Chapter 8 - A Change of Heart?

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Erens POV

I faintly hear my name being called, it's getting closer and closer.
"eren....Eren......EREN!" I wake up to see my mom looking super pissed. I give her a dazed look as I'm still half asleep and wanting to go right back to it.
"First off young man, you missed dinner. Second off, you haven't taken a shower and it stinks in here. Lastly, do you see what time it is?" I look at my clock and see that it's 7:00 AM. WHAT THE HELL? I thought I just took a nap, and I need a shower stat I see what my mom said about how I smell. I get up and wipe my eyes off and tell her I'll be down as fast as possible for breakfast. I get up and rush to the shower, rinsing off quickly and then going back into my room to change. I put on a long sleeve t-shirt and some jeans on with my vans. I look in the mirror in my room to check my hair, I just pushed it around and go down stairs. I see my mom place a plate of eggs and bacon on the table I actually get to eat it this time and make my way out of the house and to the bus stop. The bus pulls up and I get on it, to my surprise I don't see Jean in the back, hmm must have gotten his car back. I go to my seat pulling out my head phones and listening to whatever tunes I could find on Spotify.

The bus comes to its final stop and I see Jean come on the bus, damnit right when I thought I wouldn't see his horse face this morning. He makes his way down the aisle and sits next to me. Okay what's going on? I give him the Mr.Ackerman look and he just gives me a serious look and mouths can we talk. Pull off my head phones and hear what he has to say.
"Okay, what's up Jean? Don't you have to go talk to your asshole friends in the back?"
"No that's actually what I wanted to talk about." I'm confused as to what he's talking about so I just keep listening to what he has to say.
"I don't like the people I hang myself around, they're as you said assholes. Not saying I'm any better but I want to start new, ya know?" I just nod my head still trying to rap my head around the fact that he doesn't like his football pals.
"It's even gotten to the point where I don't care much to even play football much." Okay now I'm concerned, is this even Jean, because he'd never say that.
"Did I just hear you clearly? Because it sounded like you want to quit football."
"Yeah I kinda do, when there's not many people that you like in a sport the less and less it becomes fun."
"I guess I see where you're coming from, still that's a rash decision don't you think?"
"Yeah it is but I was actually wondering if me and you could start clean and actually become friends. I'm done playing the hate Jaeger game, it's old after a while and watching it isn't cool either." Hmm seems like he actually wants to change, still i don't know. His egos still high considering he kissed Mikasa yesterday, and I still don't know anything about what happened.
"Explain Mikasa then, seems like that wasn't a changed heart then."
"I liked her a lot, and the way she just blew me away pissed me off so I tried forcing it but that didn't work to my favor if you hadn't seen already. Thing is I'm jealous that she actually likes you." What? He's gotta be spouting bullshit out of his mouth now because he's saying things that aren't adding up. Him....Jealous of me? I gotta be asleep still right?
"Again did I hear you right?"
"Yeah dumbass you did. You didn't see the way I saw her look at you as you were playing in second block, and the way she blushes every time you're around her. It drove me insane knowing I couldn't have her so I acted rash."
"But Jean I'm not even dating her."
"That's gonna change soon trust me, but again I'm sorry for doing that. I obviously know you like her too right?" I look away blushing a bit, damnit he's right I'm in love with this girl. She's so beautiful and funny and her laugh I can't get over it, it just makes me feel happy inside hearing it. Back to the topic Eren, don't get side tracked.
"Yeah, I do."
"Then don't screw it up like I did, She likes you so it should be easy. So we friends Eren?"
He has his hand out wanting to shake it with mine, I question his motives in my head. "Why the sudden change of heart? It's just not adding up." But this is a new start better yet a New Beginning and I'm gonna change by excepting the people who've I haven't been necessarily been friends with. So I shake his hands and look him in the eyes.
"Yeah, let's start fresh Jean." We're both grinning at each other, a bit awkward but I feel like he's just as weirded about this as I am. The bus stops at the entrance of school. We both get off and make our way to the lockers.
"Hey Eren, I'll catch you in second block. I need to go apologize to Mikasa about everything." I nod to him and he walks off down the hall. I go to my locker to see Armin stunned at the sight of me and Jean talking and getting along.
"So, wanna tell me what that was about?" Armin says curious to know what my answer is
"He's supposedly has a change of heart, I'm still weary on it but it seems like he wants to be our friend ya know."
"Yeah I'm glad you're being optimistic to getting new friends."
"Nowwa days you gotta be happy to get friends."
I say grabbing my books and placing them in my book bag. After I do that I feel the need to tell my best friend about the girl I've been falling in love with.
"So Armin there's this girl I like." His eyes wide at the sound of me saying that.
"Really?!? Who is the lucky lady may I ask."
"She's a new girl and her names Mikasa Ackerman."
"Hey I have her in my fourth block class, we've chatted for a good bit. Why don't you ask her to sit with us at lunch so we all could get to know her a bit more."
"Sounds like a plan."
We make our way to Mr.Ackermans class for the start of the day. Seems like it's gonna be a good one.

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