4. Destiny's terrific and tricky play...

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Thanks for all your love and support...

My sincere apologies for being late...

No boring bak baks...

Shot. 4:

Bulbul and Ro dadi are very happy that they have found the best match for Pragya... They are waiting impatiently for the match maker's call... Purab too joins them...

The phone rings... Ro dadi happily takes the phone and is expecting to hear the good news.....

Voice: Hello Madam ji... Iv enquired about him... His name is Abhishekh Prem Mehra , elder Son of late mohan mehra and sarla mehra... He is working as a teacher in a small school... Madamji, do you really want to know about him further...

Ro Dadi: yes... Go ahead...

Voice: He is a good person... His mother and brother means a world to him... His family runs in his income only... A hard working person... But the problem is....

Ro dadi: What problem??? Is he already married???

Voice: No...None are ready to marry him... because ..

Ro dadi: why??? You said na he is good....

Voice: yes he is a good person madam ji... But he is a chashmish, nerdy, not trendy and modern, always wears boring dresses and all and he wont match to your trendy and modern grand daughter for sure....

No one is willing to marry him eventhough he is good at heart..  Moreover, I came to know that he even does all the house hold works too... I think he wont suit your family's class n status...

Ro dadi: I know what is best for my granddaughter... just arrange for a meeting with them... I wanna meet them in person... Send me his photo...

Ro dadi cuts the call and informs purab and bulbul regarding this matter...

Purab: Im scared dadi... Will it workout??? They are poles apart... This Abhishekh is very shy and calm while our pragya is full of attitudes n ego... He is not a fashionista n our pragya is a fashion freak...

Moreover, our pragya is born and brought up in luxury... They are from a small family... How will it match dadi??? How can pragya go and stay there???

Ro dadi: Purab... Iv decided... He is the one for pragya... You have not seen him in person... Such a gem of a person he is...

He is the one whom I want for my pragya and Im damn sure his love and care  will change our pragya for sure...
I wanna meet her ma in person and want to ask her whether she is ready to send her son to our home...

Bulbul: 😱😱😱😱.... How is this possible dadi??? No one will accept for this...

Ro dadi: Arrey... Wait... Let me talk to her ma and hope she understands our situation too...

Purab: Lets hope for the best dadi.. I dont know what's their fate would be...   Dadi... See your mobile is blinking..  I think his photo has come dadi...

Purab takes ro dadi's mobile and downloads the snap... He is shocked to the core to see abhi's photo..

Purab: 😨😨😨😨😨...  Is he the one dadi n bulbul???

  Is he the one dadi n bulbul???

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