Chapter 13 - Mikasas Grudge

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Erens POV

After hanging out at Armins place everyone went back home, I got back to my house by 8. I did the usual; take a shower, eat, then went straight to bed. When I woke up I got ready for school then headed out, I decided that I'd walk since I got up pretty early. While I was walking I was left alone with my thoughts, I was thinking about Mikasa and how much I just wanted to see her. After thinking of this I got butterflies and tried shaking them off, I also thought about how I was gonna work out this whole scheduling thing. In one hand I was working out and training with Annie and in the other I was tutoring with Mr.Ackerman. One was clearly more interesting then the other but it wasn't as necessary as improving my grades. Hard choices I tell ya. By the time I come up with a plan for my schedule I make it to school, and right on time at that. I walk through the gates to see Jean, Marco and Armin chatting a bit.
"Hey guys what's up?"
"Nothin much man, you see Connie any where?" Jean asks looking around, I do the same to see if he's anywhere near us.
"Nope sorry man, he's probably with Sasha in all honesty they kinda hit it off from day one. Even if it resulted in Sasha crashing into him." We all laugh but get caught off guard by the sound of the bell, I get my stuff from my locker and go to Mr.Ackermans class with Armin. I see Connie and Sasha from the corner of my eye before entering class, I knew it. When Sasha comes into class me and Armin give her the same wide eyed expression they gave me and Mikasa yesterday.
" and Connie huh?" I ask nudging her with my arm.
"Huh? No no it's not like that." She says avoiding the subject and going to her desk. Me and Armin chuckle and go to our seats. Through out the class me and Armin try to get any bit of information out of her consisting of the relationship between the two but she wouldn't spill it. After class I get called to stay for a second by Mr.Ackerman, I think it's about the whole tutoring thing but I was mistaken.
"So jaeger you're dating my sister now huh?"
"Uhh yes sir." I say nervously looking around, trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible.
"Hmm alright then, out of school refer to me as Levi. Also, if I hear anything about you hurting my sister I won't be afraid to handle you personally." He says giving me the old Levi death glare, I'm actually not fazed by it anymore.
"Wouldn't plan on it, sir." I say giving him a small grin, he just looks at me not pissed but intimidatingly. I kept my cool and we shook hands excepting each other.
"Also, this whole tutoring thing are you even still down for it?"
"Yeah if it's not to hard I'd like to do it Tuesday's and Thursday's."
"Sounds good to me, now go before you're late to class." I nod my head and walk out to go to Ms.Zoe's class. When I walk in I don't see Mikasa, which is odd considering she's probably the first one here. I see Annie though so I make my way to her to talk about the training and workouts. I tell her Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, and weekends. She's down for all of it which I'm pretty excited for. As I continue talking to Annie I see her face turn from a slight smile down to a serious straight face. I turn around and see Mikasa looking in our direction, she looks super pissed trying to hide it under the scarf I gave her yesterday.
"Is there a problem Mikasa?" Annie asks with her monotone voice, I see Mikasa ball up her hands and come straight for Annie. Annie gets up and goes straight for Mikasa. Damnit why are they like this, I jump in between them.
"Annie, go back to your seat." She looks at me thinking of disobeying the order but backs down after I give her my glare.
"Mikasa me and you are gonna take a step outside and talk." Mikasa not entertained with my order either goes outside and paces around.
"Eren you know I don't like her, why do you continue to talk to her?"
"Remember that training I have going on, well she's my partner." Her eyes widen and now she's even more pissed then before.
"So, she's the one that hurt you? Oh I'm gonna kill her."
"Mikasa can't you just get along with her?"
"That's like asking you and Reiner to be partners for a project, it's not gonna happen."
"Please Mikasa, for my sake." She eye balls me one last time and looks down sad like, I pat her on the head a kiss on the forehead.
"Thank you baby." Her face glows up and she covers it with her scarf as she walks into the class.

Mikasa POV

I'm still a little pissed at Eren but i guess I just have to keep my cool about the whole thing. If this whole Reiner thing is this important then I guess he has to do what he has to do, doesn't mean I like it though. After class ends I tell Eren that I'm gonna stop by my brothers classroom real quick and that he can go to lunch. He leaves and I make my way to the blonde haired girl walking to her locker. We make eye contact with each other, it's basically a stair off.
"Is there something you need?"
"Actually yeah there is, I know Eren has something to prove and he needs your help to get there. Just... don't do something that will make me want to hurt you got it?" Annie nods her head and asks something out of character.
"He asked you to get along with me didn't he?"
"Yeah, I'm willing to do that for his sake, I'm not saying I'll be your friend but acquaintances will have to do for now."
"Alright, fair enough. By the way he's about the only friend I got so I'll comply to."
We both nod our heads at each other and walk to the cafeteria together. We both get to the table and I sit next to Eren while Annie sits next to Armin.
"Ahh so you two finally come to a understanding?" Eren asks looking curiously at both of us.
"I guess you can say that." Annie replies back and pulls out her food. Jean eye balls her from the other side of the table.
"Hey your names Annie right? My names Je-"
"I don't care." Annie says cutting him off before he could even finish his sentence. We all kinda laugh at him while he looks at the floor, Marco pats his back and laughs at him too.
"I was just trying to start conversation." Jean says pouting and slowly putting food in his mouth. Eren and Annie talk about their up coming training match while me and Armin talk about some books we've been reading for a while. Connie is talking to Sasha and Jean is still pouting to Marco. I guess I can get used to this.

Authors notes:
Hello my amazing readers we've reached 400 reads which makes this a hell of a lot enjoyable to write these. It lets me know that y'all actually like this fanfiction of mine. Anyways I just wanted to say thank ya

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