Chapter 28 - A Family Ive Never Had

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Erens POV

It's the next day and I'm heading off to school on the bus, yesterday afternoon consisted of me and Annie going to the shooting range practicing our fire arms. My right side is still heavily in pain but I got to ignore it, I think today's the day I fill everyone in on what's been actually going on. When the bus finally reaches school I hop off of it and go to my locker like usual. I notice that Reiner is staring at me from a distance, I look in his direction and he starts making his way over to me. I close my locker hard and turn in his direction.
"Eren, after the other day I've grown to respect you. I don't like you but respect is another thing. So I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't progress with what you think you're doing."
"What are you talking about?"
"Me and Bertolt are Eldians, you're a scout. Word got out that you pose a bigger threat then anticipated. Which is why you were gonna die that night if Levi didn't intervene. I'll tell you this, you're still on Zeke's hit list and if you piss him off more the consequences will line up."
"Okay so why are you telling me this? What's the end game here?"
"Again I respect you for standing against me, so I'm gonna gave you some words of advice because if you fight the Eldians be prepared to fight me again. This time it won't be like the last, there's nothing stopping us from killing each other this time.....make the right choice and stop before this gets out of hand."
"I already made Zeke a promise that night, I'm gonna kill him...and if you get in the way....there's no guarantee for your own safety. Do me a favor and stay out of my way."
"You know I can't..."
"Then you be prepared to fight me again."
At this point we were so close our noses were almost close to touching. The bell rings and me and Reiner comeback to the present and go to our class. Damnit so now two students here are Eldians. The days just get better and better, I let everyone know that we need to have a meeting at lunch and everyone needs to attend it.

It's finally lunch and everyone gets to the table, until I feel a hard tap on my back and I see Krista....wait I totally forgot me and Levi crashed her party.
"Hey Krista Im sorry about the other night, everything happened was not fair to you and your family."
"Yeah well are you gonna explain what that was all about?"
"Yeah I was gonna tell everyone here what has happened over the past few weeks." Krista nods her head and makes it to her seat at the table. I look around and see everyone curious to know what this whole thing was about. I clear my throat and tell them every bit of everything.
"Okay so I've called this little meeting to tell you all that Me and Annie have been fighting with this group called the scouts. They consist of some of the teachers here and a few other people from town. We've been fighting another group called the Eldians, they wanted to get to Levi who is Mr.Ackerman so in order to stop the possibilities of Mikasa getting hurt, I joined and Annie helped me so I wasn't alone. We did some unspeakable things to this other group, that day I was hurt was when I fought the other group with the wasn't pretty. Then they made and appearance at Krista's party and then we had a huge fight there, to which I apologize to you about Krista. Then the leader, his name being Zeke took my mother and held her hostage trying to force me out to fight him and his goons. Thus why I have the injuries I have now, I almost died that night....but I didn't. Now I'm going on the defensive but I felt like I need to let you all know what's been happening. The people the truly knew were Mikasa, Armin, and Annie. I wanted to ask you all something that seems out of line but I feel like it should be put on the table. Would you like to help me handle this threat and take these guys out? I understand if you don't want to but I needed to ask. There are times where you will question your humanity if you join. But i can't force you to your guys's just....I know I can't do this alone." I finally finish the speech and look at the floor feeling ashamed for asking them to carry the burden that I do now. But I feel a hand come on my shoulder, it's Armins.
"Eren, you can count on us to help you through thick and thin always." I look around and see everyone smiling and shaking their heads, could they really be down to lay their lives for me?
"You'd lay your lives for me?" They all laugh and show smiles across all their faces again.
"Man we're a family, haven't you noticed that by now?" I haven't thought about it that way but now I do. They've always been here for me even when I pushed them away and now they're here to help me more then I ever could ask.
"This is the greatest family I've ever could have asked for." We all cheer and hug one another, but deep down inside I'm worried because I don't think they know what could be in store for them. They haven't had to end someone's life like me and Annie have, but I guess the time will come when we see how far we can push the limits as a team, as a family. I'm not gonna lose any of them, I'll try and make sure none of them lose their life, even if it costs me mine.

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