Chapter 39 - Days Gone By

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(A Week After The Break Up)

Erens POV

Beep! Beep!
"Damnit shut up already."
I smack the alarm clock and get up, I look outside and it's drizzling a little bit. Well that's great considering it's like 60 degrees outside, I go through my closet and pick some clothes out. I had a green rain jacket with a yellow shirt and black jeans with black vans. Before I do anything else I text Annie and ask her if she'd pick me up which she's happy to do. I go downstairs and grab a granola bar, my mom is probably sleeping away I don't blame her, sleeping is nice. Annie honks her horn once signaling she's outside, I open the door and make my way to her truck. Her musics blasting off the roofs, I don't mind it considering we have the same taste in music. She turns it down a little to talk.
"So how's that hand of yours?"
I look down at my hand and I realize I forgot to change the bandages, oh well it's not like it hurts that much anymore.
"Better, much better."
"Good, and what about Mikasa? You guys talk any since the whole break up?"
"No...not really. She's been with Jean a lot so you could say they're a thing now I guess."
"I don't believe that, she cares to much about you to do that."
I look out the window and think about the previous week, seeing her with Jean still doesn't sit well but I guess I can just except it now.
"Hey what about you and Bertolt huh? You guys are all over each other."
Annie starts blushing and looks ahead of her trying to hide her red face.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Yeah sure."
We reach the school and Annie drops me off so she could go to her parking spot. I continue teasing her about the Bertolt situation which she retaliates with a middle finger as she drives away.

Instead of usually heading for my locker I go to where Armin is. He's with Connie and Krista, when I approach them Krista's face kinda glows and she greets me and starts talking to me. Armin and Connie decide to leave for some reason, no clue why but they do and that just leaves me and Krista.
"So whatcha been up to Eren?"
"Guitar and sleep most the time." I say laughing with a smile, Krista was really nice and was good at cheering people up.
"What about you miss royalty, what you been up to?"
"The usual of studying, Armin helps me a lot when it comes to math. That subject is a real pain."
We both laugh and continue talking until I see Jean and Mikasa walk around the corner. My smile turns into a frown and I just look at the floor, when I caught a glimpse of Mikasa she's still wearing my scarf. Why? I don't understand that but it's hers so she can do whatever she wants with it. Krista see's me looking down so she lifts my head up.
"Hey don't think about them, gotta move past it right?"
"Heh right."
"Actually, wanna know how to make them jealous?" I give Krista a curious look as to what she was planning.
Then she pulls her arm in between mine and makes us walk not even 5 feet away from them.
"Like this."
We laugh about it but it doesn't help much, I get she's trying to help but I still can't shake it off my mind. As we walk I see Reiner and Bertolt talking, and Reiner gives me a curious look just like mine earlier.
"Look at Jaeger bomb."
I kinda just blush then keep walking, I feel eyes beaming down my neck so I turn around and see Mikasa looking at us. She noticed me looking at her and she pulls her scarf up and walks the opposite way. That kinda gives me an uneasy feeling but Krista doesn't really care and drags me to Reiner and Bertolt.
"There something we don't know?"
Reiner says winking at me, I kinda just rub my head and reply back nervously.
"Nah Krista's just being a flirt and helping me out."
Krista says punching me in the arm and having her arms crossed, we just laugh at her and talk some more. Reiner and Bertolt are actually considered friends I never would have thought that I'd ever even say that. Then the conversation switches to the scouts.
"You ever think about coming back?"
"To the scouts? It crosses my mind but I have to many things going on."
I state lying through my teeth, it's not that I have a lot going on it's that I don't know if the fights worth t anymore. Zeke has surprisingly laid off me and Levi haven't seen a trace of him. I still talk to Levi about it here and there, he keeps me updated on the things they do. For now the only people who are still in the scouts are Sasha, Jean, Marco, Connie, Krista, Reiner, Levi, Hange, Petra, Oluo, Eld, Gunther, and Moblit. The rest decided to leave for different reasons, Annie and Armin said that they were there to back me up and since I wasn't in it anymore there was no reason to be in it anymore. Bertolt said that his injury made him want to quit but we really know he was there to protect Annie. Then Mikasa, I don't know her reason but I have a feeling that she's still in it, Levi just wouldn't tell me if she did I'm pretty sure. Reiner takes me out of deep thought.
"Damn that sucks, still miss our fearless leader Eren Jaegar."
"I wasn't the leader, it was more Levi then me."
"Sure pal."
Krista and Bertolt laugh about the dispute while me and Reiner continue debating wether or not I was the leader or not.
"Eren just except that you were already."
Krista says while elbowing me in the side, I just sigh and nod my head. I let the three of them know that I need to talk to Armin for a bit then get going. When I get around the corner I go a stall in a bathroom and prop myself against a wall. Mikasa is still crossing my mind and she won't get out of it, I continue sitting on the floor till the bell for first block rings and that's my queue to get my shit together and get to class.

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