeger, I have a lot of paper work to get done with so I'm gonna have Mikasa help you with some of the things you don't understand." She turns around now flustered and about to kick Mr.Ackermans desk again but was stopped in the middle of the action.
"You kick my desk one last time and you're cleaning dishes for the rest of the week."
She lowers her leg and walks over to one of the desks pulling out a notebook from her pack and sits in the desks. Mr. Ackerman nods his head over to the desk.
"She knows a lot about math because of yours truly don't be worried to ask her about anything."
I walk over to another empty desk and pull it over to hers making it face to face. I sit in it and pull out a notebook as well. We go over a lot of things that I honestly had no clue about. It was kinda dumb how much I didn't know, my stupidity made her laugh a good few times. I would occasionally look over to see Mr.Ackerman grin and continue doing his paper work, still don't know what that was about.
"Alright so now that you carry down the four to the 8 it's now just 8 minus 4, so what's that?"
"Must you ask? It's obviously 8." She laughs so hard, it becomes contagious and I start laughing as well. Mr.Ackerman just shakes his head in disbelief.
"How do you even come up with that?" She says trying to hold back the laughter.
"Okay so you have 8 minus 4 so you just take away the 4 and now you have 8." Thats when she starts laughing even more, gosh didn't think my joke would make her laugh this much.
"Jaeger stop flirting and get serious I'm almost done with my paper work, when I am it's done with tutoring for the day." We finish our laughter and go back to work, when we finish the last problem Mr.Ackerman gets done with his paper work.
"Well thats about 2 weeks worth of paper work down, thanks for helping Eren Mikasa."
"No problem, it was really fun." She says starting to blush a little. We make our way out of the building and look at my phone to see it's 8 o'clock. What the hell?!? I've been here 5 extra hours after school ended,I gotta get home before my mom freaks out.
"Hey thank you for the help again guys, I'll see you tomorrow." I wave them bye and make my way home. I run as fast as I can and finally make it, I open the door and see my mom on the couch with my father. My mom kinda has a concerned look on her face as to why I'm sweating.
"Eren are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine mom, I just ran back home from school." Before I make my way up the stairs, my father stops me and asks how my day was.
"So how was it? Your first day back at school that is."
"It was actually very exciting I met a bunch of new people and they're starting to be considered friends more then I guess acquaintances. But how about you dad? How was work?"
"You know the usual patients, nothing to out of the ordinary." My father is a doctor at the hospital around the block. Nothing to insane happens on this part of town so he doesn't get to much serous jobs.
"By the way wash up and join us for dinner, okay?"
"Okay." I walk into my room and jump on my bed, I kick off my shoes and exhale the remaining air from my lungs, then breath them back in. That was one hell of a day, I almost got into two fights with the same person, I met some amazing new friends, and now I'm starting a friendship with this amazing girl that I hope to start a relationship with in the near future. That's a lot to think about. As I lay on the bed I start to drift off into deep sleep.

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