Chapter 30 - Interrogation

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Authors Note: WARNING- this chapter may be a bit graphic. Just gonna throw that out there.

A week after the first training session with the recruits.

Levi's POV

I get a call after work from Hange, she's seemed more excited then usual. It's not surprising but I'm curious to know what this is about. She tells me to meet at her place for a little surprise, I tell Eren to come to Hanges with me. When we reach her house we knock on the door and wait for her too open it. We hear no movement inside so I knock harder. Finally Hange comes to open then door but she's got a few blood splotches on her lab coat and shirt.
"Hey four eyes, what the hells going on?"
"Why don't you come inside and see for yourselves."
She says with a grin motioning us down into the depths of her basement. Once we hit the end of the basement there's a steel plated room with warning signs around it. I curiously look at Hange as she grins away and opens the door. When we all walk through we see a man sitting in a chair with a black eye and a few cuts on his face. We see Moblit standing beside the chair, he was basically Hanges right hand man.
"Yeah he's not talking." Moblit tells Hange as she walks over to the man crouching in front of him. He was tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth so he couldn't talk or scream.
"Mind explaining what's going on here?"
"Well let's just say we got lucky finding Zekes second in command out in the streets unarmed. Now we're going to interrogate the living hell out of him to make him spill."
I look back at Eren and tell him to wait upstairs while me and Hange take care of this, it might take a while. He complies and goes back upstairs, Moblit hands Hange the huge clamps that were sitting on the little table holding a bunch of trinkets. Hange moves quick and is about to pull a tooth out of the man, he just sits there screaming but it's muffled so well to the point where it's not noticeable. I stop her and tell her to let me do good cop first before you have your way with him. She agrees and holds the clamps ambitiously waiting to tear one of his tooths out. I crouch in front of the broken man and try to get him to spill it.
"Look not cooperating will get you no where, we're not afraid to kill you. But we don't want to do that, just tell us what we want to hear and there won't be a problem."
He nods his head, I take off the gag relieving him to breath. He then spits on my jacket and smirks while doing it...heh...fucker thinks he's cool does he.
"Looks like you aren't gonna spill it huh? Fine by me." I grab the gag and shove it back into his mouth, I then grab the pistol laying on the tray and tighten a silencer to it. Hange and Moblit are kinda scared I'd kill him but I reassure them I won't.
"Wanna play cool guy huh? Let's see you act tough against this." I aim the gun at his thigh and fire once, I hear the muffled screams of pain and him crying for me to stop. Some of his blood is splattered on my shirt and dress jacket.
"Gonna talk?"
He muffles some rude words I don't feel like re-saying, I grab the curved knife laying on the end of the metal tray and start toying with him.
"You're gonna tell us everything you know, if you don''s gonna be a long night." I push the knife deep into the bullet hole and start twisting it. He's not taking it very well considering he's crying more then before.
"You like that? No? Then tell us." He continues to shake his head, so I grab the gun and shoot another hole into his left foot. The pains getting to him because I see him slowly going unconscious, I slap his face to wake him up.
"Hey, don't go to sleep just yet. I'm not even you're worst problem here." I state to the hostage, I pull out a cigarette and light it up, then I point to Hange.
"She is." Hange just continues to smile at this point she getting a bit to angsty, so I let her have her fun. She grabs some tiny pliers and goes straight for one of his fingernails, she pulls it fully off and laughs while doing so.
She continues this till our patient is bleeding immensely and is completely out of finger nails. He's barely conscious but comes back to once Hange goes inside his mouth forcefully yanking out a tooth. It's so bad even I can barely look, finally the hostage breaks. He tells us that the primary target that Zeke is after is no longer Me it's Eren now. He said that Eren and the scouts hold the potential to fuck up everything they got going on. He also tells us where some hideouts are, he tells us the amount of weapons they possess scaling from knifes to assault rifles to grenade launchers. They definitely have better weaponry then us, but we're skilled unlike them. He tells us the remainder of our questions. To stay safe we keep him under our possession until we check out everything that he's told us and make sure that it's 100% true. I make it apparent to him that if anything that he tells us isn't true and it causes people to die, then I won't hesitate to put a bullet in his head. We make sure he's fed and we bandage his injuries. Then we head up to analyze the information he told us. Me and Four Eyes look like shit, were covered in blood and sweat. Honestly that kinda was hard to watch but it was worth it if everything he told us was correct. If it is then we have an advantage that the enemy has no idea about.

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