Chapter 40 - What Is There To Say?

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Erens POV

When I enter class I wave to Levi and he does the same, me and him have grown to have a great bond even if me and his sister aren't together anymore. I go to my seat and Sasha and Armin give me wide eyes, I ignore it and sit down. That's until Sasha and Armin get up in my face with their puppy dog eyes.
"Okay what?"
"Sooo you and Krista huh?"
Sasha says while winking at me multiple times.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I say pulling my books from out of my bag and ignoring eye contact.
"We know you guys have something going on, I preferably see you with Mikasa but hey whatever makes you happy."
Armin tells me while taking his stuff of his pack as well
"Me and Krista don't have a thing we're friends nothing more nothing less. And Mikasa was the one who dumped me remember? She's with Jean anyways."
"Doubt it, you don't know the things she's said about you. She loves you with everything she has Eren, can't believe you don't see that."
"Then why was she about to kiss Jean!?"
I tell Armin angrily, he looks at me nervous to respond because of how upset I got. I calm myself down with some deep breathes and wait for his response.
"You ever take the time to think that she was flustered with the fact that you were gone and fighting a fight that would have led to any normal persons real death. You for some reason miraculously lived."
"Thanks Armin for telling me I probably should have died, it's been noted."
"Shut up, you know what I mean though. You should give her time to explain herself because from what I heard you didn't let her."
I look down at my book thinking if I should give it another go and try talking to her again. Levi interrupts my deep thinking and starts class.

When class ends I dread going to second block, I know Armins right but I don't know if I can pull myself to actually do it. I enter the classroom and I see Jean sitting in my seat talking to Mikasa, I just want to sit in my fucking seat without seeing him all over her for Christ sake. I walk over to him and give him a pissed off look, similar to Annie's. He looks up at me not amused.
"There a problem?"
"My seat.....get out of it."
He gives me a annoyed look then gets up and hits his shoulder against my chest. I'm so ready to fight him it's not even funny but I'm not in the mood. He still has a black eye when I beat the holy hell out of him. I take my seat and plug my head phones in and ignore the world around me as usual. Then I hear Hange shouting across the room so that's my queue to lift my head up. I take one head phone out and it's the one opposite of Mikasa, Hange says that there will be a quick lab and that she would assign our partners. She calls all the teams and what do you know me and Mikasa are paired together just great. Annie and Jean are paired together as well but he's not trying to talk to Annie probably because she's like my
wing-man....or wing-women which ever the case he knows it. When Hange announces that me and Mikasa are paired together Jean throws a fit and tells Hange to switch partners with me and him but she doesn't care and let's him complain. When we get to the lab me and Mikasa get one of the tables at the end of the room, no words are exchanged for the first few minutes. She just hides her face under her scarf and I just continue to listen to music and do the experiment. Hange sees this and comes to our table pulling out my ear buds.
"What the hell Hange?"
"Ah Ah Ah its Ms.Zoe and you can't do this alone Eren you got to work with Mikasa or you get a zero regardless if you do the experiment 100% correct."
I look at Mikasa who's still hiding behind the scarf then back at Hange. I just sigh and pull my chair closer to Mikasa.
Hange replies as she leaves our table and to spectate others. I don't make eye contact with Mikasa still, I just tell her the directions and she follows them correctly and precisely. Once we get done I look around and it seems like we're the first ones to complete it. I just lay my head down and plug my ear buds back in, that until I get a light tap on my shoulder. It's the same raven hair girl as always.
"Hey....can we talk?" I take out an ear bud and abruptly answer her question.
"About the project? Here's my paper just copy it."
"No...about us."
There's a long minute of silence until I finally decide to answer.
"What is there to talk about?"
"A lot, Eren I still care for-"
I cut her off by getting up off my chair and putting my book bag on, Mikasas dead silent and taken back by my retaliation. I ask Hange to be excused and for once she actually listens and lets me leave. I go straight to Levi's room and see that he's just taking a nap in his chair. This is his free block so he doesn't do much, I walk into his class and he opens his eyes and see's me. He's not startled or anything just curious.
"Yes Mr.Jaeger?"
"I just needed somewhere to go or else I would have went insane."
I say passing around, he gets from his chair and makes me sit down. When I finally sit down I just feel disappointed in myself, after everything I thought. I still couldn't put my ego aside and let her talk to me.
"Kid I need you to talk to me."
"I just...was in the middle of losing my mind for a stupid reason."
"My sister?"
"Yeah, we were partnered together and I flipped out when she wanted to talk about us."
"You're still upset after all that's happened, it's understandable. Still you should try talking to her without jumping to conclusions."
I nod my head and continue sitting down and Levi doesn't mind the company. I stay until the bell rings for lunch, Levi informs me that it should probably be now that I talk to Mikasa. I tell him I would then leave his class and head off to lunch.

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