Chapter 6 - The Mistake

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Authors Note:
Hey, I just want to say thank you for the 150+ reads, I know it doesn't seem like much but coming from somebody who was doing this little fan fiction for fun it means a lot that some people actually took the time to read this. And i plan on doing a lot of chapters in the future so if you're patient and like the book stick around. I'm trying to do 1-3 chapters a day. So again thank you for the reads and now back to the chapter.

Mikasa POV

I cant believe he asked to walk me to class, I can't get over how handsome he is. His eyes leave me in a daze, they're so bright green that it melts me looking at him. I keep thinking about his performance in second block it was just so good, and the words just seemed so powerful that I couldn't help but think they were about me. What am I thinking I know they aren't about me, we've just met there's no way he could like me at first sight. Then again that's how I felt after seeing him for the first time and him smiling at me.

He has my schedule and directs me to where my third block is, I walk beside him and can't help but wanting to hold his hand. Dang it Mikasa get it together. We meet our destination and he hands the schedule back to me.
"Okay so this is Mr.Smiths room, it's kinda funny considering I have his class next."
He says having a small laugh while looking at me, I'm so nervous and I don't know why.
"That sucks I wish you were in my class." Oh my gosh why did I say that, He looks at me and grins.
"Yeah it's pretty lame but I gotta get going so I'm not late for my class. I'll see ya around Mikasa."
"Okay, bye Eren."
I wave as he starts to leave, my hand goes down slowly. It sucks that I won't see him till tomorrow, I wish I could spend the whole day with him. I walk into Mr.Smiths room and go to my assigned seat, I sit next to this weird jock guy, he's in my second block and won't stop staring at me. I think I remember his name being Jean, he tries to talk to me and I'm just not in the mood.
"Hey beautiful, I have you in my second block. Names Mikasa am I correct?" He asks having a smirk on his face seeming as if he's already got me in his grips.
"Yeah, what's it to you?"
"Whoa, what's with the hostility? I'm just trying to get to know you a bit more babe, can't get mad at me can ya?"
"I don't like guys like you, so you can leave me alone already." I fire back at him for being a complete ass hat, who does he think I am. I stare at the front of the room for the remainder of class and listen to what the Mr.Smith has to say about the semester. I can feel that weird guys eyes staring directly at me and it's creeping me out. Why is he so odd? Maybe if he wasn't such a dick I could be friends with him but his egos up his ass. The bell rings and I immediately leave the class to try and get away from this guy but he corners me outside the halls.
"What the hell do you want Jean? Can't you see I'm trying to go to class."
"I know but I wanted to give you a gift."
Before I could react to whatever he was gonna throw at me he kisses me on the cheek. I push him away looking disgusted at what he's done. Gosh what the hell was that about. As I push him out of the way to walk to my other class I see...him.

10 minutes earlier

Erens POV

Geez Mr.Shadis is gonna be a pain, P.E doesn't seem like that big of a deal it's just him. He's extremely loud and kinda excessive with the way he was talking to the other students. I met this girl Annie Leonhart, she's in my second block. I tried talking to her for a little bit but it doesn't seem like she is the social type.
"So Annie you said that you are a excellent fighter right?" She kinda got out of her trance of un amusement and gives me a curious look.
"Yeah what about it."
"I was wondering if you could show me some of your moves sometime, I think I might need to pick some of them up if ya don't mind."
She looks a little dare I say "excited" lord only knows how far excited scales for her but she does seem a bit interested with what I'm saying.
"Hmm yeah Jaeger, I might be able to help you out. Who knows you could be my gym pal and I could teach you then."
"Wow that'd be actually really cool."
I ask for her phone number to try and schedule some days that we could hang out and do this training thing since I've never even worked out or trained before. After we exchange numbers the bell rings and I make my way out of the gymnasium and to my next class. Since I'm going to Mr.Smiths class I take a shorter route, specifically the one I took Mikasa down. Maybe I'll even get to see her again and chat a tiny bit before going to the next class. As I make my way around the corner I see Mikasa... with Jean, what's going on? He just kissed her. I start to feel sad actually depressed, I see Mikasa push him off her looking pissed. She then turns and looks at me, her eyes widen and she starts running in the opposite direction from me. I just look at the ground and walk into Mr.Smiths class. A bunch of questions flood my mind.
"Why did he kiss her?"
"Are they together?"
"Why did she push him away so angrily? Did she not want the kiss?"
"Why did she have tears in her eyes once she saw me?"
The questions just kept on flooding in my mind I couldn't concentrate on anything.

Mikasa POV

After I saw Eren I ran in the opposite direction trying to go to the nearest bathroom. With tears in my eyes I run into a stall and lock it shut. Damnit he saw another guy kiss me, what will he think of me now? All I wanted was to be near him, even if I don't know him that well. I just wanted to get to know him and possibly be with him, but that jerk ruined it by kissing me. I sit on the floor with my head in my knees trying to forget the current events ever happened. I eventually got up from the floor and walked to my next class upset with myself for getting cornered and put in that position. But also for letting Eren see that.

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