35. Fear - The first enemy in love...

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Hate is not the first enemy in love... But, it's fear, which destroys the ability of trust, you have on love...

It's not lack of love, but lack of understanding and friendship, which makes many marriages to broke down..

In the name of expressing his thoughts, he is hurting me and himself... He is in a difficult phase and with a lot of pain in his heart...  It's the reason, he failed to notice that he is hurting me terribly...


Abhi, with a heavy heart enters the room... His heart beats are wavering up and down and he finds it difficult to let out a single breathe too... He tries really hard to fill his lung with air, but his attempt went in futile...

Sweat beads started to pool up in his forehead and only he knows how much his body is shaking inwardly... His hands are trembling and is filled with sweat and it took a good, hard minutes for him to open the door knob..

Abhi is way too startled and devastated to see his wife, Rockstar Pragya in a worst condition.... This is the reason, he is fearing to enter the room.... This is why, he is running away from her for a long time...

But, Abhi has no other choice than to face Pragya and he got the confidence with the words of Purab... But the broken state of Pragya, startles him to the core and the tears in her eyes, kills him mercilessly... Being a husband, he is not in a position to wipe her tears too....

Each drop of the precious pearl, escaping from her eyes, pricks his heart to the core and he being the reason for everything, collapses him completely

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Each drop of the precious pearl, escaping from her eyes, pricks his heart to the core and he being the reason for everything, collapses him completely... He is ashamed of his doings and uncontrollably his eyes too moisten and burning with the guiltiness in his heart....

Abhi takes a deep breath and composes himself... He shooks his head quickly and fastens the steps and nears Pragya... But he halts his steps and goes backward, seeing the deadly glare of Pragya...

Abhi, clearly misunderstood that Pragya is angry on him, thinking that he has broken his trust on her and made her to get pregnant... He falsely believed that Pragya is seeing him as that of a betrayer and had an illusion that Pragya is not at all happy with the pregnancy and may accuse him for using her like this and spoiling her image and career...

On the contrary, Pragya is way too happy with the pregnancy and is dreaming how to welcome their baby... She imagines a happy life with Abhi and their kids and is wishing to open her heart to him and propose him in a grand manner and wanna reveal the happy news of Pregnancy, to the whole world....

But, their fate is complicating the situation and a clear misunderstanding and mistrust of Abhi towards Pragya, changes the situation, way too ugly... The fear of losing his baby, makes Abhi's brain to stop it's function and he is ready to do anything and can leave pragya too, for bringing his baby to the world...

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