Chapter 50 - Planning Phase

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Erens POV

We stay up most of the night making different scenarios of what we should do. Armin doesn't agree with the route I'm taking.
"So Sasha you go through here and take out whoever's on guard."
"By take out what do you mean?"
Armin says while me and a few others huddle around a tiny miniature sketch of the facility. A lot of people went home to sleep after the tragic incident.
"She slits his throat, or shoots him with an arrow. Remember, we have to be quick and silent, using suppressed weapons only. This only works if they don't know we're coming."
"All it takes is one guard to see from a far and this plan goes downhill real quick, that's when it turns into a bullet storm."
Sasha decides to intervene in Armins dispute.
"If that's what needs to be done we'll do it. It only gets bad if we make it bad."
Armin isn't to fond of the whole idea of killing, he never has, even when we made the first plan for Sasha.
"Why don't we take a few of their men hostage and we do an even trade?"
"Did you not hear what the guy downstairs said? Over a hundred Eldians are at the headquarters everyday, if we step out of the shadows to do a trade, what's stopping them from gunning us down straight from the rip?"
"There's got to be a better option then just killing them all Eren, there's got to be."
"Your ways dangerous, my ways not."
"Isn't all options dangerous? Either way there no guarantee of what will happen. But we can't just kill them for no reason."
"They have Mikasa, that's the only reason I need. We'll talk more about this later for now I need Sasha and Levi to come outside, I need to ask you guys a few things."
They follow me outside and I ask them about our weaponry stock, if we're going to be in this facility we need to be 110% ready for all scenarios.
"Levi what's our arsenal look like?"
"Ehh could be better, we don't have much but I'm sure Eld and Oluo have a lot of guns and knifes from way back."
"Talk to them, let them know everything that's going on and get every bit of weaponry as possible."
He nods his head and takes his phone out to call his old pals. I then talk to Sasha about her personal arsenal.
"I remember you talking about having explosive arrows now, still got them?"
"Yeah I haven't used a single one so I guess nows a better time then any to pop them out."
"Definitely, grab all your arrows and crossbows and regular bows we'll see which is the best option tomorrow."
She nods her head as well and is relieved from tonight's meeting and goes home, I look at my phone and my moms been blowing it up. I simply just text her that I'm at Levi's, hopefully she buys it. We continue some more planning through the rest of the day until we all crash asleep from exhaustion at Hanges. When I awake I see Reiner and Bertolt talking to Annie and Levi. Armins still asleep on the same couch as me and Jeans in the love seat by himself. I get up and stretch for a minute until Levi informs me that all the other scouts around the area are gonna be coming in a few minutes. I start making a few more tweaks to the plan as we wait for everyone to make it to Hanges place. It takes about a full hour before every single remaining scout member is here, moblit is with Hange at the moment, he says he would attend the battle but he would like to stay at Hanges side since that was his best friend which is understandable. Levi made a few trips to the shooting range to get ammunition and when he came back he literally had his trunk full up to the top with ammo. He also bought a few more extra guns just incase we needed them.

The whole crew sits in the living room explaining each and every detail to each other, Armin still doesn't like all of the plan but some of the tweaks I made are his ideas, we will be taking hostages but not for trading but for more information. If they don't give us what we want, we kill'em it's as simple as that. After everything is explained I ask if anyone had anything to say,
"That's the jist of it, when the first part of this is completed we'll go into a whole lot more detail on the second part. Anyone have anything to say before we start loading all that we have and heading straight out?"
I look around and see that no one has anything they'd like to ask or say.
"Alright, remember we've all made it this far, we're the ones who live. We know what needs to be done and we do it, when this is over I'll make sure Zeke's head is on a pike. He doesn't live from this, none of them do.....We kill them all."
Everyone nods their heads agreeing with what I've said, except Armin. He's still on the fence on this whole thing but he just has to deal with it.
"We head out on sundown, make sure you've got everything you need before we leave. I need to stop by my house to change, you all should do the same."
Annie takes me to my house and I see that no ones home. Good, I don't want them seeing me get ready for combat. I slip on the same outfit I had when my mom was taken, the same blood stained jacket. When we get back to Hanges I see that basically everyone's in white, black or grey. Some have jackets others have just long sleeved shirts and short sleeved ones, hell Levi even looks a bit more dressed up then usual for this. Everyone that's here is Me, Levi, Annie, Jean, Connie, Armin, Sasha, Reiner, Bertolt, Krista, Oluo, Eld, Petra, and Gunther. It wasn't a big group but we knew exactly what we're doing so this could suffice. Everyone loads up their guns and checks the inventory of all the remaining ones...there was a lot of guns. I see everyone coming together to get this done and all I think in my head is that there's no way in hell that Zeke could stop us from getting Mikasa back. But could I actually lead my comrades into this? Am I even the right choice? Whatever the case may be it doesn't matter, getting Mikasa back is my main priority. I will not stop until that is completed.

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