Chapter 35 - You Dont Stop, You Keep Going

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Erens POV

The next days training session we had everyone there, some people that weren't in the first shooting session were Krista, Eld, Gunther, Reiner, Bertolt, Moblit, and this man named Mike. Everyone knew what they were doing except Krista, she had as much experience as Armin when it came to guns. Her and Armin didn't want to learn how to use a fully auto gun but it was about time they did. Levi showed them sub machine guns, they were lighter then an assault but they got the job done, they got the hang of it and we all just practiced the whole day. Reiner even tried flirting with Krista and she seemed to be digging it too. I don't know if I trust them yet, it's to early to be calling whether or not they are truly on our side but I guess we can say they are. By the end of the night I talked to Reiner about them attending a mission with us, he was down for it and we issued one for the next day since it was a Friday.

When school ended the next day everyone that was in the operation got together. The people that were gonna attend this were Me, Mikasa, Jean, Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie. Annie wasn't originally planned to join but she said that she needed to make sure that we wouldn't be in trouble if something happened. I agreed to her joining just incase something did happen and we might need back up. We were gonna go over the plan once we got to the area, we loaded up in Reiners van and then headed off. We had our guns in the trunk but I always kept my revolver on me when out. I had a new holster, it was a belt that wrapped around my waist and had the holster on my right side. When we were riding down the side road, it seemed kinda deserted that didn't sit well with me.  I was in the passenger seat with Reiner driving while Jean and Mikasa were in the first row of seats and Annie and Bertolt were in the second row. Once Reiner took a right turn there was a big explosion that hit the front of the van. I black out and once I come back to I notice I'm upside down, I'm taken back by the blast still having the ringing noise in my ear I look to my left and see Reiner just a shook as me. Is Mikasa okay? I look behind me and I see the back of the van open and I only see Jean in the back. Where is she? And where is everyone else? I flip myself over and kick the windshield off of the van and slide my way out, Jean and Reiner follow me up. I hear nothing but gun fire coming from all angles, the three of us run to the back of the upside down van and take cover. What the hell happened? I look at Reiner and he's a bit stunned at what happened, was this a set up? I pull my revolver out and aim it at Reiner.
"You set us up!?"
"What? No, do you not realize that I was hit from the blast too? Why would I kill myself trying to kill you?"
It's true but still I'm skeptical. I lower my gun and look around trying to see where all the gun fire is coming from.
"Do you know where everyone else went?"
"No, once the van flipped I black out and I haven't seen anyone since I woke up."
"What about you Jean?"
"I'm pretty sure they got out into the ally way."
"They take the guns?"
Okay that's a good thing, it means they have something to protect themselves with but I need to make sure they are okay. I look from the right of the van and see the ally, I tell Reiner and Jean that I'll cover them while we make a break for the alley. They nod their heads and I try spotting the shooters, I see two in the windows of a building a few yard away. I counted down then we sprinted for the alley, I shot at the window making them drop for cover. We all slid into the alley and saw the three others, we were all pretty hurt especially Bertolt. His leg had a big cut in it and he could barely walk. I go to Mikasa and hug her as tight as I could.
"Thank god your okay."
"Yeah we're fine but Bertolt is in bad shape and they are gonna try flanking eventually once they notice the shape we're in."
I look at our surroundings and it seems like all they have to do is pinch us in and take us out, we've got to do something immediately. I see Annie looking to the right of the alley way firing with a rifle, it's not her special one but she can still do some damage with it. We didn't bring the weaponry to fight a huge battle, it was more of a group of people we were gonna try and fight. I look in the bag and see two AR-15's, a shotgun, a few pistols, and some ammunition. I grab an AR and a glock then take two mags, I tell everyone to come together because I've thought of a plan.
"Alright everyone the operation is over, our main priority is to get somewhere safe and away from this. We didn't bring nearly enough weapons to fight something like this so I'm gonna get as much ammunition as I can for myself and draw most of their fire on me and get them away from you guys while you get as far away from here as possible." Everyone is shocked at the decision that I've chosen, Mikasa and Jean are not okay with it.
"Eren that's insane." Jean says pacing around, Mikasa looks at me with the same worried look as usual.
"Eren we all need to do this together."
"Someone has to get their fire drawn off you guys, I'm the most capable doing so."
"Alright so let me go with you."
"No you have to get them to a better area, Bertolts hurt and he needs as many people helping him get there. We meet at the old abandoned cemetery down four blocks from here that'll be our rally point. If I'm not there in an get out and go find Levi and tell him I've gone missing."
Mikasa doesn't like the way I'm going about this but it's the only option we have. I take off my jacket only having a white t shirt on, I put it in the duffle bag, I hand it to Reiner and then I tell Jean and Annie to come to the side so I could talk to them for a minute.
"Eren you can't do this by yourself."
"Jean I can do this."
Annie isn't to on board with the idea but she's curious to know why she's not doing this with me.
"Okay I get this plan but why are you going solo?"
"Look..I'm not sure if Bertolt and Reiner are gonna be able to pull the trigger on their old people so I need you two to do it when the time comes. Annie I know you can but Jean...can you?"
He sits there for a second then nods his head looking determined.
"Alright, Jean im putting Mikasas protection in your hands. Can you do that for me?"
"Yeah man, I'll put my life on the line if it comes to it."
"Thank you, but also there's one last thing I need to tell you two. If something happens try to save them but if you can't you keep going, I care more about the three of you then them."
"You try save them, but if it comes to it you keep going. We don't know those two like we know each other."
They get this uneasy look in there eyes then we go back to the group. We had smoke bombs surprisingly so that helped with our plan. Jean and Reiner helped Bertolt up and Mikasa had a AR while Annie had a rifle, they were ready and so was I. I grab my assault rifle ready in hand and had a glock and revolver just incase I ran out of ammo. I threw my two smoke bombs and ran out shooting at the windows taking the two men out and drawing a lot of attention from the other guys down the street. I look back at the alley and see that they were gone. No looking back now, I continue firing and running up the street causing all their attention on me. I took out about 7 people on the way to a small building, I know there's plenty more. By now I'm sweating like crazy and my adrenaline is off the roof. I look around the corner of the building and see a man and a women with some assault rifles, I grab mines and gun them both down, I see their lifeless bodies down the road. By this time I've run out of ammo and all I have are my pistols. When I'm about to make a break for another building a guy comes from behind me and holds me tight. I grab ahold of him and turn with all my might hitting him into the wall making him crash to the floor. There's another guy making his way to me as well, I pull my revolver and shoot the gun in the leg making him fall to the floor as well. I turn to the person I crashed into the wall and blast his face full of lead then turn to the other man and do the same. I take a few deep breathes then go to the corpses and take the satchel one of them had, I put the knives and pistols they had into the bag and wrapped it around me also wrapping my AR around the other way forming a X across my chest. Then I finally made a break straight for the cemetery, as I run straight through the grass and road sweat streams from my chest and face I'm basically soaked from head to toe. I sprint non stop and finally reach the cemetery, I fall to the floor and try to gain some air. After I get recover I get up and look around and see that no one is here, I know I only took about 45 minutes so where were they? I look around for about 5 minutes and wonder if they actually made it yet. I couldn't have passed them could I have? I wait patiently and sit propped against a tombstone with the glock in my hand seeing if they'll arrive. If they don't I'm heading straight for Levi's and we'll find them. I have to make sure Mikasas okay.

Authors Note:
Hey sorry for the late chapter, I've had a lot going on so I haven't had time to do another chapter but now I've finally gotten around to it. By the way we've hit 3K reads which is amazing how fast the book has been progressing it means a whole hell of a lot to me that you guys take the time to read it. Thank you so much.

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