Epilogue: ( Part 3B) Will my longingness for my wife ends???

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This is your Crazy Buddy Mahii coming up as promised with the Finale Update....

I'm completely tensed, nervous and pooled up in varied emotions... A tough task for me to pen down, ahead of my tears...

Though it's very hard for me, I need to put an End to this story...

Hope I have carried forward the story interestingly and have keep up to your expectations, till now...

If any words, dialogues or scenes used here , are against your views or if hurts anyone directly or indirectly or personally , do forgive me...

If any of my words or replies have hurted anyone of you, do forgive your crazy buddy with a golden heart...

Don't take it personally.. As always, I expect all your love and support...

I hope I will keep up to all your expectations always...

This is the final time as the author of this story, I want you people to graciously press the 🌟 button once and proceed further... Silent readers, I hope you guys won't disappoint me...

⚠️ Read the shot with your own risk...
Strictly bashing is not allowed.... ⚠️


The anger, the hurt, the betrayal, the heart break, the separation, the revenge filled deal and the words I have spitted on you, is not to punish you... It's done to renew the love I have on you...

Love is a biggest battle.. Love is a dangerous and hard war... Love is a terrific fight in which we struggle for our rights.. Love does not begin and end with the way we seem to think it does... But Love gives us the happy end, which is a worth to fight for...

I do not want to change anything in you... I love the way you are... More than the childish and naughtiness in you, I love the bossy, adamant, arrogant, crazy and dominating nature in you...


The calm and isolated corridor of the hospital, near the ICU in the VVIP section is echoing with the weeps, sobs and loud cries of the whole family of the Rockstar Pragya... They all are bothered and praying hardly that Pragya should be fine soon...

The husband of Rockstar Pragya, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who has returned back along with his kids Kiara and Krish, to get back to the family, didn't expected such a kind of welcome... He is shattered into pieces and is  broken beyond repair...

Abhi's ears are echoing with the advices, warnings, instructions and orders given by the doctor only... He understands very lately that his one stupid mistake, his mere misunderstanding and his immaturity in taking a decision has brought these many problems...

Abhi's mind, heart and soul ripped him into pieces and sarcastically commented that he has to do something big to bring Pragya back from this deadly problem... They added that if Abhi did a mistake again, no one will even consider himself even as a human being too...

With teary eyes, he looks at everyone in the family... He folds his hands before everyone and promised that he won't repeat his mistakes ever and it's his duty to bring back Pragya to normal....

None said anything to him and they moves their gazes towards the ICU door... All are desperately waiting for the doctor or nurse to come out and inform them that Pragya has gained conscious and doing fine...


To everyone's relief, Pragya is shifted from the ICU to the normal room, as soon as she has gained conscious, after 3 long hours... After observing Pragya for more than four hours, the doctor let's Pragya to be discharged, as Pragya hates to be in the hospital anymore...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now