27. Bitter memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks...

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Warning: Read at your own risk...

Contains some emotional  😭😭😭😭  scenes and 😊😊😊😊😊 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 scenes ..

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


Love is like a war... It's very easy to start but impossible to forget or give up...

Love is longing for half of ourselves which we lost because of foolishness and our mere stupidity...

Deep in my heart, I'm concealing many things which I'm longing to say to you... But I'm hell scared to confess you what I'm feeling now because I'm terribly frightened that you will slip away from me...


Aaliya reaches the college and keeps the food in Sid's place... She stares at the place longingly and a silent tear rolls from her eyes and kisses her lips with a bitter taste reminding of all the dark and unwanted memories which she want to badly delete from her life...

Aaliya feels an unknown pain, which is crumpling her into pieces and her whole self is trembling, as why her fate is so cruel and pushing her in a living hell... She couldn't understand what mistake she had done and why Sid couldn't understand her pure love all these days...

She is in an inner turmoil as why on earth, Sid changed his mind set all of a sudden and how come he started to behave the opposite and forces his love on her, which is unsaid all these days

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She is in an inner turmoil as why on earth, Sid changed his mind set all of a sudden and how come he started to behave the opposite and forces his love on her, which is unsaid all these days...

Aaliya couldn't figure out as why she senses that Sid has been loving her for a long time and has backed off and purposely hurted for some unsaid reasons.... She badly wants to know the hidden thing which is pricking her heart, all these days...

Tears are completely betraying Aaliya, as she remembers how vulnerable and helpless was Sid when sarlama slapped him hardly and said that he is no more her son..... Aaliya understands how much Sid would have felt bad at that time and her helpless state not to console him, when he need the most from her...

She sits in Sid's place and leans on the table and feels that she in leaning on her love sid and finds solace in his arms to wipe away the pains that's pricking her heart to the core... She understands from the foot steps that all the students are coming to the class....

Aaliya quickly gets up from the place and looks at the place longingly... She takes a deep breath and wipes her tears...  She plasters a fake smile in her face and moved to her place and her eyes are completely fixed on the door which is carving to see the glimpse of her love...

But to Aaliya's dismay, the college bell rings and the classes too started as the lecturer gets inside the class... He started the lectures as soon as he entered but Aaliya is not in a mood to listen anything he teaches... After a good long half an hour, the lecturer finally completes the class....

Longing For My WIFE -  Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now