12. It's my revenge....

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I know Im very late and many asked me to update this story... But as a writer , cant I expect the votes for my hardwork....

Anyways, silent readers please don't mistake me , better skip my stories if you guys are not at all comfortable to vote for my stories.... I know pretty well that Im not impressing the silent readers with my writings...

Why to bother your precious time by reading my crappy write ups... Its better not to read it, if you guys are not wishing to vote.... As a writer, I expect only your votes for my hardwork....

And please my loving buddies and my loyal viewers, please don't force me and ask me when I will update... Im updating daily at least any one of my stories without fail... So, please understand my turmoil too...

Dealing with 10 stories is not an easy task as you all think... Lot of mental thinking is needed to differentiate each stories..... As the casts are similiar, its really very hard to show the characters in different aura... I hope I have done justice to all my stories so far without any repetition....

Im updating all the ten stories within a week and day by day its getting very tough for me as my health is not at all pretty well and I too have my own personal life and commitments... I cant sit all day with my mobile to update my stories...

So, its the votes which is going to get your updates quicker.... Please understand my situation and im expecting all your support...

Pretty please don't pm me or write in the message board asking for when i will update... My answer will be the same only... Please do understand my problem... I will update whenever I find time....

I am very happy that you guys are asking for updates as you all are fond of my stories... But now a days, I have to sneak in or to lock myself into a room or have to stay awake late night to update my stories so that I won't be get caught by anyone in my family...

As Im getting headache often, a strict survillance is there in my home not to use mobile much and that too for longer time... It will take more than 3 to 5 hours to plan a plot and pen down a chapter ....

Im finding chances to escape and posting my stories with much difficulty... Huh... Pray for me that I should never get caught in my home....

Im expecting all your support and please don't trouble me for updates... I won't run away without updating....

Now to shot. 12:

Rockstar Pragya woke up with a pounding headache

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Rockstar Pragya woke up with a pounding headache... Her head is spinning and her body is paining too hard.... Pragya feels a chill in her body when she stretches her hands...

Pragya horrifies on seeing herself completely naked but is covered up properly with a duvet... She spots abhi sleeping near by to her... For a second pragya has a doubt whether its rocky or abhi as their faces are similar ...

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now