Chapter 24 - You Are?

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Erens POV

I walk Mikasa home and then decide to walk down town to see if the music store was open. While I'm walking down the sidewalk I feel something poke me in the back, before I could turn around a man speaks.
"Don't say a damn word and keep walking."
Damnit it's a gun, I do as he says and we walk into a ally. He shoves me then points the gun at me, surprisingly I'm not scared.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Might want to speak with a little more respect to someone who has a gun pointed at you."
I look at the gun, it's still concealed but I know it's real.
"Need me to ask again?"
"Your apart of the scouts correct?" More importantly your Levi's little apprentice."Shit is this guy part of that other group that we annihilated?
"Depends on who's asking."
"Im the leader of the Eldians, the group that fights the so called scouts."
"Hmm interesting, why does that matter to me?"
"Well I was one of the few people who saw your capabilities the night you scouts massacred my people. I think you hold great potential, I'm gonna make you this offer. Join the Eldians and not take the risk of dying to me, or stay with the scouts and face me and the rest of the Eldians. The choice is yours don't make me regret leaving you alive Mr.Jaeger." He holsters his weapon and tries to walk away before I stop him.
"What's your name anyways?"
Then he walks away without another word. I'm still standing here stunned, why didn't he just kill me? I guess he really thinks Im gonna join him. Which is pretty stupid of him to think, I couldn't abandon my comrades so there must be some type of endgame here. I skip out on the music store and go straight home. I text Levi about how the leader had a few words with me and that I'm pretty sure he's gonna be at the party. Levi then tells me that there's gonna be a change of plans, it's just gonna be me and him going, no one else. I tell him I'm down but then I remember something...he told Mikasa about the whole scouts thing.

From Eren: "by the way why the hell did you
tell Mikasa?"

From Levi: "are you moody anymore?"

From Eren: "no not necessarily."

From Levi: "then my plan worked, I'm sure
she wants to join but trust me she's a way better fighter then you."

From Eren: "then why am I going to the party and not her?"

From Levi: "ehh you're a better shot?"

From Eren: "yeah sure, when's the party?"

From Levi: "Friday Night, I'll pick you up. You need a tux and don't go all out. Chances are we'll be fighting."

From Eren: "alright."

I continue to lay on my bed until I hear my doorbell go off. I quickly go down stairs and see Jean, Marco, Armin, and Connie. They come inside and invade my home.
"Okay what the hell are you guys doing here?" I say laughing, they jump on my couch and lay around.
"Ehh thought we all could hang out." Jean says while him and Connie grab the remote controls for my Xbox.
"You guys bring Smash?"
"Nah Armin forgot it." Connie says while throwing in Marvel Vs Capcom 3. I plop on the couch and tell them about how me and Mikasa got back together. None of them are surprised, but they're happy I'm back to normal. We all take turns kicking each others asses, Connie was a god at the game he beat everyone without contest. I showed Marco and Armin a few things on the guitar while Jean and Connie battled it out. Marco surprisingly knew how to play piano so he showed us a few things on that. I needed some time with just the guys. Connie became a buzz kill once he told us he had to leave to go on a date with Sasha. Me and Jean battled it out for the rest of the day while Marco taught Armin some piano. Once everyone left I went to go hang out with Mikasa for the rest of the day. When I got to her house I saw Levi cooking in the kitchen.
"Who said you could enter the house without knocking Jaeger?"
"Ehh I just thought I could come in."
"Oh hell no not with those dirty shoes on take them off before entering or you're cleaning all of the floors."
"Alright alright." I take off my shoes and make it to Mikasas room. I see her asleep on her bed, I close the door behind me and poke her in the cheek. Her eyes slowly open, and she seems a little pissed.
"Eren, that was a nice nap.....why'd you ruin it?"
"Oh fine then I'll leave."
"No stop."
She says getting up rubbing her eyes, I come on the bed and lay beside her. She looks so beautiful even in pajamas, I can see her slowly drift off back to sleep. I poke her in the cheek again to wake her up, and yet again she's pissed.
I laugh so hard it's not even funny.
"Nah it's funny seeing you attempt sleep and me keeping you awake." Her face doesn't seem to amused, she comes in closer and kisses me on the cheek. Damnit I'm really cozy and I'm starting to drift off myself but before I could close my eyes she shoves her damn finger into my face super hard.
"Damnit Mikasa that hurt."
I grab her tight and try squeezing her but she doesn't seem affected.
"If you think this is bothering me, you're surely mistaken." We both laugh, I can tell that both our eyes are dropping drastically. Before I could do anything else my eyes close and I fall into a deep slumber with my love in my arms.

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