Chapter 19 - My First Shot

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Erens POV

We pull up to a shooting range, Levi goes into the back of his car and pulls out two huge duffle bags. He motions me and Annie to follow him and we go to the back of the range. He nods to the man in front of the back door and the man lets us all through, guess he knows him or something. When we walk through the door there's no one there but two familiar faces Ms.Zoe and Petra.
"So Levi you weren't kidding about getting some new recruits were ya? Even though I don't like the fact that those two new recruits are my students." Hange tells Levi and forcing him to give her the duffle bags.
"Yeah I don't either but these two are basically as stubborn as me so no telling them other wise."
Him and Hange open the bags and there are a load of guns and ammunition inside both of them.
"Alright kiddos, you both will learn how to shoot each of these firearms and get a handle of which ones you think you'll like best. First you start with pistols." He lays out a total of 11 pistols ranging from tiny sidearms to powerful revolvers. Annie picks the "Five Seven" pistol to start out, Petra tells her to follow her so they can practice shooting. Hange and Levi stay with me and show me the basics.
"Alright Eren which pistol best suits you?" Hange asks motioning to all the guns on the table. I give it another good look and decide to settle with black revolver at the end with the brown handle.
"Hmm, ya sure you can handle it?" Levi asks concerned about if I can handle the kick that it'll give.
"Only one way to find out right?" They take me to where Petra and Annie were practicing, it seems like Annie was a natural at it because she left Petra with an amazed look. I go to my aisle and have about 18 rounds on the table, since there were 6 rounds inside my revolver, I'll get about 2 reloads in. We put the target a decent range away, Levi and Hange tell me the basic fundamentals of holding it and clocking. I grab the revolver holding it steady and aiming at the head, then BANG! The guns kick pulls me back a little but I adjust myself and continue at it. At this point I've got the kick well under control and I'm able to hit the head and chest of the target relatively perfect.
"Hehe, seems like Jaegers good at controlling that damn revolver unlike anyone else." Levi says as I continue nailing the target, we continue this until it's time to go up to more harder set guns. We go back to the original table and see a new set of guns laid out, this time with assault rifles, snipers, and marksmen rifles. That escalated pretty quickly if I don't say so myself, I notice Annie eyeballing the sniper. This pleases Petra since she was the groups best marksman with snipers, Annie grabbed the silenced sniper out of the three they had laid out and they go back to the range. Hange decides to go with them so that me and Levi can talk about which gun I would prefer. I look at the two assault rifles they had on the table, one was a AK-47 and another was an AR-15. Both being fully automatic as Levi stated, now it's just my personal preference. I decide on the AR, I grab it and make my way to the shooting range with a lot of ammo. Levi tells me that this will have a whole hell of a lot of kick and that I will most likely feel the pain in the morning but I try it anyways. I take a deep breath and pull the trigger, Levi was right about the kick but I get a hold of it and I'm able to control it. Now if it's perfect I doubt but I'm able to hold it pretty well, seems like I'm able to shoot guns now. I'll still need a lot of practice Levi and Hange tell me but I at least understand the basics to it. Annie seems to be quite the sniper Petra says, she even good with an fully automatic gun but snipers and her specialty. Before we head out Levi takes a shot at the shooting range for "old times sake", he grabs to regular pistols and.... he decides to hold them upside down......okay what the hell. (If you know where this is from you are a legend :D)
"Levi don't you think you should hold them up instead of down?"
"You ever seen me shoot?"
"Then quite your yapping."
His stance is a bit weird as well, but not as weird as how he's holding those pistols. He then begins to shoot the guns with his pinkies and nailing all his shots directly in the center of the's that even possibly with the way he's doing it? He looks back at me with a smirk.
"Heh, don't under estimate the best kid."
I just nod my head and then we leave the range, we drop Annie off and then make it to my house. When we pull up Levi talks for a little bit.
"So you actually ready for what's in store?" Because I hate to break it to you but we're doing this thing tonight, it's gonna be a quick clean killing. Nothing to extreme, were just gonna get the job done and over with." It takes a minute for me to finally process that I'll actually be attempting to kill another human tonight. I pull myself back into reality and reply to Levi's question.
"This will ensure that they won't think about harming Mikasa, there's no other way besides taking them out. If it comes to me killing someone then that's just the way it has to be."
"A person with something to protect is a very good comrade to have. I'll be expecting one hell of a fight out of you tonight."
"Will do."
I nod Levi goodbye but he stops me and hands me this uniform. He waves goodbye and says that he'll pick me up tonight and to be mentally prepared. Damnit it's only 5 o'clock and I'm already shaking with....fear. I go back into my house and text Mikasa that I have a lot going on today and that I don't think I'll be able to hang out for the rest of the day. She's not pleased with it but excepts it.

As time goes by I sit on my bed and wait patiently for midnight to strike. After tonight, I'll possibly be a murderer....just letting it all sink in.

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