3. Hatred Vs Love

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Thanks for all those lovely souls for your supportive and encouraging comments... Im not in any intention to hurt anyone....

Anyways... I sincerely apologize if I have ever hurted anyone by my words... In due respect and considering the feelings of my loved ones, Iv changed the  name of shabbir ahluwalia to shabzir rudra...

First, I thought of changing the whole name but many scolded me not to do so... Yet, I value everyone's feelings and Im ready to do anything to make all happy...

Im here only to entertain you and not in my wild dreams too I wont hurt anyone... Though the real me is short tempered, but your crazy writer mahii is always a cool one...

So, here afterwards will mention only as SHABZIR or by his professional name ROCKY....  Hope you all are okay with this... Edited the previous chapters too.... Have a look at that too if you want...

Enough of my boring bak baks.... Lets move to our SHOT.3:

Pragya keeps on scolding Abhi as he spoiled her moment... She cursed him and warns him not to come before her sight... Abhi is scared by pragya's threatening voice and asks her apology too...

Pragya being stubborn threatens abhi and goes in her car angrily and mentally blames Abhi for making her day to be the worst

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Pragya being stubborn threatens abhi and goes in her car angrily and mentally blames Abhi for making her day to be the worst... Abhi composed himself from the shock and moves to his house...

Pragya enters house angrily... Purab and dadi are shocked to see pragya's condition... Pragya barges to her room without uttering a word....

Ro Dadi: purab... What happened to this girl??? Why she is in this condition???

Purab: Dont know dadi... But, I think whatever happened is only for her goodness only ...

Ro Dadi: What are you saying purab??? I cant understand anything....

Purab: Dadi... You know na tht super model Rocky... I dont find any good vibes from him...

Ro Dadi: He is pragya's friend na...

Purab: Yes, I accept dadi.. he is pragya's friend... But, I dont like the closeness between them... I think he is using our pragya for granted...

Some secret sources of mine said that Rocky is going cozy with rich girls... But he is clinging to our pragya for her name and fame... This stupid girl is madly in love with him...

I explained her many a times... Even bulbul had warned her it seems... From that day, pragya is meeting him hidingly... Today too she is willing to meet him in farm house...

But, thank god pragya came home... I was worried seeing pragya's dress today... God is with us... So, our pragya is safe... We have to do something to separate our pragya from him...

Ro dadi: I dont like that rocky at all... His behaviour is always annoying to me.. His flirty talks, his overacting, his touchy touchy behaviour, his shameless comments are always irritating me...

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