Chapter 17 - A Party? I dont know...

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Erens POV

"Levi, why?"
"Because I'm not trying to be stuck with Hange or my little sister all day. Plus you need some experience with parties and dancing because I'm positive you don't know how to dance."
"*sigh* Fine I'll get ready, what time are you getting me anyways?"
"Be ready at 2, and dress presentable."
Damnit Levi, why must you drag me into this. I guess the upside is that I get to see Mikasa all day, but I don't know anything about parties. He texted me this morning saying that I'm coming to this party barely giving me a option. Besides I don't even think I have anything for this type of party. I go down stairs and tell my mom about the fiasco I'm in.
"Oh honey this will be fun, I'm gonna get you ready."
"But mom-" before I could say anything else she drug me upstairs and began going through all my clothes.
"Okay these pants with this shirt and this vest, Hmm perfect." I just sit there sighing and looking at the clothes my mom has picked out. I look at my phone and see Levi texted me saying Hange wants me to bring my guitar. Looks like I'm gonna be performing against my will.
"Okay, go change and I'll do your hair."
"Wait what's wrong with my hair?"
"It's always scruffy, we're gonna change that."
She states with a huge smile, I thinks she's a bit to excited about this. I change and she's flustered with excitement and joy. She fixes my hair and it's kinda weird, I don't like it but she seems to so I gotta stay with it. It's about 1:50 and I see Levi's car pull up in front of my house. I tell my mom bye and she kisses me on the top of my head waves bye. As I make it to the car I can see Mikasas face, I've never seen her with makeup on. Either way she still looks amazingly stunning. I go to put my guitar and amp in the back of trunk of the car, then open the door of the back seat and sit next to the love of my life.
"Looks like you do clean up well." Levi says driving off from my house.
"I guess so. Hey Ms.Zoe why are you wearing a suit?" I ask confused because Mikasa was wearing a nice black dress then I see Hange wearing a not buttoned up all the way suit.
"Hey, girls can still be cute wearing a suit right?"
"Sure four eyes." Levi replies back to Hange and we make our way to the party. When we reach the entrance we all get out and I can't keep my eyes off Mikasa, I pull her aside and talk to her for a minute.
"Hey you look stunning."
"Not bad yourself cutie." We both start blushing and I know this isn't the best time but I had to bring up the fight.
"Hey I wanted to say that I'm sorry I blew you off yesterday, I just didn't want to talk about it. I'm sorry, and I'll try and stop thinking about starting a fight with him."
"You don't have to explain yourself babe, it's fine. You did the right thing so don't worry about it." We hug and go inside, that's when I realize I'm completely and utterly out of place. The place was like something you see in movies, there's a friggin chandelier man. We continue to a table where I see Mr.Smith and two other people. There's a girl with orange hair and a nice looking tan dress. Then there's a blonde guy who looks like he's sniffing out the area....weird. When we reach the table all of us are greeted and sit down, I just talk to Mikasa and Levi through the whole party. Then the music slows down and I assume it's time for a slow dance. Mikasa is pulling my arm and is trying to get me to go to the dance floor but I try to plead for her to not drag me into it.
"Mikasa please, I suck at dancing."
"I'll teach you."
I give up and she has finally gets me on the dance floor. She teaches me the basics and she's dying at how I'm struggling, I chuckle a little to. We do this for about a hour and then it's time for the host to talk to the guest or something. He goes on about how having us is amazing I kinda doze off until Levi flicks my ear to pay attention. He then says that if anyone knew how to play a instrument so that they could finish the night with a guest playing a song for them. I then hear a scream come from our table.
"Our boy Eren over hear plays an amazing guitar may I say." Hange says laughing and smiling, probably a little tipsy from the drinks. I kinda shake my head nervously until they drag me onto stage and make me introduce myself.
"Uh hello my names Eren Jaeger and I guess you all want me to play guitar for you or something?"
"Yeah what else would you do kid." One of the snobby rich folk say in the back which makes everyone else laugh except for my table of course.
"Do you know what a slow classy song is son?"
"Yeah I do. Hang on one second let me get my guitar." I say a little pissed off, I see Levi get up and walk to the car with me.
"Hey don't let their words get to you, make'em eat their words alright?"
"Yeah." I say back to Levi with a grin. I get my guitar with the amp and I make it back on the little stage they had. I plug up the amp to the acoustic guitar and sit on the chair they had for me, I adjust the mic to where I was sitting. I just realized that the only nice song I knew was Iris from when I played in class, oh well I guess I'm gonna have to wing it with Breaking The Habit. Hope these pricks don't enjoy it.

(Insert song)
Memories consume like opening the wounds
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight

Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more than any time before
I have no options left again
I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight

I'll paint it on the walls
'cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit tonight

I hear claps from all across the room, hmm guess they enjoyed it. I get up and grab my stuff and head back to the car. I see Levi and Mikasa come to the car as well.
"Good job Jaeger."
"Yeah babe good job you always do so well when it comes to things like this." Mikasa says hugging me from behind. Levi just kinda looks away and walks back inside.
"Thanks Mikasa means a lot, they were being assholes so I guess I had to show them up."
"I'm pretty sure you did because that guy in the back shut up real quick."
We both laugh, I then break the silence by grabbing her and pulling her close and kissing her on the lips. She has her hands around my neck, this kiss ends after a minute or two. She starts blushing and tells me we should go back inside so Levi doesn't get curious to know what we're doing. I agree and we walk back into the glorious looking party room.

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