Bonus Chapter: None of your explanations gonna heal the wounds in my heart...

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Nothing can compensate the pain, I have gone through... Whatever explanations you gonna give to me , won't heal the wounds in my heart... Don't expect me to forgive you that much easily... However hard you try too, the mother in me will never forgive you for the sins, you have done to me and to our kids...

Let's fix a lifetime deal... You have to obey my orders and act according to that, here after... Welcome to the living hell, the biggest betrayer of my life...

True love can pass through any hurdles... After all, to have a happily ever after, true love has to pass through many difficult phases...


Pragya reluctantly enters the house along with Krish and Kiara, unaware that it's a smart plan of her lost family to unite with her... Pragya feels an unusual pain in her heart and she couldn't understand, why she is experiencing such kind of weird and unwanted feelings...

Pragya mentally smacks herself , as she forget to ask the names of the kids too... Pragya wanders her eyes here and there, looking for the kids, as they have left her alone in the living room of the small house...  Pragya couldn't stop admiring the house, as it's kept very neat and is being maintained and decorated, as per the way she likes it...

Pragya is not able to control her jealousy, as she thinks that how the kid's father is a responsible man, who takes care of his kids properly and inculcates good quality in them and also he is a loving and supportive husband to his wife too...

Pragya is not able to control her jealousy, as she thinks that how the kid's father is a responsible man, who takes care of his kids properly and inculcates good quality in them and also he is a loving and supportive husband to his wife too

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As the kids had kept on saying her that their Papa loves their Mumma so much, all Pragya wants to scream hardly that her husband Abhi too loved her dearly and took care of her properly...

But her inner self mocks her that where is her so called husband Abhi, who abandoned her in a critical situation and let her to suffer alone, all these years... It's so hectic for Pragya to control her tears, as she is not blessed enough to see her kids, till now...

Her heart is longing and craving a lot and keeps on saying her that how it will be, if the cute boy and the naughty girl are her kids... But her mind argued and questioned her that what she will do, if they are her kids...

Pragya's head blasted with heavy pain and she feels suffocated to be in the house, anymore... She is not ready to face any awkward moment in her life again, which shows her vulnerability to anyone... She rushes to the front door, but to her poor luck, the door is being locked from outside...

Pragya let's out a deep breath and moves towards the nearby room, calling if anyone is inside or not... But she didn't hear any kind of sound from the room... Pragya opens the room and enters inside, which is cutely designed for the little ones...

Pragya walks towards the kid's photo kept in the nightstand, holds it lovingly in her hands and and traces it gently... She couldn't stop herself from kissing it and she hugs the photo, as tightly as she can... Just then, her nostrils hits the sweet smell of the food items, which are her favourite ones and only Abhi is aware of that secret....

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now