Chapter 3 - Personal Tutor?

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Erens POV

The class just started but it feels like it's been an eternity. Mr.Ackerman has been telling us about how he's new to teaching and that it's his first year but he's still not gonna take our shit. Hard to believe that he wants to be a teacher considering he hates us and it's only been 10 minutes. I start looking at the window next to me not paying any attention to the work in front of me but the clouds outside. When all the sudden a ruler comes crashing down on my desk. "Jaeger, what'd I tell you about slacking off? Now get back to work." Mr.Ackerman told me with a stern look in his eyes. Damnit it's the first few minutes of class and we're doing work, matter of fact it's a pre test. Looking at the test I realize I have no idea what the hell is going on, theres to many letters in this math problem...... WHY!?! I don't get any of it. I look around to see Armin finish his test, smart bastard, now that I realize it I'm the only one still taking this test..... IM ONLY ON QUESTION FOUR!!! I start jotting down random answers as quickly as I can. Man I'm out of place here, I walk up to Mr.Ackerman handing in the test and walking back to my seat.
"Alright for the rest of the class you can talk to your neighbor, not across the room, I'm looking at you Thomas" Mr.Ackerman starts flipping through tests and marking them right and wrong while the rest of the class talks to the people near them. I look to my left to see this girl sneaking potato chips from her book bag, she's steady looking at Mr.Ackerman trying not get caught. I looked at her and tried to start conversation.
"Hey your names Sasha right? I'm Eren nice to meet you." I say trying to make this not so awkward she looks at me giving me a sweet smile.
"Hi, yeah I'm Sasha nice to meet you too I'm trying to not get caught with these." She then points to the barbecue potato chips in her pack, with a couple more little snacks that seem like nothing but junk food. But hey I wasn't complaining I'm most likely a victim to those sweets as well. I pull out a rice crispy treat from my book bag and quietly snack on that. Until I feel a glare from my left side, I turn to see Sasha glaring directly at the rice crispy in my hand then back at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Why are you giving me that look? Don't you already have a bunch of snacks inside your book bag?" I ask moving the rice crispy left and right seeing Sasha's eyes following it like a greedy dog.
"I forgot my precious rice crispy treat this morning, it was the one thing I was looking forward to beside my potato chips. PLEASE GIVE ME THE CRISPY TREAT!" Sasha begs seeing tears in her eyes, I decide to make a wager for laughs and giggles.
"I'll give you this rice crispy, only if shoot this rapper into the trash can near Mr.Ackermans desk."
"HA! Aim is my specialty, I'm a master with the bow and my aim is as precise as a bullet." Sasha gloats as if she's won already, I decide to bump the wager a bit more.
"If you miss I get to eat my rice crispy and have your potato chips."
"HUH? My precious potato chips? Fine but if I win you give me your rice crispys for all of this week." Damn that was a hard bet considering the fact that that was my last rice crispy. Whatever I'll take my chances.
"Fine, deal, lets see how good that aim of yours is." I say with a light chuckle, she smiles and holds the rapper in her hands. It seems like she's praying, this must mean a lot to her. Food must be a big deal in her eyes. She then looks at the trash can determined to make it in. I get a little worried but i keep my cool. She then tosses the rapper in the air with a decent force making it to the trash can but it seems like her force was a bit to much because it lands right onto Mr.Ackermans desk. Me and Sasha look at each other both worried and secretly laughing our asses off. We slowly look back at Mr.Ackerman to see him giving us both that damned death glare.
"I'll ask this once Jaegar and Blouse, what in the hell is this damn rapper doing on my clean desk?" I look to see Sasha shaking from fear as to what Mr.Ackerman would do if she found out it was her.
"Sorry sir, I was eating the rice crispy and was trying to tell Sasha that I could make the shot to my surprise I failed....miserably." Why did I open my mouth and say that?
"Is that so Mr.Jaeger? Well stay after class, me and you are gonna have a little chat."
"Yes sir"
I put my head down and decide to just sleep the rest of the class trying to stay out of whatever little trouble I was gonna get myself into. Sasha taps my shoulder and whispers
"Thanks for taking the fall, I'm sorry." She then puts the bag of potato chips inside my book bag. I give a slight smile and put my head back down.

It was the end of class and Mr.Ackerman was giving me a glare. I saw the worried looks of Sasha and Armin as they left. Now time to hear what he had to say to me. He grabbed a chair, hurling it around facing me and sits in it.
"So Eren, I'm still pissed about the rapper but that can be dealt with another day. I'm here to tell you that you've made the lowest grade on the pretest." Damn like that was much of a shocker.
"Dang I thought I nailed it with all the same answers bubbled in."
"No smart remarks Jaeger, this is serious. If you plan on staying in this class you're gonna need some help. Stay after school and I'll help you with some lessons until you get the hang of it." Huh? Did he just say he wants to help me? Never would have guessed it but hey I think I might need it. I give him a look of gratitude and reply back to his comment.
"Okay thank you, I appreciate the help."
"No problem just stop slacking off and looking into the clouds it gets annoying."
After the discussion I grab my bag and make my way to Professor Hanges room. This of course being chemistry and as I walk in I see the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. She had black silky hair that rested on her shoulders. Her face was so beautiful, I got chills from just looking at her. I come back to reality and find my assigned seat which is next too hers. I sit down and look in her direction. She looks back at me and smiles, I smile back and look forward. Heh let's see where this goes.

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