Chapter 60 - The Last Kiss

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Erens POV

we just stare at each other until my legs finally decide to move, I look at levi and he's got no emotion in his face. I'm now in front of both of them and I just look down at the floor then back up at Mikasas eyes.
"Levi can I talk to her in private."
He walks away and over to Annie and Jean, while I stare at the girl who's eyes don't seem to stay dry.
"How'd you know I was here?"
"Krista texted me, she told me what you were gonna do....why?"
"You all aren't safe until he's dead, I've gotta kill him."
"Alone?....why can't anyone be with you? Why do you always gotta do things alone?"
"Look at who's all died because of me, I don't know if I can have another person die because of me..."
"So this is it? You're just gonna leave us all.....I thought me and you were finally back together....back to normal."
"I want that more than anything in this world, I love you so much Mikasa. If you die....I'd just....I'd go crazy."
"And you don't think I would too? I don't want to lose you to this world, this cold world."
"You won't...I'll make it back and things will go back to the way they were, I promise."
"How can you be so sure?"
"If there's a will...there's a way."
I say with a smirk but that slowly turns into a frown, I don't want to leave her. It's killing me even thinking of not seeing her for a while.
"But....i don't want you to waste your whole life waiting on me. I want you to enjoy every last minute of it, if you even want to see someone else....go ahead. I can't make you wait, even think of giving Jean a try if that's what's gonna make you happy. I just....I don't know if I'll be back anytime soon and me asking you to be miserable is not fair."
"Ill always love you Eren, even if we're apart I know that deep down inside you'll always have a place there in my heart. It pains me seeing you go but if that's what you want I can't stop you."
"I don't want to leave you, don't ever think that. But I have to stop him....even if I'm considered a monster."
"You're not a monster, you'll still be the same dreamy boy who showed me what love actually feels like. God I love you so much...."
"I love you's almost time for me to go..."
I move close holding her cheek and kissing her for the last time, it felt like an eternity. With the snow falling around us it felt like we were in a movie. When we let go for air we comeback to kissing and exchange tongues, I could hear our friends chanting from behind us. We both just smile at the sound of them, we both look into each other's eyes and she starts crying while I hug her tight.
"Please look after my mom for me, she'd appreciate you doing that."
I whisper into her ear and she nods her head agreeing.
"God I love you."
I say one last time as we pull apart, Mikasa goes over to our friends and crys into Annie's shoulder. They've finally come close friends after all this time. Levi walks up to me and decides to have his final words.
"We've always had our little disagreements but you were always like a son to me."
"Thanks you were my mentor and only role model. Thank you for all that you taught me, it's helped me this far."
"Kid you've still got a lot to learn."
He says as we both laugh, I go back to my sad look.
"After all this me....okay?"
"Don't worry, I planned on doing that from the start."
He says handing me the same revolver that I've had from the start, I look at the handle and M.A. is carved into the handle. I look up at Mikasa and she's still teary eyed, then I look back at Levi and he's actually smiling. I give him a extremely tight handshake, while putting the revolver behind my belt.

I wave them all goodbye then head back home, my eyes start tearing up and drip from my cheek. I get inside my house and fall to the floor, I'm actually going through with this huh.... I go upstairs and grab the duffle bag and write a final goodbye letter to my mom. I leave it on the table and walk out of the house to a destination where i don't know. I'm alone.... I've come this far with multiple people beside me but now I'm gonna push the limits to see how far I can go by myself. Im lost but I'll find my way back eventually, for now I'm on my own.

(20 minutes after the Eren vs Levi fight)

Zeke's POV

That damned bastard almost killed me, Im spitting out blood like crazy. I pull out my phone and call Pieck.
"Pieck did you get him?"
"Yeah, Armin Arlert has been obtained from the hospital. We've got him in a cell at HQ.....what do you want me to do with him?"
"Put him in the chair, I'm gonna have some fun."
I hang up the phone and continue walking through the alley way.

To Be Continued.....

Authors Note:
Yup my peeps that's the end of the first book it was extremely fun. I had a blast writing it and seeing all of your expressions as I did so, I'll probably make the next book soon so be on your toes for that. But thank you all for voting and commenting on all the chapters. I hope you've all enjoyed the first book!

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