Chapter 37 - Leave Of Absence

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10 minutes before arriving to the hospital

Erens POV

I continue sitting on the tombstone and wait until a jacket is thrown on top of me, it's Annie. I shoot up and flood her with questions.
"Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah I went back to the war zone to find you but I realized you probably got here."
"Where is everyone?"
"Hospital, Bertolts in bad shape. Wanna head there now?"
"Yeah, hang on real quick though."
I go over to the little shack that was near a grave, and take off my satchel and AR. I lift the wooden boards of the shack floors and place my equipment inside the floor. I put the things inside the bag with my weapons and I motion Annie to do the same just so we don't walk into a hospital with heavy weapons. We put the boards back in the floor and make our way to the hospital. We could hear the sirens of police in the area that's when we sprinted faster.  I slide my jacket on and zip it up all the way to hide the blood stained shirt.
"Heh you look like shit."
"Ehh kinda feel like it, my hand is still a bit hurt but it's not bad."
"Not what I meant but okay."
As we approach the hospital and I can't wait to see her until I open the door and see Jean going for a kiss on Mikasa....and she's not pushing him away.
Mikasa says moving away from Jean and tries to hug me, I move away from the affection and stare at her and Jean.
"Jean wanna tell me what I just witnessed?"
He just looks at the floor not saying anything.
"How about you Mikasa? Wanna tell me?"
"J-Jean wanted to talk to me i-in private then he told me things-"
I interrupt her and walk straight towards Jean, he's not moving a muscle.
"Wanna look me in the eye?"
He looks up and sees the shape I'm in.
"Do you wanna tell me WHAT I JUST SAW?"
"Eren you're one of my best friends, but you are putting yourself at risk not seeing how it will affect the people around you. Mikasa didn't know if you were alive or not, that's not fair to her worrying wether or not you're gonna make it home alive every night."
I look at him in the eyes with so much resentment and anger.
"I've been through hell trying to get here, I've killed so many people today I don't even know how many at this point. I've ran from point A to B not stopping hurting with every motion trying to stay alive to see her and my friends. And you have the audacity to tell me I don't know how she feels? Then you try kissing her? It's taking me everything not to break your jaw for forcing that on her."
"Then why didn't she pull away."
My eyes grow and i curl my fist into a ball and punch Jean across the face. I'm still exhausted from earlier so that's all I had. Jean wasn't as tired as me so once I landed that hit he got right back up and punch me back in the face, I fell to the floor feeling blood from the side of my face, he then nails me again and I feel the liquid dropping more and more. I hear Mikasa screaming for him to stop but he doesn't and hits me again. Then I see Reiner go behind Jean restraining him.
"Jean what the hell are you doing."
"Let go Reiner."
I touch the side of my face and there's a good bit of blood there, that just sets me off my rocker. I get up and swing a left hook on Jean making Reiner drop him. He lays on the floor and that's when I lay into him, I swing with my right hand into his face 5 solid times making complete contact to his face. Reiner comes behind me and stops me.
"Eren stop now."
"No man."
I get thrown to the side and I see Jean passed out on the floor. I look at my hand and my knuckles are cut open with blood pouring out of them. A guard comes by and talks to me for a minute. I tell him that we had a disagreement, I walk inside with Reiner while Mikasa and Annie helped Jean into the hospital.
"Eren what the hell was that?"
"He tried to kiss Mikasa, it set a fuse off and I couldn't hold back."
"Damn, well get your hand checked out. I'll wait here."
I nod my head and go to see a doctor, they tell me that it won't need stitches but I will need to keep it bandaged up for a week. I fill out some paper work then go to where Reiner was sitting, he fills me in on all that happened and also let's me know that Mikasa wants to talk to me for a good minute. I thank him then go talk to her outside.
"Eren...about what happened-"
"Why didn't you pull away?"
"You didn't pull away from him, you accepted his kiss. Why?"
"....because, all the things he told me were true. You don't know how fucking hard it is seeing you go off and get shot at. I'm not sure if you're gonna come back or not and it scares me."
"So what you want to be with Jean now?"
"No but... I don't know."
There's a sudden pause so I guess that she's made her mind up.
"I can't keep living like this knowing you may die from a gunshot or being stabbed or a fucking explosion."
"You can't? Or you won't?"
"Eren I love you so much but this is to much for me."
I look at her one last time then walk back inside the hospital without saying a word. I go to Reiner and I need to talk to him for a minute.
"I'm gonna head home, can you tell Annie I'm leaving?"
"Yeah man no problem."
"Thank you, and...sorry for doubting you all this time."
"I get it, you're scared to trust people but give us a bit more credit."
I pat his shoulder then walk home, I pass by Mikasa. She's just crying but for some reason I'm able to hold back the tears or at least I thought until I was away from her. I pull out my phone and text Levi.

From Eren: "Levi, I'm taking a leave of absence."
From Levi: "Wait what? Why?"
From Eren: "Talk to your sister about it."

I lock my phone then just keep walking until I reach my destination.

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