5. I will trash you into pieces...

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Thanks for all your love and support....

A very big sorry for making you all wait so long... I could not help as my updates are getting delayed because of my health issues and even though, i update daily im lagging behind...

Hope you all will support me as iv to update all my stories ... Please bear with me and dont scold your crazy Or mahii for delays... I will try my level best to update all the stories as soon as possible...

Lets move to shot. 5:

Rocky is fuming in anger.... He gulps the drinks more and more... His mind is focusing only to fulfill his desire with pragya...

 His mind is focusing only to fulfill his desire with pragya

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He smiles widely when his phone pops up with a message...

"Sorry Rocky... I know bhai did talk bad to you... Please... Please... Dont be angry... Im coming there... Lets have fun okay... So, chill up my boy... Love you...😘😘😘😘"

Rocky shouts happily: Come on my girl... Im eagerly waiting for you.... I have set everything... Sure you are going to surrender to me tonight... I know this tablet will do wonders...

Rocky's devilish smirk and his thunderous laugh echoes the whole room... Pragya without knowing anything about the bad intentions of Rocky is whistling happily and driving the car...


Ro dadi is getting restless as pragya has not yet reached home... Just then, she hears the horn sound of the car and felt relieved... Ro dadi could not understand the behaviour of pragya clearly...

Pragya did not utter a word and barges into the room angrily... Ro dadi has sensed that something wrong has happened and thought to enquire purab about that .. she calls purab...

Ro dadi: Hello... Purab... Is anything wrong happened today??? Why pragya is this much angry???

Purab: Dadi.. vo... Vo (stammers)

Ro dadi: Tell me purab... What's the matter???

Purab: Dadi after talking with you in afternoon about pragya's alliance with that abhishekh, I went to meet pragya and to check for her rehearsels...

But when I entered there, pragya was not in the stage practising for the concert... The members told me that pragya has gone to take some rest... So, I thought to talk about that idiot rocky and wish to tell about his dirty intentions too...

I entered the room and shocked to see that rocky is doing all those bad things with pragya and this girl like a love addict did not understand his dirty intentions...

So, I bashed that idiot rocky and thrown him out... I scolded him and asked him not to play his dirty tricks on pragya... But that idiot rocky said that Im manipulating pragya and all....

Pragya being a fool misunderstands me but she did not utter a word to me... Me and that rocky has almost got in fight with fits and I kicked him hard. .. That rocky got angry and moves out from there. ..

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now