Chapter 29 - Prep Time

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Authors Note:
Hey so I think it's time I went into other people point of views for a change. Not drastically but dedicate a chapter or 2 to a certain character even if they aren't to extremely relevant to the story. Eren will always be the main character but it's always fun to have time on a few side ones as well.

Erens POV

It's the end of the day and I let Levi and Erwin know all of my group are joining the scouts. They don't seem amused but they except it, Erwin tells Levi to train the people who didn't know much about fighting because if their gonna be in the scouts they gotta learn. I agree with Erwin and around 6 today we're gonna have everyone that needs the extra training in the shooting range practicing how to shoot. I text everyone to meet at the address of the range and to be ready to train. Me Levi and Mikasa drive there in mean time to set up all the guns and weapons, we see Hange, Oluo, and Petra. They have a few more duffle bags then from before, we make it over to the table and place our duffle bags next to theirs then start unloading it. There were....a lot of guns let's just say that. I had my revolver Levi's duffle bag so I could use that since my left hand was still hurt. By the time everything was set my friends had gotten here, only one that was missing was Krista. The only person that had brought some form of weapon was Sasha, she had a compound bow and a not so light crossbow. I'm surprised she could actually carry the thing like it was a pistol, I wonder how everyone will do.

Armins POV

Aside from the fact that I'm completely out of place here I have no clue how to handle a gun. But this was something I need to do not just to help my friends but help myself become a better man and not be a coward. We all decided to go into groups, me and Eren were paired with one another. All he had was that black revolver of his and a few bullets, I still had to pick my own gun. I look at the few pistols laid out and decided with the brown glock 43 that they had, it seemed light enough to carry and it wasn't a huge piece of weaponry. I grab some ammo and follow Eren to one of the aisles, we put a target on the line and reeled it back. Eren takes his six shots first and nails all of them in the head, he even does it with one hand. He's a good shot I can say, next it's my turn. Eren shows me the basic fundamentals of how the gun and how to shoot. Now it's just time for me to take my first shot ever. I aim and let loose, my shots weren't on point but they hit the target which made me feel good. I kept practicing with the pistol for the remainder of the time until Eren tried to get me into a fully automatic gun. I just let him know I was fine practicing with the gun I had now, so I just kept trying to hit the target until I ran out of bullets.

Jeans POV

Im partnered with Marco and we're being taught by Oluo. He seems like a real nut job, tries to be like Levi over there, I've had a little training with guns before but never automatic before. It's insane to think we're actually gonna be using these.... even on people. If it comes down to it I guess I can lay down my life but the backlash of actually ending someone may come to effects with me. I get out of my trance when Marco patted me on the back to go try out the Scar-H they had on the table. I got the groove of of it once I learned its recoil, it wasn't to hard to figure out but it hurt my arm a little. Oluo tried showing off by how easily he could hit the target in the head with it, which he did sadly but I'll gloat in his face eventually once I get a handle on things. Me and Marco take some more turns on the automatic weapon, I think I like this Scar and my Dessert Eagle. I think they fit me pretty well, Marco uses a M-16 I'm pretty sure Hange used the same one. We continue till we run out of ammunition and go back to the bench for a little more.

Mikasa POV

Me and Annie are paired together, she seems like she knows what's she's doing. She uses her sniper that's silenced her aim is incredible with that thing. The only one that I think can top her in aim is Petra or maybe even Sasha. I see her shooting her crossbow a cross the aisles and she's hitting all her arrows dead shot in the middle of the chest or head. My turns up and I'm given a marksmen FN-15, it has a ACOG scope on it and I think it fits me well. I'm able to hit the three targets that were set up in the same manner and way as Annie but a bit faster. I guess we both get a bit competitive because we're both firing as fast as we could and trying to hit the targets as fast as possible. Least to say we draw Levi over because he was curious to know what all the firing was about. He seemed....proud of me.... something I've always wanted him to be in me. It adds to the motivation to be a better shot then him, I've always wanted to top him but I never could seem to. We basically obliterate the targets so that was our cue to take a quick break.

Sasha POV

IM HAVIN A BLAST! I'm hitting all the targets and sadly Connie is not a stud at shooting. A compound bow is my strong suit but a crossbow is a bit more helpful, I didn't want to use a gun but Levi was our instructor and he wouldn't leave me alone about practicing with a pistol.
"Look Potato Girl, you should try and use a gun for a change just incase you run out of arrows."
"Fine, but hey! Potato Girl? What's that about?"
"You bring potato chips in my class everyday and think I don't aren't slick."
For the remainder of the time me and Connie just flirted and fooled around. We probably should be taking it more seriously but it was fun just joking around with Connie. Levi tells us to go back to the table with the guns to put them back so we could have one last minute talk with everyone. We all head back and Levi tells us when the next time we all should be back here. Which is tomorrow of course, man I could get used to this.

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