Chapter 12 - Uhh What Now?

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Erens POV

I don't know what came over me but I can't stop, the lust is just to strong and I can't pull back. We continue kissing only going up for air once or twice, this continues for a while until I realize we're on the couch and I honestly don't know how we even got here. She's on top of me and she has her hands in my shirt, I have my hands running through her wet hair. We stop at the sound of her phone buzzing, she stops looking pissed. She answers the phone and gets a worried look on her face, I hear yelling through the sounds of the phone.
"I'm sorry Levi I didn't mean to stay out this late, me and Eren were just walking around is all." Okay I'm pretty positive that Mr.Ackerman but what time is it anyways. I look at the clock and it's say 5:05. Oh shit my parents are gonna be here any second. She hangs up the phone and just gives me this sad look.
"Levi is pissed that I didn't come home at 4, I've got to go." She gets off of me and goes to the dryer to get her clothes, she heads to the bathroom and changes back into them and then walk to the door.
"Hey remember, I'm not letting you walk around alone." I change back into my regular clothes, as we walk out of the door I can see that she got a chill and looked cold. So I told her to hang on and go back inside for my red scarf I had a long time ago, it's really soft and warm, I had no need for it anymore so I wanted to give it to her. I come back out to the front of my house and wrap the scarf around her.
"Here, you can keep it. Feel better now?"
She starts blushing and nods her head, I pat the top of her head blushing myself and smiling. We leave my house and make our way to hers, both of us are just blushing and smiling still comprehending what happened earlier. I then have a thought and decide to just go for it, I grab her hand and just hold it tight while smiling at her. She starts turning red trying to hide it by covering her face with the scarf. We finally make it to her house where we see Mr.Ackerman sitting outside on their porch. I try letting go but Mikasa won't let go holding it even tighter then before, when we approach the porch I see him with a grin on his face.
"Well young lady, have I missed something?" She starts blushing not knowing what to say, so I decide to intervene.
"Me and Mikasa are dating, is this a problem?"
"Hmm nope Jaeger, it's not don't make me regret this. Foods on the table Mikasa, don't let it go cold." I turn to Mikasa and see her eyes widen and her beautiful smile.
"So...we're dating?" She says with a smile and curious to know.
"There's not a moment I don't want to be with you, I hope you feel the same. To which if you do, then will you go out with me?" She turns my way bringing down her scarf and kisses me on the cheek, she then replies to my question.
"I don't want to go another day without you by my side." I smile and kiss her on the forehead, and tell her I'll see her tomorrow. I wave her goodbye and go home. When I make it home no one is still here and it's about 5:30. I grab my guitar from the living room and bring it up to my room where I crash onto the bed. I just made out with the girl of my dreams, life couldn't get any better. I grab my phone and text Armin about it

From Eren: Dude you wouldn't believe what happened today.
From Armin: You made out with Mikasa.
From Eren: Uhh how did you know?
From Armin: I'm the only other friend she has besides Sasha. And Sasha doesn't really know relationships like I do."
From Eren: Wait how the hell do you know relationships, you've never been in one.
From Armin: Dude soap operas.

I just look at Armins response then laugh under my breath, he's such a weirdo but I'm a weirdo too so it doesn't really faze me. We continue talking about it, he tells me that she said that that was the greatest kiss she ever had. That gave me butterflies and I can't stop thinking about it. He tells me to come over his house because Connie was coming over to play smash bros on his Wii U, I ask him if Jean could join and he doesn't mind it. I text Jean to get his bum ass over to Armins house to play some video games, he tells me he'll get there as fast as he could. I get there and I see everyone, they had been talking about teams on who was gonna be paired with who. It was me and Armin against Connie and Jean, we pick our characters and I'm not surprised by the choices.

Connie: MegaMan
Armin: Link
Jean: Falco
Eren: Fox

We go into wind hill zone, and the match starts with everyone with 1 life and a free for all, this was just a fun practice run. Armin and I start going at it with each other, I finally knock him out of the world with me having only 53%, Armin sighs but also punches me in the shoulder for targeting him automatically. I laugh it off then realize that Connie and Jean have been waiting, damnit they're gonna double team me. Right as I think that they jump on me and I have no way of escaping so I just except my fate, seeing my character flung across the screen. They laugh and then out of no where Connie grabs the over powered hammer and smacks Jean across the world and out of the match.
"What the hell Connie!?" Everyone starts dying of laughter as Jean wrestles Connie.
"Hey man there had to be a winner, it's only fitting it was me." We laugh and continue playing a bunch more, I start to get an idea after the fourth game we played.
"Hey guys, you wanna know what's better then 4 player smash?" Everyone's eyes open wide and we all shout the same thing at the same time.
"EIGHT PLAYER SMASH!" We all quickly get our phones and start to text everyone we knew. We sadly only had about 7 people to play smash with, But that was still a lot. I texted Mikasa, Jean texted Marco, and Connie texted Sasha. They all said they'd be on their way to Armins house in a few. The rest of us here grabs a bunch of snacks and drinks and bring them into the living room. By the time we got everything together Marco and Sasha made their way here. I never really met Marco so we talked a good bit, and so did everyone else. Finally Mikasa shows up and I greet her with a hug. Everyone gives us widened eyes of curiosity, except Armin he already knew. I hold her hand and we tell everyone that we started dating, they all congratulates us. Even Jean does and I know he liked Mikasa a lot, but now he's changed and I'm glad I can call him a friend. We all get controllers and pick our characters. Sasha was to focused with the snacks to even pay attention, so Connie had to force her face on the screen.

Eren: Fox
Armin: Pitt
Jean: Falco
Connie: MegaMan
Sasha: Kirby
Marco: Little Mac
Mikasa: Greninja

I asked Mikasa why she'd pick him, and she replied that she used to play this with her brother a long time ago and that was her go to character. Armin picks the game, which is a free for all with unlimited lives. It was to see who got the most kills when time ran out, we all got up and ready to smash who ever it was we came into contact with. The game starts and it's complete chaos, all I see are people flying all over the place and people's percent meter going up. We all screamed with excitement and tried our best to take the other person out. This was one of the best nights I've had in a long time.

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