Chapter 42 - Why Me?

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Authors Note:
Okay I promise that this is the last picture from this artist....but it looks so good :'(

Erens POV

After I walk away from Mikasa I feel terrible, I know she's seen people she cared about die in front of her. For Christ sake her parents were those people, I think I might just have to leave her alone though. I caused her enough stress to last a life time might as well stay out of her way. When I get to P.E. the coach tells me that the music instructor wants to talk to me and that I should go see him right away. I turn right back around and head to the music room, surprisingly I've never been there before. When I enter the room all the students are eyeballing me, I see Krista and we make eye contact and wave at each other. I take my coat off and head towards the instructor. When I approach him he starts evaluating me up and down.
"Hmm...I expected you to be taller."
"Okay, I'm leaving."
As I turn around he puts his hand on my shoulder and signals me to take a seat so we could talk. The man is about my height and is bald with a mustache, he's quite old if you ask me.
"So Eren my names Mr.Pixis, and I have a proposal for you."
"Alright explain."
"In about a week or two there's gonna be a homecoming dance, we don't have any real good musicians to play until I heard about you playing in Ms.Zoes class twice and in both circumstances you played outstandingly. How would you feel about playing a few songs for our dance? There will be a DJ but for slower songs I'd like you to perform."
Hmm so out of this ENTIRE SCHOOL he decides to pick me....this schools pretty big and I'm sure there's many other people out there for this job...but me? Really?
"Ehh sure I don't mind but can i play my music or is that a no?"
"Depends on the music."
I tell him a few songs and he agrees with most of them, when we finish discussing the whole homecoming thing I notice that he has a crap ton of guitars in the corner of the room. I make my way over to them and Pixis see's my interest in them.
"Those old things, I doubt they work."
I plug one up to a amp and I strum it once, it's literally in perfect working condition. I have an idea but I don't know if he'll let me go through with it.
"Hey so as a thanks for me doing this homecoming for you can you get two of my friends from their classes and let us play some guitar?"
He gives me a funny looking face but he complies.
"What are their names?"
"Annie Leonhart and Armin Arlert, and don't worry this'll be my little show for you."
He gives me a curious look but makes the phone calls none the less. Me and Krista chat in the mean time.
"What'd you get called down here for?"
"It's about Pixis wanting me to play at the homecoming dance."
"So you're actually going to that huh? Well that's neat, I don't know if I'm going or not."
"Well it'd be cool if you did so I wont play in front of a bunch of strangers."
We both laugh and I see Armin and Annie come through the doors. I fill them in on all that's happened and I tell them to look in the corner of the music room. They see the guitars and give me a look of nervousness.
"Guys we've been rehearsing this for a month, let's just do it."
"Eren....I haven't played like you or Annie."
"Armin you've done amazing the past month, heck Annie's switched from bass to electric to learn this man COME ON."
Armin sighs but nods his head agreeing to the performance. We all grab our specific guitars, Armins lead acoustic, I'm lead electric, and Annie's my back up electric. Armins been practicing a lot so he's fine Annie has as well. I haven't played in about a day so I'm a bit rusty, with this song at least. Pixis looks at us as we sit in stools and plug our guitars into the amps he had laying out.
"No lyrics, I'm not in the mood to sing. But I'm in the mood to play the hell out of electric."
By now we have an audience of all the remaining students and they await our start. Armin and Annie start it up and we let loose.
(Insert Song) it's amazing btw :)
By the middle of the song we got kids from other classes coming to the music room, and not surprisingly Mr.Smiths Class is one of them to show up. I didn't even notice Mikasa because I was to in the moment of jumping around the area, when I'm playing electric I just can't stand still. When the song comes to a slower part I see Mikasa and that's when I really let loose because it'll let me hide my real emotions. When we finish literally everyone starts clapping like crazy I think Mikasa even did but I couldn't see her over the amount of people who were in the room.
"Well done you three and especially you Mr.Jaeger, fantastic job."
I look towards Annie and Armin who have a huge smile on both of their faces.
"See what'd I tell you guys, we did awesome."
Annie gets up and side hugs me and Armin.
"I have to admit this was a whole hell of a lot of fun."
When I look at the time I notice that we actually spent the entire class period in here which makes life a whole lot more easy since I did not feel like going to P.E. I still got to think about this whole homecoming thing, and does this mean I need a date....damnit.

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